Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 322: 【Sun God】

"Your Majesty." Heimdall saluted.

Odin: "I deeply regret the unfortunate disappearance of Ulr in the war...Ulr has long been the **** of hunting in Asgard, presiding over hunting festivals, and you, as his son, are undoubtedly the new hunter. God's most suitable candidate."

After a pause, he continued with a solemn tone: "From now on, Heimdall Ullersson, you are the new hunting **** of Asgard, responsible for presiding over the hunting festival."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Heimdall replied, taking off his helmet and holding it in his arms.

Then Odin took a new helmet and put it on Heimdall himself.

Naturally, this helmet is also a horn helmet with two horns on it. In the Asgard tradition, this horn helmet is a very solemn dress, and Odin's crown is also such a helmet, so it pays a lot of attention.

The clerical arrangement of the God of Hunting did not surprise everyone. Heimdall is Uller's son, both a son's inheritance and a kind of pension. Moreover, no one is more suitable for this priesthood than him.

To put it bluntly, the **** of hunting is the referee of the hunting festival, and must have the ability to supervise the entire arena.

The hunting grounds are so vast, and there is no one else who can meet this requirement except Heimdall who has the all-seeing eye.

"Heimd." Odin then looked at Heimd again.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Heimd stepped forward.

Odin smiled slightly: "You are the best runner in Asgard, the **** of speed, and it should be yours."

"...Heimd Tilson, from now on, you are the **** of speed in Asgard. As my messenger, you will deliver Asgard's grace to the universe."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Odin put a helmet on Heimd.

Although the atmosphere was very serious, when Heimd returned to his original position, people couldn't help but talk a few words.

"Who do you think is the next person..."

"What would the third priesthood be?"

When Odin announced the third priesthood, he seemed to hesitate for a few seconds, and then slowly looked at Rowe: "Rovey."

Luo Wei was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that he really had himself.

Heimd poked him, and he quickly stepped forward and replied, "Your Majesty."

Odin looked at Rowe: "Rovey, thousands of years ago, as a healer, you participated in the battle at the age of twenty-five, and people called you the "Lantern Bearer". The lantern bearer, holding a candle in his hand, illuminates one side..."


Listening to this tone, shouldn't it be the lamp god!

Luo Wei was a little apprehensive, thinking that if he was really a lamp god, wouldn't his style of painting suddenly become funny.

"You have a unique magic of holy light, which can expel darkness, injury and evil. You awaken the fiery power of fire, and you can expel the cold... Your light and heat are like the sun under the sky." Odin said.

"Rovi, for nearly 10,000 years, Asgard has not held the position of the sun god, until today."

The sun god!

"It's actually the sun god!" Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

For almost all races, the sun has a very noble symbol, and Asgard is no exception.

It is for this reason that Asgard has not had the existence of the sun **** for nearly ten thousand years.

Although Luo Wei is also considered to be famous and meritorious, in the eyes of most people, the priesthood of the God of Fire is almost the same, at most replacing Balder as the God of Light.

No one expected that Odin would directly take out the priesthood of the sun god. Rowe was also a little confused by this.

Odin continued: "Rovie Garrison, from now on, you are the sun **** of Asgard, the embodiment of light and heat, life and justice."

The **** of hunting is in charge of presiding over the hunting festival. The **** of speed is the messenger of Odin, but the sun **** has no specific responsibilities. Obviously, this is mainly an honorary priesthood.

Rowe thought for a while and felt that Odin still wanted to win over him and stabilize Hela, but he was worried that he would be unreliable at a critical moment, so he arranged it like this.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Although he didn't have any real power, Luo Wei didn't care much about it. Besides, the title of the Sun God was really good, so there was no reason to refuse.

Having said that, he took off his helmet.

Odin immediately stepped forward and put on a new helmet for him. The helmet was golden with two horns forming a circle above.

This look is, in one word: ugly.

Rowe is not surprised. Asgard's horn helmets are pretty ugly, but fortunately they don't usually wear them. Then again, what race doesn't have some weird traditions.

With the helmet on, Rowe officially got a new identity, the sun god. First release https://https://

After the ceremony, when everyone left, Tyr, the **** of war, found Rowe: "Rovey, you and I will go to the atrium tomorrow, there are some remnants of frost giants there."

"Okay." Rowe replied.

Immediately he left with Hela.

Walking on the road, the two were talking, and Hela suddenly smiled and said, "Sun God, cook a barbecue for me."

"Of course you can, but Goddess of Death, you have to kill a Landvety goat for me first." As Rowe said, he picked up Hela and flew to the Landvede forest.

After catching a big fat sheep, the two came to Luo Wei's yard to prepare for a barbecue.

The abilities of both are very suitable for barbecue.

Not to mention Luo Wei, Hella can construct utensils anytime, anywhere. The grill pan and grill are all at your fingertips, and they don't need to be cleaned afterwards, they just dissipate on the spot.

Therefore, this barbecue was done very easily and smoothly. Before it got, the two of them had already finished eating, and they sat together in the yard with their backs against the Thunder Tree.

The Thunder Tree has some tiny electric arcs all the time, stabbing on the back, giving people a massage-like feeling.

"Rovi, if you were asked to live outside Asgard, where would you choose?" Hela said.

"The atrium." Rowe quickly gave the answer. After all, apart from Asgard, only Earth gave him a sense of belonging.

"Why?" Hela couldn't help asking, "You seem to like the atrium very much?"

"Well...the people there are very similar to us, and very smart," Rowe said.

This is not false. Although the intelligent races are mostly human-shaped, the differences in many details are not small, and the appearance of the earth and the Asgardians is completely the same, which is quite rare.

At the same time, although the physical strength of the earth people is very weak, almost the weakest in the Nine Realms, but their wisdom is very high, and they are not inferior to the Protoss. starter

In general, for the Asgardians, the people on Earth do have special characteristics and are different.

"What about you, my dear highness?"

"I don't know..." Hela said with a little sigh, and fell into Rowe's arms at the same time, snuggling.

Luo Wei took advantage of the situation to hug, but his hand accidentally touched some parts that were not suitable for description, so he moved it subconsciously.

Hela felt this little gesture and couldn't help but smile a little. She turned her head and whispered in his ear, "We are lovers, knight."

Luo Wei also reacted, so he moved his hand back to the original position...

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