Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3176: Don't forget the order of the palace owner

Chapter 3176 Don't forget the order of the palace owner

She and the Butterfly Method have become the first batch of refining experiments of finished corpses.

However, she was a little better than the Butterfly Method.

The Dark Palace uses a very bold refining method.

Directly use a batch of root bone quality, and since childhood, the mysterious person who is nourished by the panacea is an experimental product.

In the process of refining, the Butterfly Method was the first...failed product due to the erosion of toxins buried in the body by the night.

The failure is waste.

The lord of the palace directly extracted the soul of the butterfly sacred method and put it into the container, which became the feed for the refining of the dead corpse.

And she winds bells.

It is by strong willpower and hatred of the night.


Being transformed into people, people are not ghosts...

Destroyed the appearance and ruined the body.

Now supporting the wind chimes, there is only the hatred of the night, and the obsession with revenge.

"The night is clear, even if it is dead, I will pull you together... Go to hell!"

As the wind chimes filled with hateful sharpness, the strength of her body rushed.

The long whip drawn from the waist is like a dexterous snake, tearing the waves of the air.


Flying sand, stone crushing, trees flying.

The ground is also shattered by the "rumbling".

The wind chimes under the anger and hatred, the black atmosphere around the body, the more intense.

It almost seems to drown her thoroughly.

Endless killing, from the release of her strength, spread out.


Only heard a crisp tearing sound.

The enchantment that was settled at night and cleared the whole body was actually broken by this effort.

The wind chimes were cold, and the corner of the mouth raised a sneer.

Hands clenched fists and went up.

For a moment, the blackness of the body boiled to the top.


The enchantment was completely cracked.

The majestic hurricane, like a huge vortex, stirred the air around and plunged down.

When the night falls, it is covered by the black wind of the wind chimes.

The girl’s blue hair was flying by the wind and it was scattered.

Her eyebrows are slightly sinking.

I have to say that she is a bit strange about the power of the wind chime today.

But also.

The wind chime is the enchantment.

When Emperor Xu Xuan called the wind chime, it was to break her enchantment.

It can be seen that the wind chimes are at the enchantment of the enchantment, higher than the emperor.

It is not surprising that she can break her enchantment.

"What are you still doing? Since this splashed people refused to leave here, kill her directly!" The wind chimes saw the enchantment of the night and the enchantment was forced, and the eyes flashed a crazy smile.

The five men, who screwed their eyebrows, seemed to be unwilling to do so.

The Tongtian beasts are already unable to withstand the black energy emitted by the wind chimes, and how can they get the heart and attack the night.

The wind chimes are stunned: "Don't forget the order of the palace! This splash has already overheard our conversation and knows our purpose! For the sake of the present, I want to stop this splash, and hit it with that thing. Only kill her! Otherwise... the mission fails, no one can escape!"

The five men, when they heard the word "Miyak", had a slight reaction.

Their brows are wrinkled more tightly.

Extremely unwilling, in the direction of the clearing of the night, walked over.

The majestic blackness of the fierce, for the five men, seems to have no effect at all.

But for a moment, five men have stood in front of the night.

A hollow, godless eye is like watching a body.

(End of this chapter)

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