Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1983: Kill all

"You just ... can this be tolerated?"

Hearing this sentence, the old man was furious.

An old face full of wrinkles fanned at this moment.

There is no way, it is too annoying.

The tone of Chu Yan's speech was not mocking, but doubt.

Deeply puzzled.

A heavenly state of mind is actually questioning the strength of Zifujing.

In this world, there is no reason! The old man's eyes were condensed, and the whole body shone with a magnificent light. The robe swayed without the wind, and raised his hand to take out a mottled bronze ruler.

The bronze ruler looked tattered, and the surface was covered with patina.

But at the moment when it came out, there was a heavy feeling, as if a long river of history appeared at this moment, even the human soul can be crushed and wiped out instantly.

Under the waving of the old man, the bronze ruler shot towards the giant blade above Chu Yan's head.

The bronze ruler is not here yet, the void continually oscillates.

The chains intertwined horizontally and hummingly, and the sound of the rushing river broke out.

Countless chains, trembling madly, as if to collapse in the next moment.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hand towards the bronze ruler with a golden light.

"Ancient Demon Soul Rune!"

Thousands of demon souls appeared suddenly, gathered into a violent wind, and the bronze ruler was suddenly shaken around.

The old man on the top of the mountain, breathing stagnated, shouted again and again, trying to stabilize the bronze ruler.

But the bronze ruler was swept by the wind, like a helpless boat, always toppled.

Chu Yan folded his hands again and tore them apart.

In the depths of the void, a crackling sound came.

The innumerable chains stopped the shock suddenly and stretched straight for a moment.

A force tearing the earth came out.

The old man was concentrating his spirit on the bronze ruler at the moment, and suddenly felt his heart move, and his heart and eyelids jumped together.

He instinctively produced a feeling of trouble.

He hurriedly looked up, and suddenly saw the chains, entangled the giant blade, and twisted violently.

The whole universe seemed to have a roaring sound of prying the steel plate at this moment.

"Do not!"

The old man panicked and shouted.

But at this time, it has been useless.

Click! boom! The huge blade was suddenly twisted by the chain.

In the cracked crack, the aura poured out as if no money was needed.

The old man's chest shook, his face red and white, and his breath became disorganized.

At the next moment, a blood arrow spurted from his mouth.

At the same time, Chu Yan reached out.

Enchanted, wild, roaring.

"Taiwan Demon Soul Banner!"

His arms waved, and in an instant, the surrounding void was penetrated.

A beam of light condensed by a demon soul shot straight out, just like a giant ship running across the ancient world, banging, and suddenly knocking the bronze ruler back and forth again and again, the surface was constantly peeling off, and the layers of light were suddenly dim.

Seeing this scene, the old man forcibly swallowed the blood in his mouth, waving his hands repeatedly, hitting a starlight.

Suddenly, the dense surroundings of raindrops appeared in the void around.

Every word reveals the mystery that overrides heaven.

With the light shining, the sound of countless people singing and chanting sounded suddenly around.

An extremely great figure suddenly appeared after these words.

The taste of the ancient Honghuang is surging out like a certain ancient sage. At this moment, it is going to pass through the torrent of history and come to the world to cut the demon and eliminate the demon.

As the singing voice grew louder, the figure became clearer.

A kind of majesty that suppresses evil, supports the world, and stands proudly in the sky, makes one's knees soft, and one can't help but kneel and tremble.

The old man's expression at this time also became calm, and a holiness of light appeared on the entire face.

He looked at Chu Yan, his eyes full of sorrow and joy, and said lightly: "The evil spirits are gone--" "Go!"

Chu Yan opened a ray of thunder.

This thunder, in a flash, exploded and expanded into a roaring thunder dragon, and in a moment, detonated the flashing text.

Crackling! Bang Bang Bang Bang! An unprecedented explosion occurred.

Countless voids are also blown through at this moment.

The figure, which had not yet been fully condensed, suddenly froze in place.

It seemed to be struggling and twisting, but it was immediately penetrated by Thunder Dragon's chest.

The chest of the figure suddenly broke through a large hole, the mottled light and shadow flickered inside and out, and the entire figure, like a person who was seriously injured, the breath fell quickly, and the light became dim, as if dying.

Puff puff puff puff! On the top of the mountain, the old man's mouth sprayed blood arrows repeatedly, and the spirit and blood in his body kept breaking up, and in a blink of an eye, he became a blood man.

In his eyes, he was full of panic.

An unprecedented fear filled his chest.

Chu Yan stepped forward.

At this moment, countless lights were shining and shining behind him.

He stretched out his hands and opened his five fingers, as if Qian Kun had concentrated his palms, his palms looked like the sky.

Reach out and grab the bronze ruler, pinch and turn.

Click, click! The bronze ruler suddenly became a thick twist.

All rust on the surface peeled off.

No matter what level of magic this bronze ruler was originally, it has now been completely transformed into a scrap copper.

"You wait for me!"

Seeing Chu Yan rushing straight towards him, the old man's body shook violently, and blood spewed out continuously.

He shouted unwillingly, tearing the void behind him, and he fell into the crack of the void.

"Full of Heaven!"

Chu Yan suddenly threw the magic weapon.

Although Tianzhuang Yin can imprison Qiankun, it does not have the ability to stop the monks from the Purple Mansion.

For Chu Yan now, what he needs is this moment of blocking.

The old man originally thought that he could escape into the void.

After tearing open the cracks of the void, the distance is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it is absolutely impossible for the other party to catch up.

But who knows, at this moment, he felt like he was soaked in water, and his movements became slower.

The next moment, it immediately returned to normal.

But at this time, the old man's eyes have emerged with deep despair.

Although it was just a momentary delay, it was deadly enough.

Chu Yan was like a streamer, and in the middle of the sky, he pulled out a long afterimage, and he came to him in an instant.

"Ghost Killing Pavilion, **** it!"

Punch out.

A seemingly ordinary punch, but at this moment it seems to be hidden into the void for a moment, and the next moment appears in front of the old man.

boom! Everything was destroyed.

The old man's shattered head was suddenly sucked into the Netherstorm.

His body shuddered, and he was caught in, blinking, and was twisted into a flesh and blood slurry by the Netherstorm.

However, Chu Yan was worried that the other party was not dead enough, and his hand was cut by Tai Yi again.

Firelight split into the void storm instantly.


There was a scream of tears in the blood.

When the light blade flew out like a meteor, it was no longer visible. In the Void Storm, the flesh and blood of the old man was also burned clean, leaving nothing left.

I can no longer feel the trace of the old man in the Purple Mansion, so Chu Yan withdrew his eyes.

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