Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 812: Sargeras' purpose

Because Sargeras once lived in the body, Medivh possessed part of Sargeras' knowledge and memory after his resurrection.

Of course, these knowledge and memories are fragmented, and Medivh's cognition of Sargeras is nothing but a peek at it-just these broken memories and knowledge are enough for Medivh to become a great warlock.

Now, after seeing the unknown text provided by Andy, Medivh suddenly felt that he seemed to be awakened from certain memories.

Chaos, experiment, purpose...

In the dimness, Medivh felt a severe headache.

Obviously, Sargeras handled some of the information carefully, so that Medivh did not know his specific plans, but fortunately, Medivh was able to interpret some of these unknown words!

"...Demon, experimental material..."

"Feel Fusion Characteristics..."

"The order in chaos...the future...the void..."

Medivh struggled to interpret one character after another, barely distinguishing the useful information.

But unfortunately, due to the incomplete interpretation, Medivh only understood the meaning of a few words, and he still didn't know the content of the entire document.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Sargeras did carry out certain experiments on fel energy, and the purpose of these experiments is strangely related to order.

This is very unusual.

Fel energy itself is the manifestation of chaotic energy, but Sargeras seems to be pursuing order in the evil energy?

Unfortunately, due to limited ability, Medivh received very little useful information.

But at least there is a direction, right?

After shaking his head and instructing Andy to pay attention to his body, Medivh returned to the command room.


All preparations are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The demon hunter and the watchman have been assembled. Those who participated in this Mardoon raid were the most elite fighters. With the help of Medivh’s portal, they set foot on Mardoon’s broken land for the first time.

Interestingly speaking, after tens of thousands of years after this planet full of demons was shattered, the first batch of visitors greeted by them turned out to be their enemies.

After entering Marton, most of the people began to stand by in hiding.

Soon, Illidan, Maiev and Vashj joined hands to deal with a small demon camp around the teleportation point.

This camp was relatively empty, and there were not many demons in it, and the leader was just a demon guard-don't look at this guy's physique, but he didn't even go through three rounds in front of Illidan.

Just after the fight, the long sword of the Demon Guard was blocked by Illidan's left-hand Azzinoth's sword, and then Illidan's right-handed sword cut off his head mercilessly.

Marton is located in the depths of the Twisting Void, and the demons who died here cannot be resurrected.

This unlucky demon guard has become the first true death of the Burning Legion.

Although the Battle of Mardum was a surprise attack, the demon hunters and warlocks could not attack rashly. The necessary repairs and explorations still had to be carried out, so after occupying this demon camp, everyone also temporarily stationed here.

Because the fel intensity here is far greater than Draenor, even for warlocks and demon hunters, it takes time to adapt.

According to the plan, after everyone has adapted to Mardun's environment, everyone will move forward directly to Mardun's current command post.

Marton does not have day and night, and the demon hunters must rest regularly to ensure combat effectiveness.

After everyone began to cultivate, in the camp, Medivh noticed an inexplicable weirdness.

That's right, weird.

The great warlock instinctively felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find it.

Maybe I'm too tired recently?

So, at the demon camp, Medivh simply let go of his mind and began to wander unconsciously.

And with this unconscious wandering, Medivh finally found out what was wrong.

Why is this demon camp so neat?

Fel energy is chaotic, and demons are chaotic, but after careful observation, Medivh suddenly felt that this demon camp looked orderly.

In Medivh’s understanding, lawfulness and chaos are two extremes, but now thinking about it, the demon who has been talking about chaos actually became lawful after becoming a member of the Burning Legion!

Blind monk, you found Huadian!

Think about it carefully, are the demons of the Burning Legion always lined up? Do you absolutely obey your superiors when you get off the machine? Is the purpose clear under the command of Sargeras?

Then, Medivh recalled the record of the Council of Tirisfal about the demons who had troubled Azeroth.


Medivh took out a piece of parchment and began to divide it into two columns, recording the names of the great demon he once knew. One column belongs to the Burning Legion and the other column belongs to the Non-Burning Legion.

As the list grew longer and longer, Medivh finally realized it.

That's right, the source of the strong sense of violation is here!

In the long history of Azeroth, there has never been a shortage of the demons who covet the energy of the Well of Eternity (or the demon pivot), but after those demons come, they do more, are unconscious killing and destruction. .

These demons followed their instinctive instructions and destroyed everything they saw.

But the Burning Legion is completely different from these "wild demons". They have a clear purpose and a clear organization, and even temporarily give up their desire for destruction in order to accomplish their own goals.

For example, before the Battle of Mount Hyjal, many of the demons who crossed the endless sea had reached the Broken Isles, but they did not wreak havoc in order to participate in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, but hurriedly passed by!

It's like an orderly team.

Similarly, those wild demons who come for energy, they will not restrain destruction for their own purposes, so the Tirisfal Council can always find those messing up demons easily.

The Council of Tirisfal has fought demons for thousands of years! Why was the entire council destroyed when Sargeras shot? Not only is Sargeras strong and, but also because he can restrain himself for a greater purpose!

This restraint itself is a manifestation of order.

Medivh finally broke out in a cold sweat, thinking more and more. He suddenly felt instinctively that he had noticed a big secret that was shocking.

Sargeras is really just to fight the so-called Void Lord?

Or, as a Titan, he has a new understanding of order itself?


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