Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1982: Resurgence Shifu

In the middle of the sea, an island emerged at this moment.

The clouds are filled with mist and the sounds are beautiful.

At the next moment, countless immortals appeared from the inside.

They all glared at Chu Yan, and under the action of the Purple Manchurian Nutrient waving the trident, Qi Qi took out the magic weapon and came to attack Chu Yan.

In an instant, thousands of streamers converged into the gods that shook the world, the divine brilliance, scoured towards Chu Yan.

"Xianfu Dongtian, trespassers die!"

With a cry, the sound shook nine times. The sound seemed to penetrate the void, reach a different world, penetrate into the hearts of the people, and directly defeat the fighting spirit of the people.

After entering Chu Yan's ears, the sound immediately turned into the fine sound of countless mouths, constantly attacking his consciousness of the sea, intending to break his will and shatter his soul in an instant.

"Humph, but that's it."

Chu Yan sneered.

At the next moment, after a towering portal in the depths of his knowledge of the sea, there was a faint but dissatisfied hum.

With a hum, a wave burst out.

The disturbing words were all crushed.

Chu Yan's mind was suddenly clear and sober, although he had not been affected before.

But in midair, the plump Jurchen holding the trident was shocked at this moment, and his mouth and nose were full of sweet and sweet, and his eyes were originally slit into a slit. , Showing an incredible look.

"How could this be—" Chu Yan shot out again, before she finished.

Stepping out one step at a time, the pieces were empty, and suddenly broke under his feet.

"Taiyi Lihuodao!"

The light blade boomed, stretched to a thousand feet, and slashed into this magnificent sea, like a giant blade, to split a world in half above the sky.

The cascading seawater suddenly evaporated and disappeared instantly.

The light blade shattered the rays of light from the celestial beings, and then passed across the crowd.

In the shocked eyes of the real man of the Purple Mansion, the sea was burning, the island was divided into two from the middle, and all the fairies at sea disappeared.

boom! The next moment, her magical power suddenly burst in front of her eyes.

The dazzling light was so gorgeous that it was as if a scorching sun had suddenly risen during the day, stabbing her back again and again, her eyes sore.

"How can this heavenly state of mind, how come ..." Heavenly heart hardened the Purple Mansion, which makes no sense.

Now it is even more positive to defeat his magical power. This is something that can never happen! As soon as I thought about it, the Purple Manchurian Jurchen trembles, only feeling a sense of fear, out of control, and madly surged from his heart.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! At this moment, the sound of the void was trampled repeatedly.

The real man of the Purple House was shocked and looked up quickly.

A dark shadow became clearer now after this pale light.

The violent power was released from his whole body, giving people a feeling of being a dragon and a tiger.

The huge giant blade, the burning sun burns.

"Zhu Xian Split Soul Sword!"

Suddenly, in midair, Lieyang scored two points, two points four, four points eight! The light did not weaken because of the separation, but became more and more dazzling, vast, and burning the eight wastelands, burning out the ancients.


With a scream, the eyes of the real man of the Purple Mansion were extremely painful. The pupils exploded, shooting two blood arrows, and the body fell back and flew out.

The eight strong suns, suddenly stretched in the void, like a sharp giant blade, screamed at her and slashed down.

The emptiness around seemed to be pouring oil on the fire, and suddenly it boiled.

The real man of the Purple House felt this extremely strong killing intention, and her whole body shivered and shouted in panic.

But at this time, she felt the space around her, solidified into an iron plate, unable to move.

This feeling made her extremely desperate and frightened, and all thoughts were gray.

At this moment, a sigh came from the depths of the void.

The mountain that had not moved before showed a vast breath at this moment.

The old man sitting on the mountain peak opened his eyes.

In a pair of eyes, revealing the awe-inspiring spirit, showing a sharpness completely different from the old body.

Immediately, on the top of Chu Yan's head, a huge sword shone from the past.

This giant sword is too large to describe, as if it has penetrated the history of ancient and modern times. At this moment, the void is broken and what appears above Chu Yan's head is only one part of this giant sword.

In front of this great sword, no one is as small as a needle, and has no ability to resist at all.

"Those who break into the ground, die."

The old man also spit out a word at the moment.

Although his voice gave people a feeling that his speech was extremely laborious, it was like a judgment, representing heaven and earth, representing sacredness, undoubtedly, unchangeable.

At this moment, Chu Yan felt as if he had come to a world of rashness, coldness, darkness, and quietness, and the endless breath of death, with the huge blade, rolling down towards himself.

"Oh, noisy."

Chu Yan raised his head suddenly and sneered, "I have waited for you for a long time."

When the words fell, Chu Yan's right hand waved and chopped Yan, and he fell with a knife.

The five fingers of the left hand grabbed the sky, and a burst of aura burst out: "Fengyou Hades Chain!"

Eight burning flames suddenly accelerated, breaking through the universe, as if eight thunders and eight meteorite crashed down.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ... In a series of earth-shattering loud noises, the Purple House Jurchen protector Zhen Gang was first smashed and smashed.

Immediately after the flesh was smashed with cracks, blood and spirit all burst out.

Then the body was torn apart and the soul was exposed to the void.

Zhuxian Dasheng, killing true immortals and extinguishing souls. The split spirit in the Zhuxian split soul sword is naturally not only a sword that can be transformed into a thousand ways, but also meant to destroy the soul.

The Nufu man of the Purple House seemed to foresee her own tragic future. The mouth of the god's soul was opened, the facial features were twisted, and there was a silent wailing.

Immediately, the incandescent flame pierced her soul.

For a moment, with a shout, the goddess of the Purple Manchu Real Man burned cleanly, leaving nothing left.

At the same time, in the surrounding void, chains of thumb thickness appeared out of thin air.

The chains are intertwined, as if it were a large net, spreading over Chu Yan's head and holding the giant sword.

The giant sword fell, creaking, a distorted voice came, countless Mars flashes, but they couldn't hurt anymore.

In the void in the depths of the chain, a creepy roar came at this time, as if it were countless demons, roaring and pulling.

Crunch-the sky was distorted by the sound, the falling giant blade, at this moment, began to slowly move up.

At that moment, the old man who was sitting cross-legged on the mountain side suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yan raised his head, his eyes instantly penetrated the layers of space, and looked at him.

"You just ... can this be tolerated?"

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