Jin’ao Island, Biyou Palace.

The leader of the Tongtian cult was in a state of confusion, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside the sky.

From the clear secret, Tongtian saw the intertwining of the fate and cause of the two religions of human interpretation. There is a vague tendency to unite. Although it is not clear, this trend has already begun.

Seeing this, Tongtian didn’t know that Yuanshi had united with Taiyuan.

“You Yuanshi Tianzun, you think that we are one body of Xuanmen, but you directly unite with that outsider!”

The previous alliance with the Western Sect was just a tendency to get closer. But this time, the Ren and Chan sects have really come together.

In dealing with the Jie sect, the Ren and Chan sects have a common goal.

Tongtian is also very resentful towards Taiyuan. He just established a dojo on Jin’ao Island and just recruited disciples here. As for killing all his Jiejiao? The general trend of

Tianshu is not in Jiejiao. The previous few The saints also suppressed Jiejiao in a subtle way, and did not take such blatant actions as now.

But this time, Taiyuan’s attitude was very clear.

This made it even more difficult for Jiejiao, who was already struggling.

With a wave of Tongtian’s sleeves, all four sides The murderous swords suddenly appeared in the hall.

The four swords were located in the four directions of east, west, north and south. When the four 17 swords appeared, the void in the entire hall trembled. There was a faint tendency to be torn apart. , if it is outside, its sword energy is enough to destroy a thousand worlds.

These four swords are Tongtian’s Four Swords of Zhuxian.

Ever since Taiyuan destroyed the Zhuxian Formation in the chaos last time, Tongtian has been thinking hard about how to kill Zhuxian. The formation has been further improved.

Now the four swords are integrated into one, and the formation diagram has been completely refined into it. The four swords are me in you, and you in me. It will be more difficult to break the formation than before.

Unless it is the four who break the formation. A saint can also achieve the unity of the four saints, otherwise it will not be easy to break the Zhuxian Formation.

Even if he is facing four saints, Tongtian is confident.

But now Tongtian is facing not just four saints, but six entire saints. A saint.

Although Tongtian is arrogant, he also knows the importance.

Even with the Zhuxian Formation in hand, Tongtian has absolutely no chance of winning.

Looking at Chaoge City, Tongtian said firmly:”You have to use the power of heaven to suppress me. Then let’s have a good fight in this world. At worst, they will fall apart and it will be like earth, water, wind, and fire all over again!”

Leaving Qingdu Mountain, the Antarctic Immortal came to heaven.

Although his incarnation is in heaven as the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, it is only an incarnation after all. Some things still require the Antarctic Immortal to come in person to explain to the Great Heavenly Lord.

Haotian was very polite when he saw the arrival of the Antarctic Immortal.

Although the Antarctic Immortal was still a Daluo Golden Immortal, his strength was far from that of Hunyuan Golden Immortal like himself.

But this was only temporary. In the future, the Antarctic Immortal would always He will become a powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

What’s more, he is a disciple of a saint, and a disciple of the saint Taiyuan Dao Zun who supports him the most. His incarnation is also a great emperor in the heaven, and he can often be seen. It’s just that in the past, the Antarctic Immortal was He didn’t come to heaven, but coming here in person this time surprised Haotian.

The Antarctic Immortal didn’t talk much, but directly explained the cause and effect to him.

After hearing about Yang Jian, Haotian was still a little angry at first After all, the disciples of the Chan Cult deceived people so much that they actually rescued the repeat offenders from the hands of heaven. But as the Antarctic Immortal explained the cause and effect, Haotian’s anger gradually calmed down.

Although Haotian could not see the whole picture of the saint’s plan, But he also knows a thing or two.

Yang Jian is a third-generation disciple. Even if he is extremely talented, he cannot be taken seriously by the saint. The only explanation is that the saint behind him has reached some deals, and Yang Jian is just a link.

This is for Haotian It’s not a bad thing. In this way, Chanjiao will also strongly support Heavenly Court.

At the same time, it can also recruit a person with strong magic power under his command. Why not. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

After a long time, Haotian finally said to the Antarctic Immortal:”Since it is the order of Saint Taiyuan, how can I disrespect him. The immortal can report back to the saint, I understand!”

The Antarctic Immortal bowed his hands and said goodbye to Haotian.

After he left, Yaochi entered the main hall.

“Why did the Antarctic Immortal come here?”Yaochi asked.

Haotian told Yaochi about the matter one by one. After listening, Yaochi said:”This matter is not a bad thing for Tianting. It can win the favor of people and explain the two religions, and at the same time it can avoid Yunhua’s troubles. sin”[]

Fairy Yunhua was severely punished back then, which was not what Haotian wanted.

It’s just that the law of heaven is there and you have to do it.

Now that two saints have come forward, even if Fairy Yunhua is forgiven in the future, it will not be because Haotian is doing things unfairly.

Haotian nodded and said:”That’s right!”

“Most of the people who become gods are disciples of various religions. When you enter heaven in the future, you may not obey my orders. Among them, we still need to rely on saints.”

Yaochi really never thought about this, but after Haotian said this, Yaochi suddenly felt that the heaven would not be so peaceful in the future.

Yaochi also quite agreed:”It is true, without the support of the saints, even if these gods Some people may not obey His Majesty’s orders.

With the support of the two saints Taiyuan and Yuanshi, when the canonization of gods is over and the gods in heaven are complete, these immortals will not dare to disobey His Majesty’s orders.”

Speaking of this, Yaochi said with some worry:”It’s just that the people who canonize the gods are all on the list of gods. In the future, when the canonization of gods ends, who will be in charge of this list?”

“Of course, I am in charge. I rule the heavens as the Jade Emperor. Is it possible that the gods in heaven should not be under my control?”Haotian said immediately.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Haotian himself was stunned.

Haotian can indeed control the heavens, and the gods should also be controlled by Haotian. But this list of gods is now in the hands of Chanjiao, he Can you manage it?

If Chanjiao doesn’t grant the list of gods in the future, what meaning does this god list mean to him?


Haotian suddenly stood up and paced back and forth in the hall.

Finally, he kept mumbling: :”The list of gods, the list of gods. No, the list of gods must be controlled by Heaven in the future.”

Haotian’s eyes suddenly became firm and he said decisively.

Then Haotian said again:”This matter still needs planning, at least to discuss with a few saints. Now is the time for the Conferred Gods, so there is nothing wrong with Chanjiao being in charge of the Conferred Gods List.

In the future, when the canonization of gods is over, I believe that other saints will not want Chan Jiao to take charge of the canonization of gods. Otherwise, wouldn’t Heaven become the one who preaches the teachings? How could other saints agree?

But this matter is not urgent now. After the canonization of the gods, all the saints can witness and let me in heaven take charge of the canonization list.”

Haotian also knows that proposing that the list of gods belong to heaven at this time will definitely offend Chanjiao. So I won’t say it for now and will talk about it later.

Many of these are not something Haotian can decide. If you want to get the list, you need other saints. The assistance is…

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