Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3428: Linglong Hall [for (hanbao) 10000 book coins reward plus more]

Chapter 3428 Linglong Temple [for (hanbao) 10000 book coins reward plus more]

"People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. Joe Yu must have trouble looking for me. I can't blame me for fighting back." The night was very weak.

"Why are you so troublesome, Lao Tzu kills her directly for you, isn't it?" Lao Lie said not to care.

Clear at night: "..."

It’s the style of the Hell House to kill people without a word.

She glanced at the old glory: "If the Hell House is famous, it should be very difficult for the Upper Linglong Hall."

"Linglong Temple?" Lao Lie disdainfully grinned. "That is just a place to find a body that matches strength. Compared with Hell House, it is far worse!"

“Looking for a matching strength body?” The words of the night are clear and doubtful. “How can I not understand?”

"This kind of thing, people in your lower bounds don't know it is normal." The old and the contemptuous looked at the night and clear, "all said that the land is divided into three main cities, each main city has a main city mysterious woman. In fact, it is plain, then the three major mysterious women in the realm of the land are only awkward. Those who are partial to life are still complacent and really think that they have become the main ambassadors of the main city of the land."

“Hey?” The night fell and the medicine was rummaged.

She also always felt that the so-called Linglong Temple and Mysterious Girl were a bit strange.

Especially after seeing Joe Yu.

She even thinks that the mysterious girl is very strange.

According to the old man, the Linglong Temple is equivalent to the four major denominations of Nirvana.

The mysterious woman is equivalent to the sovereign of the four major denominations.

And the city owner is equivalent to the royal family of the four continents of Nirvana.

However, in the world of Nirvana, the four major denominations are mutually constrained and contribute to the continent to which they belong.

But in the land.

She has not heard of what Linglong Temple has done for the land.

I have never heard of the role of the mysterious woman.

She only saw Joe Yu’s identity as a mysterious woman.

In particular, Joe Yu’s life of the city’s people is not in the heart.

This makes the night clear more doubtful...

The reason why Linglong Temple chose the mysterious woman, and the way Linglong Temple cultivated the mysterious women.

"Ask these things you said don't understand, anyway... Linglong Temple is not a good place, you don't have anything to do with that kind of place." Lao Lie waved his hand and looked a little lazy.

"I have sent the mysterious girl of Linglong Hall to the medical hall. Do you think that the Linglong Temple will let me go?" The night fell to the head, and looked like a smile to the Linglong Hall. "You still want to kill." Qiao Yuxi, even if I don't want to have a relationship with Linglong Temple, I hope that the Linglong Hall will take the initiative to find me."

The old sullen skin shook: "The exquisite temple came, and the old man tore the group of monsters!"

The night fell and looked up and down: "Your **** is in the eyes of outsiders, but also a group of monsters, so I am good at others."

The old smashed the mottled scars on his face: "Hell House is nothing but informal, free from outside influences, free and arrogant life! How can we say that we are monsters? The exquisite temple is called the real monster! ”

At night, I looked down at the old face and said that I couldn’t bear to look straight away. "I was very curious. I was with the Emperor, I made a dog and a rest in the hell, and killed your hell. People, see me, you not only have not taken me as an enemy, but also protect me and listen to my orders..."

She touched her chin: "Is the Hell House a turn, or is it fascinated by my beauty?"

"Hey!" Lao Lie trembled. "This joke is not funny. If the Emperor is heard, Laozi's skin is smashed!"


This chapter is a reward for the 10,000 book coins (Chongbao) plus more

Wow! I feel that I am hardworking today!

(End of this chapter)

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