In the human world, the Yin and Shang dynasties, Chaoge City.

Since leaving Biyou Palace, Long Aotian came to Chaoge. Relying on his status as a disciple of the saint, Long Aotian soon became the national preceptor of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Relying on the decree of Master Tongtian, the disciples of Jiejiao in the imperial court also respected him.

In just over ten years in the world, the Yin and Shang dynasties enjoyed peace and prosperity with the help of a group of immortals.

The barbarians from all over the world surrendered, and the guests from all directions surrendered. All eight hundred princes returned to Shang, and he became the well-deserved lord of the world.

The luck of the Yin and Shang Dynasties is also extremely stable, with no sign of decline.

At this time, no one would doubt that Yin Shang would die in just a few years.

But under the days, no human power can stop it.

During this period, there was a rebellion among the seventy-two princes in Beihai. But soon, the imperial army wiped them out. In addition, the court’s proper governance did not cause much impact.

Di Xin was very proud of this, and from then on Di Xing’s mentality began to slowly change. I no longer listen to the words of good people as before, and I start to become a little arrogant.

As time went by, he gradually became a little less concerned about government affairs.

It’s just that there are a group of Jiejiao immortals to help, and there are also great sages from the human race serving as officials in the court. There was no major chaos in the government.

Others can’t see it clearly, it’s just because Emperor Xin was slacking in government affairs. But Long Aotian, the imperial master, knew very well that this was the beginning of the complete decline of the Yin Shang Dynasty.

Under the general trend of becoming a god, Long Aotian is also unable to resist

“Now that Emperor Xin has done this even before the canonization of gods has begun, I am afraid it will become even worse in the future.”

In the Imperial Master’s Mansion, Long Aotian was pacing in the hall alone.

He was silently counting Yin Shang’s Qi, but he couldn’t see anything. At a glance, it was just gray. Long Aotian understood that this was the calamity Qi. Interference cannot be detected by oneself

“Could it be that the magical power is really no match for the heavens, and the Yin Shang’s huge fortune will really be wiped out?”

In the past, Long Aotian didn’t believe that magical powers were no match for the gods. But after being saved in the prehistoric times, he had to believe it.

But now that he has joined the Jiejiao sect, there is no chance of regret.

One will be prosperous, one will suffer. Now Long Aotian The relationship between heaven and Jiejiao.

Just while thinking about it, Long Aotian couldn’t help but think of Taiyuan Dao Zun, the leader of the human sect.

Regarding Honghuang, the thing he couldn’t understand the most was this saint.

In the past few years since he came to Honghuang, Long Aotian learned a lot of information about the saint from various places.

Many things are difficult for mortals to understand, but for Jiejiao disciples, it is very simple. A lot of information is not a secret in the monastic world.

Like. The Lich War, the Saint’s Proof and Sainthood, the Saints’ Establishment of Religions, etc.

Long Aotian also gradually understood.

But the more he understood, the more terrifying Long Aotian felt.

For example, the Saint did not become a Saint with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, such as the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It was not formed by the earth of the ancestral witch, but was naturally generated from the beginning of the world.

These all surprised him, because it was very different from the history he knew.

In Long Aotian’s view, this Taiyuan Taoist On the contrary, Zun is like a time traveler, a real winner in life.

He has the identity of Pangu Zongzong, as well as three innate treasures and one treasure of merit. He is also the first saint to achieve enlightenment and become a saint, which is a perfect template for the protagonist.

Compared with this saint, he is nothing.

Thinking of this, Long Aotian laughed at himself.

On this day, the morning court ceremony began in Chaoge City.

After the ceremony, the ceremony officer loudly announced:”There is a performance. Break up without incident.ԺŔ(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as Li Guan finished speaking, he saw a person from the right class walking out, holding his tooth wat high and bowing slightly.

It was Prime Minister Shang Rong.

Shang Ronglang said:”Your Majesty, March 15th is the Christmas day of the Holy Mother Nuwa. Please come to the Nuwa Palace to offer incense!”

Although heaven is here, the influence of saints is still there in the human world. Above the heaven. Empress Nuwa is one of the seven saints in the heavens, and everyone knows it. When Shang Rong said this, everyone looked solemn.

But one person’s expression changed drastically. This person was Long Aotian, the master of the Yin Shang Kingdom.[]

He knew that the offering of incense in Nuwa Palace was the beginning of the God-conferring Killing Tribulation. Once Emperor Xin left, there was no guarantee that there would be no trouble. But he couldn’t stop Di Xin from offering incense to Empress Nuwa, which made Long Aotian a little embarrassed.

Long Aotian was a little absent-minded for a moment, and Di Xin happened to see this scene again.

Di Xin still respected this national teacher who was born in Jiejiao. After all, only with the support of Jie Jiao can one’s own empire be secure.

Emperor Xin didn’t care that the imperial master was distracted, but looked at Shang Rong and asked:”I wonder what merits this Nuwa has, and she actually wants the lonely king to condescend to her?”

As soon as these words came out, the Manchu civil and military officials were shocked. Eclipsed.

It is really surprising that such rebellious words came from Di Xin’s mouth.

Some timid courtiers were frightened out of their wits after hearing what Emperor Xin said.

There are gods in this world, and even in the court there are disciples of saints. Didn’t Di Xin’s words directly offend the saint Nuwa? It was really a big sin.

And the most surprising thing is that Di Xin actually forgot the birthday of Empress Nuwa.

It was not the first time for Emperor Xin to offer incense to the Empress Nuwa. It had happened twice before for Di Xin. Although incense is not burned every year, the world will never forget it.

Looking at Di Xin’s attitude, not only has he completely forgotten the world, he has even forgotten about Nuwa.

Long Aotian used his Dharma Eyes to see something. If you look carefully, Emperor Xin is protected by the true essence of crape myrtle, and there is no evil thing in sight.

“.It’s really strange why Di Xin would say such crazy words.”Long Aotian thought in his heart, and his expression soon returned to calm.

All the ministers were shocked. Although Shang Rong was shocked after hearing Emperor Xin’s words, he quickly regained his composure. He raised his hands to Emperor Xin and said,”Nuwa is the queen. One of the seven saints in the heavens is the Hunyuan saint.

In the ancient lich war, the empress made stones to mend the sky and made great contributions to the heaven and the earth. Later, he created our human race, and Empress Nuwa was our holy mother.

Since ancient times, our human race has repayed this by erecting temples. For such a great person, the king should lead hundreds of officials to offer incense to the empress! After hearing this

, King Zhou just waved his hands in boredom.

He said to Shang Rong:”Queen Zhun is writing, and Aiqing will have full authority to handle everything!””

After that, seeing that no one had the memorial, King Zhou led everyone back to the palace.

Seeing this, Shang Rong and many ministers all shook their heads and sighed. Regarding the Yin and Shang Dynasties, many people have felt the strange atmosphere, but not Know where it came from.

Everyone went down to discuss and prepare to go to Nuwa Palace to offer incense to Nuwa Empress.

Long Aotian once again used his magical power to see what caused Di Xin’s sudden change.

This observation can be It’s amazing, Long Aotian really discovered something strange…

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