Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 214 The Flower of the Other Shore That Never Withers

"Angel" has been widely praised. Although it does not have the exciting plot of a superhero, it can give people a spiritual impact and make people feel deeply.

It is a very meaningful war film, and it is also the first war film to feature a military doctor as the protagonist. It will definitely inspire future war films.

The Easter eggs at the end have also caused heated discussions among countless movie fans on the Internet, especially the mural of the two dragons meeting, which seems to be closely related to the next movie, otherwise it would not have been featured many times.

The audience is very enthusiastic because the easter eggs include Eastern Dragon and Sakura. On the surface, the movie is likely to be a superhero story with a Japanese background.

Whether it is Japan or not, fans want to know the most real answer from Luo Ning.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Luo Ning stated on Facebook: The narrative background of the next movie is Japan.

Luo Ning's own statement directly made fans around the world scream.

"D.Va" is set in Korea, "Angel" is set in Switzerland, and the next movie is set in Japan.

How high is Luo Ning's screenwriting level? How many places have you been to?

No one doubts that Luo Ning's next movie will hit the streets, because Luo Ning has already proved his ability with two movies, "D.Va" and "Angel". He can make foreign-style movies no worse than local movies. , or even better.

The total box office of the Korean movie "d.va" surpassed previous local movies. The gimmick of the first heroine undoubtedly brought huge traffic to it.

As for whether "Angel" can reach a new high, it is still unknown. Judging from the first-day box office, it is not much different from the first-day box office of "D.Va", just a little lower.

We do not rule out the possibility that "Angel" will be used later, because many people choose not to watch "Angel" because the protagonist is a doctor, because doctors cannot bring exciting fights and do not have any cool technology.

Most Watch fans like to watch superhero-style movies. If the style suddenly changes to a war movie, it is inevitable to lose a certain number of Watch fans, but it may attract fans who like to watch war movies.

Judging from the current feedback from movie fans, there is discussion about the premiere of "Angel". It has been well received online and was even rated as the best war film of the year by netizens.

With such a good reputation, it will definitely attract more people to watch it, so Luo Ning is not worried about the box office performance of "Angel".

Compared with this, he cares more about how to activate the angel's transformation form.

In fact, he knew well that Dr. Ziegler was compassionate and committed to saving lives and healing the wounded.

Therefore, if you want to activate her transformation form, saving people is essential. As for whether there are other conditions, I don't know. Just take it step by step.

It is very necessary to activate the angel's transformation form, Luo Ning has a deep understanding of it in the game.

Compared with other heroes, Angel does not have strong combat capabilities, but it can provide the most comprehensive treatment to teammates. Moreover, Angel has one ability that is particularly abnormal, and that is resurrection!

Whether it is the Overwatch world or the Marvel world, the ability to resurrect is beyond human cognition.

No matter it is life science or anything else, the concept of "resurrection" has not been proposed in orthodox literature. From a scientific point of view, resurrection is to revive the heart that has stopped beating, which is obviously impossible to do!

It cannot be done with current science, and it will not be possible in the future...

All scientists agree that resurrection is an illusory thing that only exists in myths. Only the gods in myths have the ability to resurrect.

Ever since the guy with the hammer came to Earth, these scientists have been confused. They used to talk and laugh about the Father of the Gods, the God of Thunder, and the Evil God, all of which were stories to put children to sleep.

As a result, Thor's appearance made them call it "unscientific". The changes in the world have exceeded their understanding of science.

However, they still insist on "resurrection". Even if the people of the God Realm can be resurrected, it is because the people of the God Realm have divine powers that cannot be explained by science, and humans with mortal bodies must not be able to do so.

All they can do is find ways to extend human life.

Resurrection has always been a hypothetical theory, a theory that no one cares about, and a theory that has been forgotten by the orthodox scientific community.

Of course, it is not excluded that some scientific lunatics are obsessed with eternal life and delve into various ancient books and documents just to explore the way to eternal life or the way to resurrection.

These lunatics are usually eliminated by the scientific community. Even if they have done any extraordinary research during their lifetime, they are ostracized by all scientists just because they have embarked on this path of madness.

Another point is that these studies usually use some bizarre methods, which are not within the scope of science.

Just like Dr. Gabby Hodge, who was obsessed with combining modern science with potions, and ended up risking his own life in order to conduct such bizarre research.

The news reported that he was shot dead, but half a year later the murderer was not found. It can be seen that Dr. Hodge joined an illegal team in order to conduct research, but he did not expect to infringe on the interests of the other evil forces.

The ending is disappointing. Dr. Hodge was originally a very intelligent scientist, but his career and life were ruined because of his persistence in potions.

Claiming to be a scientist, but using evil methods to conduct research, this is disrespect for science, and can no longer be regarded as a scientist.

In addition to Dr. Hodge, who is obsessed with potions, there is also a scientific team in the United States dedicated to studying immortality and resurrection, a research project that is simply impossible to achieve.

The leader is very unusual, Dr. Willy Hoyle of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, specializing in biological sciences.

In the field of life and science, no one can compare with him.

The identities of the others are also unusual, all of them are well-known scientific experts. A total of six people raised funds and started a five-year experimental research.

Their research project is called "The Eternal Blossom of the Other Shore".

All academic reports related to this project are printed with the red pattern of the Blossom of the Other Shore.

In recent years, they have suffered the cold eyes of countless peers, but they still insist on themselves and focus on this research.

In the first two years, there were academic reports made by them. In the third year, they disappeared, as if they had evaporated from the earth, without any news, and no one knew where they went.

The scientific community generally believes that they went to remote places to avoid criticism from their peers and concentrate on research that could not succeed.

As for the truth, no one knows, including the relatives of those scientists. The police have searched for them many times but to no avail.

Gradually, they were forgotten, not only by the scientific community, but also by the country. Even their relatives thought they would never come back.

No one noticed that 2014 was the sixth year since the launch of the "Never Fading Red Spider Lily" project.

The five-year experimental project has come to an end...

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