Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2942: Want to engulf the enchantment?

Chapter 2942 wants to engulf the enchantment?

Through the gauze.

The night clear can clearly see the change of Bai Mei.

Especially when I saw the black gas that overflowed with white eyes.

Her eyebrows were slightly stunned.

as expected……

This white, the person who has been in the dark palace in the body, implanted the evil spirit belonging to the dark palace!

This sinister atmosphere.

It is completely similar to the evil spirit of the former Yin control Miao Rongrong!

The night was clear and charming, and the positive color looked white.

Bai Mei can put on a beautiful face.

It should be the credit of the dark palace.

The reason why Bai Mei followed the words of Zhenfei and Fox.

I am afraid it is a face-changing transaction.

Bai Mei was used by the dark palace.

In terms of the temperament of the dark palace...

The dark palace is definitely not going to be justified by the white man.

That piece of skin on the white hair...

It must be moving hands and feet.

Today, I see the appearance of Bai Mei.

Everything is as expected by the night.

This face of Bai Mei is the source of the evil spirit.

The dark palace is to borrow white charm...

What is the purpose?

The night clearing has just expressed this question.

Soon, Bai Mei gave her an answer.

Endless black air, overflowing from the eyes of Bai Mei.

She is like a man-operated donkey, swaying, but not mad at the night.

When the white body is once again hitting the floating purple light.

She actually pressed her face to the enchantment that was formed by the purple light.

Purple light is moving.

Like a lightning bolt.

The speed of the face toward Bai Mei, roared down.


A group of black gas, from the white face, a little bit of extravasation...

The strange black gas, like a magnet, firmly adsorbs the enchantment.

The entire enchantment, the purple current is turbulent, and it is also wrapped around a circle of black gas.

Obviously, Bai Mei is trying to forcibly break the enchantment of Emperor Mo Xuan.

The night was clear and lifted, watching the black gas that was still overflowing, and perseveringly wrapped around the enchantment.

The white-faced face has been painfully distorted.

Black gas is still spreading.

The night cleared the corners of the mouth, the slight fascination, reflecting a cold and cold mang: "Well, you were the master of Shang Xuan College, but now it is breaking into the magic road... Hehe."

As she spoke, she shook her head disdainfully: "I heard that the masters of the class of God are all from the upper three worlds, but now they are self-deprecating, and the lower boundary... the dark palace is entangled with this evil palace. ... I really don't know, if your mysterious sister knows, will you regret it... When you were born, you didn't kill you."


The face that was attached to the enchantment was a little bit enchanted.

Bai Meifu, the toxic eyes, smashed to the night: "What do you want to mention my sister! You don't want to mention her!"

Bai Mei is excited.

The moment the face left the enchantment.

Originally entangled, the black gas that is spreading and spreading.

At a very fast speed, the fast interest stopped.

Bai Mei also reacted.

She quickly turned her face back to the enchantment.

However, the night clear did not give her this opportunity.

The night is clear, it is deliberate, using words to stimulate white and charming, attracting white and charming.

She took the opportunity to stop Bai Mei from using evil spirits and engulf the enchantment.

When the white face is pressed, it will be pressed.

The night cleared his fingers.

The fan-shaped fan flies out from the fingertips.

It turned into a flame of a spin.

Bai Mei’s face was wiped by Yu Wei, who fanned the fan...

(End of this chapter)

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