Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3175: Experimental product

Chapter 3175 Experimental Products

However, the wind chimes, and the five men, were able to stand here and there was no difference.

In addition, the wind chime has never been mysterious, and now it can be released, so that the power of the heavenly beast is hard to resist...

There is only one possibility.

The night fluttered and fluttered, staring at the wind chime, and openedly said: "You...have become, dead body?!"

Not just wind chimes.

And the five men, also dead bodies!


It’s a bit skeptical to let the night clear...

The dead corpse should be unconscious, and only know how to follow the instructions of the manipulating person.

However, the wind chimes obviously have their own consciousness.

No matter what words or expressions, there is no difference between them.

The five men, though speech-machined, have empty eyes, but... they also have a sense of autonomy, not like the feeling of being manipulated by people.

If the night falls, let the wind chimes in the rage, the eyes flashed a trace of killing.

But very quickly, the wind chimes didn't twist at all, and they looked up and smiled. "Yes, I am a dead body!"

She sneered a few sneers, hateful eyes and hate the eyes, not blinking at night.

The strength of the body is constantly rising.

"The night is clear, your way of dealing with the defective products is useless to me!" The wind chimes sneered, "The dark palace transformed me into the latest type of dead body! That is... the finished dead body!"

In the words of the wind chimes, it sounds like a fierce pride in being a dead body.

But the eyes of those who complained of poison, and the unwillingness of the red-red forbearance, revealed her heart and true thoughts.

If yes.

Who wants to become a monster that is not a human being, a ghost or a ghost?

She is not a human.

It has human consciousness and human habits.

She was invulnerable, the fire did not invade, and she did not know the pain.

However, after all, she is the human body.

Her body was pitted, green and red, and it was a shocking trace.

It is the various criminal laws used by the Dark Palace to test her finished corpse!

The fire was burned, flooded, buried, and even attacked her.

And she can't hide, can't flash.

Can only bear it again and again... experiment.

She doesn't know the pain.

The skin that can be used is destroyed in repeated experiments.

Until the end of the experiment.

She was released and sent to the forbidden area.

From beginning to end, she has no right to choose.

all of these……

It’s all thanks to this splash!

If it is not because of the night...

If it is not because she specially put the butterfly holy law that has been tortured for a few days back to the dark palace!

She was impossible, was noticed by the palace owner, and ... became the first batch, the experimental body!

The wind chimes could not recall the pictures at the time.

After returning to the dark palace, the butterfly holy method confirmed her voice, and for the Emperor Mo Xuan, came to the dark palace as a masterpiece.

The plan to encroach on the Nanzhao mainland was originally smooth.

It was because the wind chimes stalked from the middle, secretly passed the message, and revealed the base address of the Nanzhao mainland, and gave the Emperor Xu Xuan.

It led to the failure of the plan of Nanzhao.

And, the one that even the palace owner wants to bring back... The holy island of the island, Mo Zhenying, did not bring it back.

all in all.

The butterfly holy method is to push the sin of the mission failure to the wind chimes.

Even if the wind chimes are explained.

The loss of this time, let the dark palace up and down, no one is convinced.

Although the palace owner did not believe in the words of the butterfly law.

But for the loser, the palace owner has no meaning at all.


[Late later]

(End of this chapter)

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