Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 215: First Action after New Year

The New Year is over, and criminal gangs everywhere are ready to move.

The relaxed atmosphere of the Overwatch base was swept away. With the first ray of morning breeze, the Overwatchers put away all entertainment activities and greeted a new day with a brand new look.

Hana, who stayed at the base playing video games, also polished the mecha rabbit and was ready to go.

The holiday is over. Since the criminal gangs are active, they can't be idle.

Roning also joined the action.

If I want to activate the angel's transformation form, I naturally have to participate in it.

Destroying the terrorists' dens can prevent them from launching terrorist attacks, which is an indirect way of saving people. In addition, there are many kidnappings. The kidnapped people may lose their lives at any time, which is also considered saving people.

There are many ways to save lives. In addition, Roning has donated a lot of money to the Medical Charity Relief Foundation.

This is all he can do. You can't let him study medicine to save people.

It is impossible to learn medicine overnight. If he could, even if he dared to treat patients on the verge of death, he would not dare to treat them.

The fact that Roning donated 5 million US dollars was once a hot search. 5 million US dollars is not a small amount. For ordinary people, they cannot earn so much money in ten lifetimes.

With this money, the foundation really helped those patients who were desperate and let those patients who were originally desperate see the dawn of life.

Overwatch traveled around the country and destroyed many terrorists' dens through the intelligence collected and the cooperation of the local police.

It's just that there are more terrorists in this world than they imagined. I'm afraid they can't clean them up in their lifetime. They can only pick some vicious large gangs to deal with.

Those small criminal gangs have no motive to hurt people maliciously. Everything they do is to make money.

Of course, if Overwatch finds it, it will also be dealt with together.

If it is allowed to develop, one day it will also embark on the road of no return of killing people for money.

However, for these organizations, Overwatch often sends them to the police station. Only those terrorists who resist with guns will be killed on the spot.

It is very humane.

After the New Year, Overwatch's first operation lasted for 20 days, traveling to 6 countries, destroying 35 terrorist dens, rescuing 121 hostages, and freeing 430 people.

All the terrorists who became active immediately after the New Year were basically dealt with by Overwatch.

Seeing this, other terrorists waited for opportunities, and if they couldn't wait, they acted low-key, trying to make their movements as light and slow as possible.

If Overwatch knew about it, their fate would be the same as other gangs, and they would be completely destroyed.

There are some areas in each country that are very chaotic, such as Brooklyn in New York, USA. The local police in such places cannot control the rampant criminal gangs.

Therefore, the local police in the more chaotic areas of those countries are looking forward to Overwatch to deal with these guys who give them a headache.

This has created a phenomenon. In order to avoid being targeted by Overwatch, these more chaotic areas have become peaceful for the first time.

The rampant criminal gangs suddenly became like eggplants hit by frost, and no longer acted recklessly in the city, saving the local police station a lot of trouble.

The police officers in the local police station all knew that it was because those evil forces were afraid of Overwatch, and the current stability was only temporary.

But it was good. With Overwatch, they needed to think carefully about the consequences before doing things, and they dared not do too much even if they did bad things.

As for joining forces to resist Overwatch, it’s not that no terrorists have done this before, but those who have done it have died, which sounded a warning to other terrorists - resisting Overwatch is a dead end!

At that time, Overwatch went to Paris, France, and the two most rampant terrorist gangs in the area joined hands to resist them.

The larger the city, the more difficult it is to manage, and the greater the power of the terrorist gangs. This statement is not without reason.

I have to admit that they are courageous. These two terrorist gangs are indeed very large and have all kinds of weapons, but this cannot be the capital for them to challenge Overwatch.

Facing Overwatch, their resistance is futile.

After this operation, the terrorist forces in the world have calmed down, or at least will not be too rampant.

At the Overwatch base, the watchers were taking a nap in the sun, relaxed and comfortable.

"Sir, when can Dr. Ziegler come?"

McCree coughed, then took a big puff of his cigar.

Ronin rolled his eyes at him, "So why are you courting death? You keep smoking even though you know that smoking is harmful to your health."

"You don't understand if you haven't smoked cigars. The harm of cigars is not as great as that of cigarettes, and I can't quit." McCree said lazily.

"So this is why you smoke twenty cigars a day?"

Ronin stared at him. Even if the harm is small, cigars are tobacco products. If you smoke too much a day, your lungs will still have problems.

The watchers around were laughing, and McCree coughed awkwardly, "There are so many people, give me some face."

"McCree, you are the only old smoker in Overwatch, are you embarrassed?" Reinhardt mocked.

"You don't understand how wonderful the taste of cigars is, bitter with sweet, extremely mellow, and a puff is so comfortable, it's like floating in the air!"

McCree squinted his eyes, looking like he was enjoying the smoke of tobacco, floating in the air.

"Old smoker, Ziegler would probably have a headache if he saw you."

Soldier 76 shook his head, he could see that McCree could not live without cigars in his life.

I thought that McCree would reduce the number of times he smoked under Dr. Ziegler's advice, but since Ziegler developed a drug that inhibits nicotine for him, McCree has become even worse.

"She knows, I can't live without this."

McCree was not panicked at all. Ziegler would only say a few words to him at most, and there were more important things waiting for Ziegler to do.

"Peanut butter can help you quit cigars, do you want to try it?"

Winston ate it so deliciously, smacking his lips.

"Hehehe... you should keep it for yourself!"

McCree smiled reluctantly, thinking that everyone would be captured by peanut butter, only you, Winston.

"So Mr. Ronin, when can we see Dr. Ziegler?" McCree looked at Ronin again.

Ronin shook his head and said, "The situation is still unclear, we have to ask Athena."

He also wanted the angel to come, but now even the angel's transformation form has not been activated, it's still too early.

"Athena, what's going on?"

McCree blew out a puff of gray smoke, his expression was anxious. He didn't dare to smoke cigars too much these days, he was so choked up.

"The goal of 'saving a thousand lives' has been achieved, the angel's transformation has been activated!"

Athena's clear voice suddenly came out, and a smile appeared on McCree's irritated face.

According to Athena's routine, after activating the transformation, it's not far from the real person's arrival.

Ronin's spirits were lifted. He finally waited for the angel's transformation. It's not easy...

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