Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2943: If you have this face, I will take it for you.

Chapter 2943, your face, I will take it for you.

She screamed, quickly retreating, avoiding the fan.

Yes, the fan fan has already placed a bright red hole on her cheek.

Endless black gas, seeping through the blood.

When Bai Mei left the enchantment a few steps.

The night is clear and the fingers are moving.

The flame that was spinning in the air, immediately returned to the hands of the night.

Bai Mei licked his face, scarlet and poisoned eyes, staring at the night with vigilance.


How can Bai Mei be vigilant.

Compare the speed of the night clearing.

She is far away!

Bai Mei did not see clearly, what did the night clear?

I only feel that my body is bound by something.

The limbs are actually unable to move.

And the thing that bound her, tightening her skin, stinging.


What is it, it seems to be embedded in the pain of the bone marrow.

The white snorted.

Her painful eyes are blooming, and the dead cockroaches fall to the night.

But seeing the night, the pinch fan is blowing, and the five fingers are playing from time to time.

Whenever the fingers are clear at night, move a little.

Bai Mei can feel that the things bound to his limbs are turned into sharp blades, cutting her bones.


A glare of glare, stinging her eyes.

Bai Mei's eyes wide open, half-blinking eyes, following the glare, the line of sight slowly moved...

This discovery.

It’s not something else that binds you.


A silver wire that is as thin as a blue silk!

That silver wire, there are five or six.

It was shot from the flame fan in the hand of the night.

"Well... you were the master of Shangxuan Academy. I am a student at the school. Naturally, I can’t see you die... You will take this face for you..."

The sound of the clearing of the night is clear, and the smile of the scum is mixed.

Her fingers swept forward.

Bai Mei clearly heard the sound of a "squeaky" sound in the air.

Then, I felt a cold touch and stuck it on my face.

It is silver wire!

White-faced face, pale when it is.

The oozing mouth, stained with silver on the face.

"You dare! You dare to touch my face!"

In the eyes of white and scarlet, full of resentment.

There is no doubt that the night is clear, if this is the case, the silver wire of the fan-shaped fan does not bind the words of Bai Mei.

Bai Mei will definitely come up and fight directly with her.

Bai Mei paid too much for her young and beautiful face.

She wants to be young and wants to be beautiful.

I want to get the love of Di Mo Xuan.

How could she allow people to move her face?

In the face of the madness of Bai Mei's hysteria, the night is just calm and elegant, pulling the corner of his mouth and smiling slightly: "Why don't I dare?"

For white.

She has no half sympathy.

For a face.

Willing to discard the dignity of the people from the upper bound, and cast to the dark house, mixed with the crowds of the dark palace.

I have trouble finding her repeatedly.

Injure her brother.

the most important is……

She is really annoying...

And other women, Xiao thought her man!

The night was clear, and the cold chill was blooming.

Her fingers moved, like the silver of the sharp edge, began to follow the white face, slowly cut open...


Suddenly, a black thing flew away from the hands that cleared the night.

That momentum is extremely fierce.

Carrying a powerful suffocating momentum.

For example, thundering, like a surge of waves.

Rao is the night clearing, but also by this sudden thing, I can only give up the white charm, avoid the hidden weapon...


[Guess, who is it?]

(End of this chapter)

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