Outrageous! The hostess didn’t break off the marriage!

Outrageous! The hostess didn’t break off the marriage!

147 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Nanyang travels through the world of novels and obtains the plot system. As long as he plays the role of the rich second generation of the villain, he can obtain immortality and all money.

The beginning is the scene where the heroine announces the divorce, and Chu Nanyang plays the role of his own licking*.

But at the end of the performance, it failed inexplicably. Do you have to do it all over again?

Play another lick*? ?

Chu Nanyang was angry!

This time I didn’t lick ***** inappropriately!

Chu Nanyang immediately decided that when the female protagonist announced that he had broken off the marriage, he would agree to break off the marriage on the spot, and he would never lick it again!

As a result, on the spot of the birthday banquet, the hostess looked at Chu Nanyang and said emotionally, “Husband, let’s get married tomorrow.”

The other heroines were stunned: “That’s not right! Why didn’t you break the marriage, you little bitch!”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “Outrageous! The hostess didn’t break off the marriage! ”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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