Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3114: Why, distressed her?

Chapter 3114, what hurts her?

The butterfly's holy method is stiff and stiff.

The robes on the chest are stained with blood.

She turned her head and found the girl who was still laughing at her side, not knowing when it appeared behind her.

The girl's eyebrows are enchanting, the lips are smiling, and the face is flawless and pure.

The move in the hand is completely inconsistent with her expression.

The girl’s hand slowly moved.

The butterfly holy method only feels the wound on the back, as if it was cut by a weapon.


The sharp blade suddenly pulled away from her back.

Blood, spewing out.

The power to lose support.

The body of the butterfly holy law fell heavily on the ground.

A distorted face, almost no pain in her facial features.

At night, the blood-stained dagger was gently shaken.

The night fell and leaned over, and looked down at the butterfly's holy law: "This is the pain of the shadow, and it is still ninety-nine."

The butterfly holy law hurts a few times.

Conscious, partiality is clear, she can clearly feel that the sharp edge penetrates the bones,

Even, you can hear the sound of the sharp blade falling into the bone.

Ninety-nine knife...

A hundred times to return?

Is it true that the night is clear, really want to put a hundred knives on her? !

"You can rest assured that within this hundred knives, I will not let you die." The night cleared "good heart" smiled. "You should believe in my medical skills."

The butterfly holy face is like a dead gray.

This is not as good as letting her die!

The night was clear and smiled, but the look on the face turned into awe.

"The soldiers of Gufengcheng, the disciples of the Imperial Palace, the captains who invaded the Nanzhao mainland have now been captured... Next, it is your battlefield!"

Her voice is clear and clear, following the wind, ringing every corner of the battlefield.

The soldiers are fighting to burn.

The battlefield, once again collided and killed.


This time, the situation was completely reversed.

Dark priest disciples, dead corpses, almost collapsed.

"The generals, trouble to hold the captain of the team, later, I will report again... the remaining ninety-nine knives." The night fell to the generals, smiling and opening.

The reversal of the war situation has made the generals who have always been majestic blind.

He solemnly looked at the night and clenched his fists, and replied with a strong answer: "Mrs. Emperor, give it to me! I must be optimistic about her for you!"

The night is clear and laughs.

When the generals walked with the butterfly holy law toward the inn.

The butterfly holy law clearly heard the girl behind her, and said to the man around me with a soft tone: "The people in the dark palace can be stupid. I really thought that relying on a wind chime would allow the people to fight against the water and let them capture the Nanzhao continent. Are they questioning your charm?"

The girl smiled and continued to speak: "Thanks to the wind chimes, we can solve the dark base of the dark palace so smoothly, and we successfully took back the Nanzhao mainland. I will thank her after the next meeting."

Wind chimes...

Wind chimes!

At the bottom of the butterfly, the name of the resentful roar.

See the generals with the butterfly method, step into the inn.

The night cleared and the sound stopped.

Emperor Mo Xuan cognac, staring at the girl holding his arm, slightly raised his lips: "What is it?"

"There is still a return to the wind chimes." The night clears the fluffy, slender fingers, and pokes the chest of God's ink, "Why, distressed?"

Emperor Xu Xuan's palm wrapped her fingers, the sound is calm, but gentle: "Well, distressed."

The smile of the night is clear, and the hand is also struggling: "Well, you are an emperor! You dare to hurt other women?!"

"I am distressed by you." Emperor Xu Xuan leaned down and fell a kiss in her ear.

(End of this chapter)

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