Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3184: 玺玦 from her arms, rolling out

Chapter 3184, from her arms, rolled out

Because of this big battle.

The lush trees around them collapsed on the ground.

The piece was exposed, dark to the oppressive sky.

It can be clearly seen at night.

Between the clouds, there seems to be something in it, in which it rains.

Yes, no matter how clear the night is.

Can't see clearly, one of them.

"What a ghost!" The wind chime screamed and climbed up from the ground.

Just roared.

The wind chime heard a "beep", something, cracked sound.

A wind chime.

The cracked sound is too close.

Near to...

It seems that she has cracked herself.

Own... cracked?

This thought makes the wind bells sturdy and sturdy.

Almost subconscious, she took out a dagger from the pocket of space.

She raised her blade...


A short scream, from the mouth of the wind chime.

She threw the dagger out and hugged her face with her hands: "No... no, it can't be... no! my face, my face..."

"Hey, hey -"

Another burst of crisp sound.

The wind chime hugged his head and squatted on the ground.

Only then, she clearly saw her horrible face, reflected in the blade.

Her face was darkened by the thunder.

The most intrusive is...

Her cheek to the chin position...,

It is cracked!

Split into two halves.

Moreover, it is impossible to reconnect as if the test piece was used in the Dark Palace, even if the hands and feet are broken.

Her chin's cracked mouth can't be closed again!

She doesn't feel any pain.

There is no blood in the body.

I can only hear my own face and keep cracking the sound.

The wind chimes are about to collapse.

Although, her face has been completely ruined.

But it does not mean that she can accept her face, ruin and destroy, or that kind of... shocking destruction!

The appearance of the wind chime.

Not only the five dead bodies saw it.

It’s clear that the night falls.

Five dead bodies saw this situation, and there was already fear of the dark clouds that rushed over the sky and the thunder that was about to fall again.

One by one, staring at the sky with great vigilance.

Where is the management, the wind chimes live and die.

The night cleared and recovered his sight.

She coveted and looked at the embarrassment in her arms.

I don’t know when, I stopped struggling.

The huge leopard head looked up and stared at the sky.

At night, I fell into a pet form, and I became a pet form. I hugged me in my arms and immediately stood up and hooked my unintentional arm: "Let's leave first."

That Tianlei is an enemy or a friend, and the wood is still unclear.

Even the new dead bodies can be dealt with.

She, as well as two holy beasts, are afraid that they will not be able to get it.

Moreover, such a state must be resolved.

There are also unintentional and seriously injured.

Can't delay any more!


In the arms, in the mouth, a short cry.

It struggled fiercely, staying up late and clearing up and helping the unintentional heart. When sitting on the back of the seven or seven, it rolled out from the arms of the night.

The night was amazed and the face changed greatly: "Hey!"

She helped her unintentionally, and her body shape immediately rushed in the direction of the shackles.

But I saw a little cockroach, rolling a few laps on the ground.

Then he looked up and stared at the sky.

It didn't move, it was always staring at the horizon.

The place where the wind fell, it happened to be near the wind chime.

As soon as the wind chimes reach out, you can get it.

It is also because of this distance.

Let the night clear and tremble.


[I won't tell you, Mom is the chapter written in the middle of the night, Mom, a chicken, written in a creepy, goose bump! 】

(End of this chapter)

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