Path of light

Chapter 402 403 Friends

Chapter 402 403. Friends

The adventure group walked north for another two days before finding the black iron mine in northern Gazai.

The mixed-blood elf warriors guarding the watchtower saw the adventure group again and immediately called the guarding mixed-blood elf warriors to enter a state of alert.

The guide came to the city and after repeated inquiries, he found out that it was the boss's friend who had found this place...

The mixed elf warrior quickly ran down the stairs and reported the incident to Roy.

Roy is training a team of mixed elf warriors in the yard.

Roy requires the mixed elf warriors to be fully armed every day and wear all the armor on their bodies. The metal armor can only be taken off when sleeping, so that they can quickly adapt to the heavy metal armor on their bodies.

Otherwise, once on the battlefield, you will be out of breath after just two steps. No matter how sophisticated the armor is, it will be a burden to wear on your body.

Hearing that Moira, Sabrina, Woods, Tiffany, and Blair came directly from Castletown, Roy quickly asked someone to open the door of the castle, and he personally welcomed them out of the castle.

More than a month ago, Roy received a letter from Moira and knew that everyone would come to Pagisto Plateau around this time.

I've been too busy lately, so I can't wait at the No. 1 Mine.

Roy hurriedly walked out of the castle gate and saw several friends riding horses and walking over the mountain road...

He strode down the steps...

He came to Moira's side, stretched out his hand to pull the reins of her horse, then held her hand and helped her off the horse.

Moira looked well-behaved and quiet, her face as red as a red apple.

She hid behind Sabrina in embarrassment.

Roy walked up and hugged Sabrina, smelled the faint smell of lavender on her body, and hugged Woods, Blair, and Miss Tiffany, and then said to everyone: "You are here at the right time. Since you are here, Now, just stay here and help for the next few days!"

After that, he led his friends into the castle hall, arranged rooms for them, and asked everyone to rest for a while, have something to eat, and then reminisce about old times together.

Woods obviously did not receive such treatment. Roy directly pulled Woods to a mountainous area, which was covered with fish-scale terraces. Each terrace was built with stones. There were no crops planted on these terraces, only some Low shrubs.

Roy pulled Woods and walked quickly to the hillside outside the castle.

Pointing to the red berries, Roy said to Woods:

"Woods, I want to plant some fruit trees here, you have to help me think of a way."

Woods looked at the surrounding environment, took a breath of air-conditioning, and whispered to Roy: "I'll give it a try. The environment here is not suitable for growing fruit trees, so it may not be successful. This kind of red berry is not only cold-resistant, but also tastes good... …”

"Woods, you can cultivate a few shorter fruit trees. They should not only be wind and cold resistant, but also be able to grow delicious apples. You can't have all the apples brought in from outside..." Roy said.

He has great confidence in Woods.

"Roy, I'm a Druid, but I'm really not a tree spirit, and I'm not used to carrying saplings with me when I travel."

Woods frowned and protested to Roy.

The journey from Castletown to the Gassar Mountains on the Pattington Pagesto Plateau takes at least twenty days.

Each semester of the Elf Academy only lasts for two months, which means that Sabrina and the others can only stay here for a week if they want to rush back to the black iron mines in the Gasai Mountains.

Along the way, in order to see Roy as soon as possible, everyone almost slept in the open air.

After arriving at the castle in the North Black Iron Mine, I could finally take a good bath.

Moira stood in the floor-to-ceiling bronze mirror, surrounded by water vapor, and looked at herself in the mirror, which was a little blurry. She gently wiped away the water drops blocking her face, and a smile quietly bloomed on the beautiful blushing face in the mirror. .

Sabrina stood behind Moira with her towel wrapped around her, drying her hair.

Miss Tiffany is still soaking in the bathtub and refuses to come out. It is said that she will sleep in this big bathtub tonight...

Wearing a long white dress, Moira couldn't wait to run out of the room.

Roy was sitting in the living room on the first floor, chatting with Claire.

Woods was not seen.

Moira walked to the stair step, immediately slowed down her pace, put a hand on her chest, tried to slow down her breathing, and walked down the stairs step by step.

When Roy looked up at Moira, there was a glint in his eyes.

Moira pursed her lips slightly, feeling secretly proud.

Roy stood up on his own initiative, asked Moira to sit on the sofa opposite, and then asked with a smile: "Isn't this journey quite hard?"

"Fortunately, I got here just when I was about to lose control..."

Moira spoke softly.

"Thank you for coming to see me, it makes me feel like there is still some hope for my life here!" Roy said with a smile.

At this time, Sabrina also walked downstairs wearing a corn-colored dress.

"Roy, what can we do?" Sabrina asked.

Roy thought about it seriously and smiled bitterly: "Sabrina, you can teach these mixed-blood elf warriors some basic martial arts. Some of the mixed-blood elf warriors still can't even hold a long sword steadily."

"Yeah." Sabrina agreed.

Moira quickly asked Roy:

"What about me? Roy, what can I do for you?"

Roy thought for a while and then said to Moira: "There is a very powerful Dark Moon Elf in the mine. I asked him to teach you some assassin's fighting skills."


Moira blinked, not realizing Roy's words at first.

When she understood, she immediately stared at Roy with wide eyes.

Roy discovered that since Moira met Miss Tiffany, her introverted personality has become much more cheerful.

Roy smiled.

It happened that the two dark moon elf captains, Timothy and Tennyson, returned from the mine with a group of dark moon elves at this time and passed by the corridor next to the castle.

They took the Dark Moon Elf warriors to patrol around Edas Mountain every day to see if there were any traces of plateau headhunters nearby.

Roy called out to Tennyson who was about to walk over:

"Tennyson, wait a minute!"

Timothy waved to Tennyson, motioning for him to go over, and then led the other Dark Moon elves through the corridor and left...

"Boss, what do you want from me?"

When Tennyson spoke, there was no expression on his face, like a stone statue hidden in the shadows.

Roy had long been accustomed to Tennyson's appearance and said to him:

"I have something to ask of you. You have recently taken the time to teach Moira the real assassin fighting techniques."

Roy pointed at the angry mixed-blood elf opposite.

Tennyson looked up at Moira and nodded to Roy, "Then starting from tomorrow morning, she can go out on duty with our Dark Moon Elf team."

After saying that, without checking whether Moira was willing, she turned around and left...

He is such a dark moon elf. He usually has a very dull personality, but he is the most skilled among this group of dark moon elves.

As soon as Moira arrived at the mine, she saw Roy looking for a teacher for her. Although she was a little dissatisfied, she did not refuse...

She knew that Roy had good intentions, but rather than learning those boring martial arts skills, she wanted to follow Roy and see his daily life.

Claire asked Roy curiously:

"Roy, how many mines do you operate now?"

Roy replied: "There are eight in total, three spinel mines, two mithril mines and three black iron mines. The gem mines and mithril mines are currently operating smoothly, and the three black iron mines are running smoothly." The mines have all stopped working, and there is a mithril mine that is currently short of miners. I am planning to wait for the gray dwarves to finish their work here, and then send them to the southern mithril mine to mine."

"So, I'm afraid your studies will be suspended for a while?" Claire asked Roy.

Roy nodded helplessly and said: "The Silver Pegasus Legion suddenly withdrew from the Partington plane. Many of the mines left behind have no managers. I am firmly tied here this time." ."

"Since it is an entrustment from Earl Swinburne, it must be done well. I heard that there may be a war here?"

"Well, those plateau headhunters were driven into the mountains in the north by the Silver Pegasus warriors. No one knows when they will emerge."

Woods followed from behind and said to Roy, "Roy, I'll stay and help you."

"Okay!" Roy agreed without hesitation.

"We'll stay too..." Moira rushed to say.

She looked at her sister Sabrina with some embarrassment and made a decision for her sister without permission. She didn't know if she would be unhappy...

Roy shook his head very firmly: "No, you have to go to school."


Roy stood up, leaned over and picked up a thick woolen cloak from the wall, put it on Moira, and put the hood of the cloak on her head, and said to her: "Let's go, while there is still some time left." Time, I’ll take you around here!”

With several friends coming to the black iron mine to help, Roy felt much more relaxed every day.

Recently, he has been busy surveying the terrain, reinforcing the castle in the black iron mine, training these half-blood elf warriors who can't even be called rookies, and finally making some basic war reserves. He simply can't stop.

Now that the training of mixed-blood elf warriors is handed over to Sabrina, Woods and Claire help survey the surrounding terrain, and life becomes much easier.

During the break, Roy sat with a few friends and chatted about Castletown and the Elf Academy.

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