Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 813: The beginning of the battle of Marton

Although it seems to be of great significance, Medivh's special discovery is destined to be just a small episode of the Battle of Mardun.

Due to the incomplete information, all the speculations about Sargeras can only be speculation after all. After the entanglement, Medivh simply stopped thinking about these things, but concentrated on dealing with matters in battle.

After all, you have to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step. At this time, the raid on Marton is the urgent delay.

Although Marton is very empty, this is the base camp of the devil after all.

Regardless of whether it is garrison or defense, the demons are well prepared-even if they are reduced due to lack of manpower, their structural framework is still very rigorous.

Except for the sudden attack on the first day that caught the devil by surprise, from the second day onwards, the devil directly began his own counterattack.

A large number of demons reached the nearby area through the teleportation circle, and then began to encircle the demon hunter and the watcher.

This made the battle directly heated up.

At this time, most people have not even fully adapted to Marton's environment.

In Marton, even the rain contains fel energy.

Under this high fel concentration environment, demon hunters and warlocks would instinctively feel irritable, and the watchmen were once weakened in combat effectiveness.

According to the battle plan, Marton’s raid will directly impact the demon’s central system, destroying the communication circle and the demon workshop. Since the expedition has begun, most of the jump ships have already set off, and they want to take advantage of the emptiness to destroy the jump ships. It's impossible, everyone can only weaken Mardun's support ability.

After all, it is not an easy task to build a large teleportation circle.

If Mardun prepares the teleportation circle in advance, the demons can directly land on Azeroth as long as they establish a portal in Azeroth, reinforcements and resurrected demons.

And if all the portals of Marton were destroyed, the devil would seek reinforcements, and the time it would take would increase exponentially.

As long as all Mardun’s existing teleportation circle is destroyed, the demons who use the jump ship to attack Azeroth will be helpless!

Therefore, according to the battle plan made by Illidan and Medivh, after breaking a large-scale encirclement and suppression by the devil, the team will be broken into pieces and destroy all the teleportation points marked by Garona.

Taking into account the current difficult environment, this destruction may be suicidal.

But whether it was a demon hunter, a watchman or a warlock, everyone was unafraid.

Just like many demon hunters think, for Azeroth, they gave everything-in order to defeat the demon, they even became a demon themselves!

Although due to ample time, Illidan training demon hunters was not as cruel as he was in the Dark Temple, but the process of turning from a night elf into a demon hunter was extremely painful.

The night elves need to allow evil energy to infect their entire magical circuit. It feels as painful as letting poisonous blood flow through the entire brain. Everyone will appear more or less unconscious.

Despite Illidan's help, many night elves died directly in this level—or were so mad that life was worse than death.

After successfully demonizing, these recruits will also receive extremely rigorous physical training. Although demonization can give them a strong enough body, they cannot use their own physical advantages without training.

And considering the excellent resilience after demonization, Illidan's training can be said to be the limit.

In the wars, the demon hunters always charge ahead and are invincible, but this team of thousands of people has been exchanged for 10,000 years of non-stop training!

So, when the demons realized that a camp suddenly lost contact, the battle had already begun.


Now, this absolute elite has entered a bitter battle under the absolute disadvantage of quantity.

Facing a large number of demons, the demon hunters interpreted the meaning of their names.

In order to occupy a favorable position, the demon hunters, watchmen and warlocks did not choose to leave the camp, but modified the camp to make it more suitable for a defensive battle.

The wall was reinforced by the magic circle, and the defensive arrow enchantment in the air (Fel Demon Revision) was set up with the efforts of the warlocks headed by Medivh. The demon hunters held war blades and defended at the forefront. The watchman lurked and prepared Choose the time to launch a fatal blow.

The devil’s attack method has never changed.

The queue is neat, swarming, not afraid of death, and fighting.

It seems to be because of the opening of the portal in Azeroth. Among these demons, the number of spellcasters is very small. Most of them are demons who are good at hand-to-hand combat, and there are hellhounds that specialize in magic.

For the demon hunters, this is undoubtedly good news.

Not having a large number of spellcasters means that they will not be bombarded by saturation casting, and not being bombarded by saturation casting means that there is room for maneuver. Having room for maneuver means that demon hunters can play their flexible advantages. .

If demon hunters are also a kind of demon, then they can be said to be quite advanced demon, whether it is for the mana burning of the caster, the dodge brought by diligent practice, or the pure evil energy attacking the eye edge, these techniques They are all unique moves of demon hunters.

What is commendable is that these techniques are powerful and have few side effects.

for example.

Hellfire is very resistant to spells, but as a price, no matter how strong hellfire is, it does not have the ability to cast spells.

Similarly, the mage killer hellhound can absorb magic, but if you want to fight melee, these hellhounds are not much stronger than the hounds. As long as the enemy is stronger, they must be dispatched in groups.

As for the Dreadlord-look at the few hapless horns torn apart, you can understand that all the talents of these guys are based on intelligence.

But demon hunters do not have these shortcomings at Their melee abilities and spells are very good. What's more commendable is that they are not only comprehensive, but also extremely restrained against other demons.

It is precisely because of the power of the demon hunter that this demon camp can stand upright under the crazy attacks of a large number of demons.

Under the sharp blade of the demon hunter, the demon's blood soon turned into a silently flowing stream, winding through the entire camp, which made the fel aura more intense.

The demons seemed to slow down the frequency of their attacks and began a new round of assembly.

And Illidan, Maiev, Vaschi, Garona and Medivh are also ready to shoot.


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