Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3115: Male ticket is too calf, swollen, online, etc.

Chapter 3115 male ticket is too calf, swollen what to do, online, etc.

"What hurts me?" At night, she raised her eyebrows and looked at the night with her hands on her chest.

It seems to be saying: I will quietly watch you continue to edit, see what flowers you can make.

The emperor's face is not changed, and one of her hands is held up. The thin lips are lightly curved. It is so intoxicating: "Nature is, it hurts you to return to courtesy."

Good guy, actually want to seduce her with a beautiful man?


Really when she clears up at night, can't she be immune to his beauty?

At night, the nose fell, and the **** was raised very arrogantly: "To deal with these two slags, why bother! But... accept your heartache."

As she said, her slender and white fingers provoked the chin of Di Mo Xuan, picked up her toes, pulled him down and put his lips on it.


She is indeed...

The beauty of Emperor Mo Xuan can't be immune!

Emperor Mo Xuan's beautiful man, for her, try Bailing!

"The battlefield here is over. Let's pack it up and go to the East China mainland to see the situation." The night cleared his lips, his small hand from his chin, wrapped around his neck and smiled enchantingly.

The emperor's black and white is deep, and the light is hidden. Some special feelings are jumping.

His gaze, staring at her lips.

Night clearing is not an ignorant girl, where will not understand, the meaning of the emperor's eyes.

That kiss is ignited.

The night is clear and laughter is more unfriendly: "Nanjing mainland can take it back, the biggest credit is you... Although I want to reward you, but... the time and place are wrong, I can't help."

Emperor Mo Xuan thined his lips and suddenly leaned over and held her in the arms.

The night fell and I was amazed and hooked his neck.

Emperor Xu Xuan hugged her, crossed the battlefield of **** weather, crossed the surrounding, and still stalked the disciples of both sides...

just like.

The two of them do not belong to this battlefield at all, and do not belong here.

And, everyone around the fight.

It is also complete, not afraid to go to them, close to one step.

In this way, let the emperor Xu Xuan hold the night clear, so full of force, towards the direction of the inn.


The crowd only saw such a full picture.

However, the night was clear, but it was nestled in the arms of Emperor Xu Xuan. His face was blushing, and he gnashed his teeth several times. He wanted to hammer his fist to his chest.

She really wants to take advantage of the clothes of Emperor Xu Xuan, and then tell those...

I think that the Emperor of the Emperor holds her picture of leaving the battlefield, and those who are full of enthusiasm -

You have been cheated by him!

Was cheated by his invisible force!

What is so powerful!

Is he a big cow (flow)? !

Emperor Xu Xuan was holding her at the same time.

Then she was in her ear and whispered a word...

"If it's time and place, it's okay, are you... let me deal with it?"

That voice, with deliberately sinister magnetism.

The night of the plucking of the night was almost impossible to hold.

The male ticket is too avian, and I want to throw me all the time, swollen what to do, online, etc., very urgent!


There is no suspense in this war.

The dark priest disciples were all captured.

The dead bodies were also all killed by the imperial court disciples, the devil's class, and the other men. The soldiers used all that special weapons to kill them.

And after the end of the battle in Valley Wind City.

The generals were reminded of the night’s clearing.

They led the soldiers, rushed to the south of the mainland, and cleaned up the remaining dark palaces that still had traces in the Nanzhao continent.


[Baby, Happy Goddess Day, what?]

(End of this chapter)

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