Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3427: She has been waiting for you

Chapter 3427, she has been waiting for you

At night, I was holding a large wooden spoon and stirring a large pot of medicine.

When she heard the footsteps, she looked at her eyes: "Is it coming?"

"I... I am just tired, take a break." Looked at the excuse.

Night clear: "Can you lie to me, can you lie to your own heart?"

Hey: "I..."

He lowered his head and covered a shadow on his face, not seeing his look.

The night fell and did not talk to him about the meaning of chicken soup. He put down the stirring wooden spoon and pointed it to the side. A large wooden basin filled with slap-sized stone bowls: "The sputum was just sent by people, you go. Let's take the medicine at the hospital."

The sullen "hmm" sounded, and the wooden one went to the front of the basin. When he bent down, he picked up the pot and walked forward.

I took a few steps and just got out of the backyard.

He stepped in: "Small girl, she... has she gone?"

"If you are worried, why don't you come out?" The night fell to him. "She has been waiting for you, waiting for you to be careful with her."

"I..." He looked down again and didn't speak.

Like a smoldering gourd, say a few hundred sentences, he may not be able to respond to you.

It’s too lazy to say anything to him at night.

Let him slowly experience and feel.

Only then can you clearly know what you want.

Holding the tub, the next person sent by Qiao Yuyan is taking a large pot of medicinal juice and heading for the medical hall.

Qiao Yanyan did not specifically prepare the ox cart to pull.

Instead, let a few people, so carry the parade.

Although this time is already very late.

But because of what happened today is too much and thrilling.

In addition, many city people were injured and lying in the medical hall.

There are still quite a few city people who have not rested.

He and his family, carrying a large pot of medicine, went to the medical center to care about the news of the city people, and they gave it in an instant.


It’s another time outside.

The night in Jubao is not clear.

She sat in the room of Gu Yu and began to sort the herbs that Gu Yu picked up. They were all sorted into categories, and they were simply handled and the herbs used were taken out.

Lao Lie sat aside.

The candlelight stretched his body in a black robe, and it seemed that he was like a ghost who climbed up from **** at night and came to claim his life.

He knocked on the table: "I don't have a spar on my body. It's not good to go to the inn to open two rooms. Why do you have to squeeze in this place?"

Lao Lie felt that he was wronged.

He is a man of the Hell House.

Walking on the street, everyone saw him, it was running out.

just now……

Follow the side of the night.

He didn't even have a place to sleep!

Say what your body is weak, or let you sleep in the room.

And he, just find a place, hanging on the line to sleep on it.

Hanging line?

He is an old man, let him sleep a line, is it right? !

The night clears the eyelids and does not lift: "Joe Yu Yu and Lu Jia over there, taboo the power of the Hell House, you are here, they dare not secretly start to gather the treasure. If we go to the inn, Jubao is very likely, will happen and five The same thing happened years ago, history will repeat itself."

This time, Jubao will not have another five years.

Lao Lie impatiently snorted: "How about Jubao, Laozi does not care. I am very curious, you are not separated from the Emperor of the Emperor? Why not go to the Emperor, but waste time in this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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