Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 323: 【Birth of Norse Mythology】

The next day.

Luo Wei called Shilut, and left home one stone at a time, went to the Rainbow Bridge, and soon saw Tyr, the **** of war.

"How many remaining frost giants are there in the atrium?" Rowe asked.

"Not many. Heimdall found only a few dozen people, and it is estimated that there are only about a hundred people in total, but they are scattered and have a serious impact on the mortals there." Till said.

About a hundred people?

Rowe was a little surprised.

After Urel died, Tyr, the **** of war, was the most prestigious and powerful Asgardian under Odin. There were only a hundred frost giants, so let Tyr come out, Rowe couldn't help but feel that Odin's arrangement was a bit of a fuss.

But he didn't think too much about it, he still had to go to Wakanda to import vibranium.

There are more than 100 Asgard warriors who are about to set off, including two groups of berserkers, and Skorch's brother Randolph is among them.

Randolph also said hello to Rowe, with a somewhat close meaning.

Speaking of which, this older brother of Skorch is really a person who does not want to make progress. He has been an ordinary soldier for more than a thousand years. It seems that he is only good at saving his life.

In contrast, Skorch has already reached the sixth-level military post, and is full of merits and scars. He is quite famous in Asgard.

Heimdall opened the Rainbow Bridge and transported Tyr, Rowe, and more than a hundred soldiers to Atrium Earth.

A rainbow beam of light flashed by, and then everyone disappeared in the teleportation hall.

Kingdom of Norway.

Obviously, the environment here has not eliminated the influence of the frost giant, and it is still covered with ice and snow, and it is a freezing scene.

Above the long snow and ice, a group of about a few hundred humans were staggering along, and the howling cold wind made them shiver.

As they walked, they gathered as much as possible, almost foot-to-foot, for a little warmth.

"Abel, have we left Norway?" The old man asked weakly at the front of the team. He looked at the person who led them forward, a burly man.

Abel said in a heavy tone: "No, we haven't even left Tonsberg yet."

Hearing the words, the old man sighed: "Have we just walked so far? It seems that it is impossible for me to walk out of Norway alive..."

The arrival of the Frost Giants turned Norway and even the whole of Northern Europe into a frozen world.

People who survived the war still find it difficult to survive normally, and naturally want to move out. It's just that in this extremely cold environment, the process of moving out is equally difficult, and it is always in danger of life.

Some weak people may not be able to wake up after falling asleep.

A depressed atmosphere pervades Abel's group of people...

"What is that!" suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a rainbow beam of light descending in the sky, with dazzling brilliance and great momentum.

Soon, the rainbow beam of light disappeared, but at the same time, a group of figures appeared in the snow and ice not far away. They stood upright and stood upright. The extremely cold weather did not hurt them in the slightest.

"It's the **** Asa, the gods have not abandoned us!" Immediately, some people recognized the Rainbow Bridge and said excitedly.

Abel also hurriedly led the crowd to turn around and ran towards the shining figure sent by the rainbow.

The two sides are not far apart, but for human beings, it is not easy to take a step in such an extremely cold environment.

Fortunately, the other side quickly noticed Abel and the others, only to see a flash of fire, and almost in a blink of an eye, a blond young man in a red cloak appeared in front of them.

The magic floating cloak stopped fluttering, and Luo Wei immediately fell to the ground.

Looking at the shivering crowd, Luo Wei's body was covered with flames, and bursts of heat waved out, driving out the surrounding cold.

The snow and ice on the ground melted quickly, revealing the soil below, and the melted snow water flowed in all directions.

People hurriedly approached Luo Wei, feeling the long-lost warmth and feeling excited for a while.

"Are you from Tonsberg?" Rowe asked.

"Yes, venerable Asa. We are preparing to leave Norway and go to the warmer east," said Abel.

At this time, other Asgardians also came here, and Tyre walked over and said: "Just in the direction you just moved, there are more than ten frost giants." Terminal: https:/

Abel and the others were startled. One of them was pale and couldn't help asking, "We... what should we do?"

Tyr, the **** of war, smiled: "But you don't have to worry about it now. We are here to clean up the remaining frost giants at the order of Odin, the father of the gods."

"Thank you to the gods, thank you Heavenly Father!" People said one after another.

Looking at the reactions of humans, the reactions of Asgardians were varied, and there was no shortage of discussions.

"The people in the atrium look exactly like us. It's hard to imagine why they are so weak." Someone said.

Of course, most soldiers don't speak English, only Asgardian. Humans can't understand what they're saying.

A Berserker patted Randolph beside him: "Randolph, what are you looking at?"

"Have you seen the girl in the green dress... I mean, she's so pretty," Randolph said.

"You fell in love with a mortal?"

Randolph: "No... I just think she's beautiful."

"So you are greedy for her body?"


Luo Wei said to Abel and the others: "You still don't move, even if there is no frost giant, the road will be fierce. I will help you transform the surrounding environment, you can live here, summer is coming soon. , the environment of the Kingdom of Norway will surely recover gradually.”

The crowd naturally agreed.

Then some Asgardian warriors went to clean up the nearby frost giants, and some stayed here to help humans.

Luo Wei first used the power of fire to melt a large piece of ice and snow nearby, and then asked Shilut to build some simple stone houses for people to live in.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Although with his ability, large-scale environmental transformation cannot be achieved, it is not difficult to give these hundreds of people a place to live.

With the melting of the nearby snow and ice, and the construction of the stone house, Abel and others finally got rid of the difficult living conditions.

At night, humans raise bonfires, sprinkle cumin, and sing and dance in front of the stone house to celebrate.

Any Asgardian can get the warmest hospitality if they want.

However, most Asgards are quite reserved, drinking at most a few glasses of wine, and will not really integrate into it, except for individual people.

Exactly, except for one person.

Randolph hugged many human beauties from left to He smiled broadly, held a wine glass, and talked ramblingly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Tell us the story of Asgard, dear Randolph," a beautiful woman asked.

"Okay... In Asgard, we have a great king like you, the Father Odin." Randolph said, "As the father of the gods, Odin is the most powerful **** in the universe. "

"Apart from the supreme Odin, what other gods are there in Asgard?"

Randolph said, "There is also Tyr, the **** of war, our commander; Rowe, the sun god, who is the one you first saw..."

"By the way, I heard that there seems to be a sun **** named Rowe in Macedonian history." Someone said something.

"Macedonia? Never heard of it." Randolph said casually.

"So this is the seasoning of the sun god?" At this time, a person who was sprinkling cumin on the barbecue said.

"Yes, that's right."

"Which other gods are there?" the people asked again.

"And Vidal, the **** of the forest, the gatekeeper of Asgard, Heimdall, the all-seeing eye, Hela, the goddess of death, and Heimd, the **** of speed..."

Randolph spoke eloquently. He was just blowing water and chatting, but the people around the earth listened very seriously, as if they were listening to the teacher's lecture, and some even took notes on paper.

Just like this, before I knew it, a myth about Asgard began to spread from Tonsberg, and then spread throughout northern Europe in the following years...

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