Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3183: Thunder

Chapter 3183 is thundered

"Ha ha ha ... night clear, with your strength, if you want to escape, it is not difficult."

Looking at the night with a cold, frowning look, the wind chimes could not help but laugh out loud.

Her eyes are full of sarcasm about the night.

"What a pity... Our great emperor, good-hearted, is absolutely impossible to do, throwing away my own companion, leaving alone."

She laughed low, like praise, but continued to ridicule:

"Just like this, my palm is going down, you obviously can avoid it... but I am worried, once you avoid it, my palm will hit your little pet..."

"I didn't expect it, you still have a lover, blocking the palm for you."

The wind chimes are stunned and unintentional: "The tall master of the castle is on the top. Now, how can you protect the splashing person? Tell her again, stop a trick?"

Said, the wind chimes laughed from the cover of the self.

The joy of laughter.

It seems that I have to vent my humiliation all the time.

"The night is clear, you can't drop your companion, just join them and die here!"

The last sentence of the wind chime suddenly increased the volume.

At the same time, in the mouth of more than fifty Tongtian beasts, a neat burst sounded.

Immediately, at the same time, in the direction of clearing the night, attack!


Suddenly, the entire ground began to shake vigorously.

The sky is also darkened.

A thunder and lightning, in the sky, seems to have cracked a hole.

It’s like...

Open the blood basin.

In the air around me, the pervasive fluctuations suddenly turned into turbulent waves, constantly tumbling, and colliding with everything around.


The Tongtian beast suddenly made a scream.

Seeing the horizon, the lightning and thunder that passed, directly squatted on the body of the Heavenly Beast.

Thunder and thunder, and constant degeneration.

However, for a long time, there was a burst of burning charcoal.

The screams of the Heavenly Beast are getting more and more fierce.

Sudden changes have changed the face of the wind chimes.

A few dead bodies saw it and quickly avoided the thunder.

"What happened?! How can this place become a day?!" The wind chime pointed at the scorpion and screamed.

damn it!

That splashing people, actually so good luck!

Actually, there will be Tianlei help? !

Is this forbidden place not isolated from the world?

How could it change?

How could there be a thunder?

The dead corpses looked up and looked at the dark sky.

The clouds of the sky are rolling, the black pressure is a piece of pressure, extremely depressed.


The three-eyed beast that was thundered and thundered, at this time, turned out to be only one, curled up on the ground.

The head is buried in the ground.

Two claws, hugged his head.

A look of devout worship.

This scene makes the wind chimes look distorted: "You, all stand up for me, what do you just do? What are the few thunders? This makes you afraid?!"

Yes, no matter how the wind chimes are.

There were still more than thirty Tongtian beasts that had not been shackled, and they kept their heads and shivered.


Suddenly, there was a huge crash.

A thunder, straight to the wind chimes.

The wind chime was swayed by the current, and the black robe of the body was half-focused by the Thunder, leaving only a few pieces of rags hanging on the body.

Other dead bodies saw it and quickly evacuated.

Standing in a relatively safe position.

"A strong breath..."

The night fell, and I looked up at the sky.


[Six chapters are updated~ What?]

(End of this chapter)

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