Path of light

Chapter 403 404 Dance of Glory

Chapter 403 404. Dance of Glory

Claire wore a thick velvet cloak and stood on the black rocks of a mountain ridge opposite the castle.

He faced the north wind, closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of the strong wind whistling past the rocks.

He felt that after studying for so long, he should be able to listen to the whispers of nature like Roy. He had never been able to do it before, maybe he was just unlucky.

The adventure group can only stay in the black iron mine for about a week, and Claire really wants to have a good conversation with Roy - 'About the sounds in nature'.

But Roy has been too busy recently and has no chance to talk to him about these things.

A gust of wind blew, and Claire raised his arms to cover his face. When he lowered his arms, he saw Roy standing on the black boulder, also facing the wind, squinting and looking at the wilderness in the distance.

The clear blue sky reflects three towering snow-capped mountains, and a giant golden-eyed eagle hovers in the sky, occasionally emitting high-pitched chirps...

"Claire, I've been here for almost a week and I haven't been able to entertain you well. Have you gained anything these days?" Roy put his hand on Claire's shoulder and asked him with a smile.

Roy knew what his friend was thinking. He was the kind of elf noble who could spend his whole life pursuing art.

Claire came all the way here because she wanted to exchange some musical experiences with herself.

Claire shook her head vigorously and said to Roy in frustration:

"Roy, I feel like the natural medium doesn't recognize me enough..."

Roy had no way to explain this matter.

Seeing his pitiful look, Roy made a silencing gesture to him, and then said:

"Shh~ don't say that. In fact, they are right next to us. Look at that golden eagle..."

Roy pointed to the sky with his finger, and the golden-eyed giant eagle was gliding into the wind...

Then, Roy hummed a melody.

Claire's eyes became brighter and brighter. He quickly took out a parchment book and a charcoal pencil, and meticulously recorded the melody that Roy hummed.

In the past few years, he has been constantly trying to compose music. Although he has not achieved any success, he is very skilled in listening to music and notating music.

Moreover, he must record it as accurately as possible.

Because when Roy hums it a second time, the melody he hums usually does not exactly match the one he hummed the first time.

It turns out that the first tune Roy hums is often the best.

A gust of wind crackled the parchment book Claire was holding...

Claire turned her back and recorded the melody with her frozen hands.

Roy didn't want to continue blowing the cold wind with Claire here, so he put his arm around his shoulders. The two of them jumped off the rock together and walked along a path in the direction of the Black Iron Mine Castle. As they walked, they said:

"Let's call this piece "Song of the Eagle"! It might be more suitable to play it on a panpipe..."

Claire carefully put the sheepskin book into the magic waist bag, looked at Roy with envy, and asked him: "Roy, I really want to know, can you hear the beautiful melodies in nature all the time?"

"Actually, I only hear it occasionally... Just like now when I stand on the top of the mountain, I can only hear such a melody when I calm down." Roy said nonsense. A lie often needs ten lies to cover up. He regretted doing it in the first place. Why should I be so impulsive? Now I can only comfort my friend: "Let's go. It's easy to catch a cold if the cold wind blows on the top of the mountain for too long."

When Claire came to Pagisto Plateau, she actually kept thinking about how she could help Roy.

He doesn't have the outstanding martial arts skills of Sabrina, nor is he a magician like Miss Tiffany, nor is he good at botany. The ways he can help Roy are actually very limited. In fact, he has been thinking about it for a long time, and now he is trying it out. ask:

"Roy, what should we do with the spinel mined from the gem mine and the mithril ingots smelted from the mithril mine? Are they all to be handed over to the Silver Pegasus Legion?"

Roy recalled the conversation between Count Swinburne and himself, and said frankly: "Pay half of it, and I will handle the rest by myself. The main part is the military expenses of the mixed-blood elf guard."

"Have you ever thought about transporting these magic metals and gems to the Elf Continent for sale?" Claire asked curiously.

"Now there are no decent trading houses in the Partington plane, so I can only find a way to transport them back to Castletown. Fortunately, I have a trade license from the Partington plane. I want to transport them out without much trouble. ..." Roy said.

Claire said to Roy: "If you want to open the market for these spinel and mithril ingots in Castletown City, it is best to join the Mining Association. My uncle is a member of the Mining Association. I can help you get a letter of recommendation."

Roy blinked, smiled and said to his friend: "Then you'd better help me find another warehouse..."

"Leave it to me." Claire immediately cheered up and asked Roy, "Roy, are you going to continue taking a break from school?"

"Well, we can't just throw this mess out here just to go to school." Roy said with a sigh.

The two walked down the path on the hillside and returned to the castle. Claire plunged into the room and did not come out.

Several mixed-blood elf warriors surrounded Roy and climbed onto the city wall.

A group of gray dwarves had hemp ropes tied around their waists and hung outside the city wall. They were using stones and mortar to fill the cracked gaps outside the city wall...

This week, Moira will follow Deputy Captain Tennyson into the wilderness every day to detect the movements of the plateau headhunters.

However, Moira had never met those headhunters. According to the Dark Moon Elf warriors in the team, those headhunters had their faces covered in black paint and could hunt one-horned bison by throwing them from a hundred meters away.

In the past few days, Moira has traveled all over the wasteland at the foot of the Edas Snow Mountain.

She wore tight-fitting light leather armor and followed the Dark Moon Elf warriors around on horseback. In the afternoon, Deputy Captain Tennyson would take some time alone to do some individual training with Moira.

Vice Captain Tennyson spoke very straightforwardly. He told Moira that the elementary martial arts skills she learned in the Elf Academy were not very practical for a real assassin.

An excellent assassin must maximize his concealment.

Moira called Teacher Tennyson, but Tennyson insisted that she call him by his name...

Moira led the horse, leaned against an arched rock pillar, and asked Deputy Captain Tennyson: "Tennyson, what will the assassin become after he is promoted?"

"Abyss Walkers will truly enter the ranks of the strong at that time." Vice Captain Tennyson replied without thinking.

Moira listened attentively, her lips pursed with curious eyes, and there was a light layer of down on her pointed ears. The afternoon sun shone through the black rock arch and shone on the back of her head, making everything around her body appear. A circle of light.

Deputy Captain Tennyson continued to say to Moira:

"After you learn how to backstab and hide, you also need to understand the 'power' and break through the bottleneck of a tenth-level warrior before you can become an assassin."

As for Moira, she had actually felt the existence of 'potential' in her body, but that strange feeling was not very stable and only appeared occasionally.

According to Sabrina, maybe when Moira seizes an opportunity, she can become a real assassin.

Vice Captain Tennyson continued:

"However, it is not easy to transform from an assassin to an abyss walker. At least ninety-nine of a hundred assassins may spend their entire lives seeking breakthroughs."

"In the process of seeking breakthroughs, these assassins have developed many schools. The school I pursue is a more extreme one. In fact, you'd better not imitate me. Just understand a little bit about these things. What I pursue is: Taking off armor, because wearing leather armor will affect the speed of assassination. For me, as long as I have a sharp dagger..."


Vice Captain Tennyson usually talks very little. He is the kind of taciturn Dark Moon Elf. Only when he talks about these things does he seem to talk a lot.

Moira stood next to the stone pillar and could only nod stupidly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to try a new exercise." Vice Captain Tennyson said, looking at the ledge in the distance and appearing in the sun.

He did not walk over directly, but hid behind the stone pillar, letting his body blur in the shadows. His body faded into a shadow, and then he leaned over and touched the ledge.

A brown dog is standing up high, staring at the surroundings. Its eyes are extremely alert, and it will make a sharp neigh at the slightest sign of trouble...

Tennyson hid in the shadows, slowly approaching the dog from the rocky hillside, until he could reach out and grab the dog's neck, and then quietly retreated back.

Then Deputy Captain Tennyson asked Moira to try this...

Moira also skillfully hid in the shadows and hid herself. She followed the route that Deputy Captain Tennyson had just taken and slowly approached the silly dog ​​rat.

Moira held her breath and took every step forward carefully, trying to hide her body in the blind spot of the dog's sight as much as possible.

But Moira had just walked halfway when the brown dog suddenly turned its head suddenly, looked over blankly with its black bean-like eyes, let out a shrill cry in its throat, and then suddenly got behind the boss. in the hole.

Moira froze on the spot in astonishment...

Tennyson came out from behind the black rock, stood next to Moira, and asked her:

"Do you know why it found you?"

Moira shook her head. She had tried to walk as softly as possible and hid her blurry body in the shadows as much as possible, but she was still discovered by the dog rat.

"You did successfully avoid the sight and hearing of the dog, but you did not avoid its sense of smell. He felt your scent." Deputy Captain Tennyson said, he paused slightly, and then said more seriously: "Moira, the enemies you have to face are not as stupid as dogs and rats."

In fact, for Tennyson, the best way to teach is to arrange an assassination mission for Moira.

Most assassination techniques require deep understanding in combat.

Of course, it is impossible for Tennyson to take Moira on an assassination mission.

We can only do some targeted training after the field investigation is over to let Moira understand what she needs to pay attention to as an assassin...

Unexpectedly, Moira made rapid progress in just a few days.

When resting in the castle, she would always be barefoot and wearing a white nightgown, quietly approaching Roy. Sometimes she would give him a little scare, and sometimes she would hand him a peeled apple. Moira always enjoyed it.

Roy sat on the chair, his eyes passing over the beautiful elf in front of him. In fact, the areas that should be bulging were already very full. A happy smile was always jumping in his big and smart eyes. Roy put his arms around Moira's slender waist. Limbs, taste the attractive red lips like cherries.

But when he thought of Ms. Gillian standing in front of the fish stall with a fish-killing knife in her hand and a sharp look in her eyes, Roy quickly retracted the hand that he secretly extended.

He is not a child anymore. At that time, he had the courage to lift Sabrina's skirt without being beaten because he was still young.

If you do something like that again now, nine lives will not be enough to kill you.

In the cold wind, Sabrina wore a set of heavy armor and stood on a mushroom-shaped black rock.

A group of mixed elf warriors gathered around Black Rock, and they all looked at Sabrina.

Sabrina inserted the Seruki sword in her hand on the black rock and said to the surrounding mixed-blood elf warriors:

"In the past few days, you have learned some elementary martial arts skills from the Elf Academy. These elementary martial arts skills must be practiced continuously to allow the body to react naturally during combat in order to be effective. Although I don't know how to teach you how to defend, I I can show you how to defend."

After saying this, Sabrina arranged for ten mixed-blood elf warriors to besiege her at the same time.

And she was standing on this black rock with a diameter of less than two meters...

The mixed-blood elf warriors have been practicing cooperative combat these days. They communicated in a low voice before surrounding them with weapons.

Two half-blood elf warriors stood in front of Sabrina, with six half-blood elf warriors standing on both sides.

There are also two mixed elf warriors behind Sabrina waiting for an opportunity...

The mixed elf warrior standing in front of Sabrina was the first to attack.

The two mixed-blood elf warriors held up their iris shields and jumped onto the stone platform to face Sabrina. When they saw Sabrina slashing down with Seruki's sword in her hand, they quickly raised their swords to parry...

It's just that the two mixed elf warriors obviously underestimated Sabrina's explosive power.

The long sword in Sabrina's hand first hit the long sword of a mixed-blood elf. Sparks burst out, and the mixed-blood elf warrior was shaken by a huge force and fell off the black rock.

Seruki's long sword struck the shield of the mixed elf warrior behind him, and the mixed elf warrior staggered back.

Seeing Sabrina take action, the six mixed-blood elf warriors standing beside her took the opportunity to rush in.

The long sword in Sabrina's hand held the three mixed elf warriors on the left, but her body wrapped in heavy armor crashed into the three mixed elf warriors on the right, and a burst of light suddenly erupted from her body.

It was as if a mountain of swords surrounded Sabrina, knocking back all the half-blood elf swordsmen who took the opportunity to surround her.

The ‘Dance of Glory’ immediately shocked the entire audience.

There is only one chapter today

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