"Damn it!"

"Keep it for me!"

"We must not let those monsters destroy our tribal walls!"

In the dense forest, a tribe of lizardmen with a population of several thousand is being shrouded in flames of war.

On the tribal wall that is more than ten meters high, there are a large number of lizardmen holding various weapons, including not only archers, but also magicians.

Looking outside the city wall, there are densely packed Warcraft monsters.

Wind wolves, forest pythons, armored mantises, giant swamp rats, blue leopards... there are countless kinds of monsters, and they are much more prosperous than the inner city.

Without exception, these Warcraft monsters were affected by the power of the abyss, and their temperaments became extremely manic.

Normally, they would not besiege a tribe protected by a city wall.

Because even if they can be captured, they will suffer heavy losses.

But now, their consciousness has been eroded by the power of the abyss.

The only thought is to kill!

As long as they are not of the same kind, they must be killed.

At this time, a large number of monster corpses had accumulated on the battlefield, but like the rats that besieged Lin Yi's territory, the other monsters had no intention of retreating at all, and instead worked harder and harder.

The battle lasted for an unknown amount of time, and the walls of the Lizardman tribe began to become crumbling.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

"As long as we persist until after one o'clock in the morning, victory will belong to us!"

An old lizard man stood on the high tribal wall to encourage morale.

Around twelve o'clock at night is when the power of the abyss is strongest.

But as soon as it passes one o'clock in the morning and the blood moon sets in the west, the power of the abyss will quickly dissipate.

Similarly, the affected Warcraft monsters will gradually regain their consciousness and will not be as crazy as they are now.

After hearing this encouragement, the lizardmen who were participating in the battle also felt their strength doubled and devoted themselves more seriously to the battle.

However, at this moment...

Suddenly there was a roar from behind the army of Warcraft.

The powerful sound shook the trees within hundreds of meters.

Then, a terrifying figure appeared.

The figure was nearly seven meters tall. It looked like some kind of bear monster, but it had no hair on its body. Instead, it was covered with blood-red scales, and there were bloody sticks on its back and arms. of bone spurs.

Its eyes were blood red and its mouth was drooling.

Occasionally he would roar.

A state of madness!

"The patriarch is not good, he is a demonized creature!"

"And it's a demonized creature mutated from the advanced magical beast Earth Demon Bear!"

"Chief, what should we do?"

Frightened voices kept ringing from the tribal walls.

The patriarch they call is the old lizard man who inspires morale.

At this time, the old lizard man also had a look of fear on his face.

Demonized creatures, advanced monster mutations.

Looking at the violent aura emanating from his body, he definitely reached the king level.

And he was only able to reach the level of king level. Moreover, he was already old. He was no match for the powerful and powerful demonized king level creature. Just by looking at his size, he knew that he was not on the same level.

For a moment, he thought of escaping!

But the problem is that the entire tribe is surrounded by an army of Warcraft monsters, and he has nowhere to escape.

"Don't panic, Master Long is protecting us!"

"Not even demonized creatures can try to destroy our faith!"

"The tribe is victorious!"

"Praise Lord Long!"

Morale is back, but not much.

Half an hour later, the tribe's city wall was finally forcibly knocked down by the demonized creature, and densely packed Warcraft monsters suddenly poured in.

Screams and wails came and went.

Similar scenes occurred in other parts of the outer city ruins.

Even the strongholds of the undead forces were demolished into ruins by the army of Warcraft monsters.

That night, the forces in the outer city suffered heavy losses.

Inner city, central square.

After leaving behind at least 100,000 corpses, the rats finally rushed near Lin Yi's territory.

The only ones standing in front of the rats now were the one hundred and eighty tree warriors who were more than twenty meters tall. As long as this line of defense is broken through, the rats can directly attack Lin Yi's territory wall.

"Filthy underground creatures!"

A dull voice sounded on the battlefield, coming from a tree warrior.

It swung the large wooden stick nearly fifteen meters long in its hand and smashed it against the rushing rats.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

More than ten giant swamp rats were smashed to death on the spot, and no complete corpses were left at all. They were all turned into pieces of flesh.

The tremendous strength of the tree warriors would strain even the giant dragon.

Naturally, low-level monsters like the giant swamp rat cannot resist it.

At the same time, other tree warriors also launched attacks one after another. They did not have any gorgeous combat skills. They only showed one thing from beginning to end, and that was the aesthetics of violence.

As soon as the stick went down, the whole world became quiet.

"It's your turn!"

On the wall, an elf priest said to a team of elf swordsmen gathered not far away.

She waved the wand in her hand, pouring out a faint golden light.

Under the shroud of golden light, the physical attributes of these elven swordsmen suddenly increased significantly.

This is a blessing from the Elf Priest.

"Thank you, Lord Priest!"

After the words fell, this team of elven swordsmen jumped down from the six-meter-high wall, and then rushed into the battlefield not far away without hesitation.

Elven swordsmen teams in other areas also joined the battle one after another.

A total of 1,800 elven swordsmen.

They were agile, passing through the battlefield, and quickly killed those who escaped the violent punishment of the tree warriors with the elven swords in their hands.

In the farther direction, there were still a lot of magic skills bombarding the rats.

The dense rain of arrows never stopped.

Every moment, groups of swamp giant rats were killed.

The rats suffered heavy losses, but the elven army under Lin Yi reaped a lot of rewards.

A large number of elven soldiers achieved a level upgrade in this battle, especially those elven archers who had just been trained, almost all of them were promoted to the seventh level.

Their initial level was the lowest.

Correspondingly, the experience required for upgrading was the least.


The battle has been going on...

All the elves have been fighting for several hours, including Lin Yi.

This is not only because the scale of the rat swarm is extremely large, but more importantly, the fierce war has attracted almost all the undead creatures in the inner city ruins.

The enemies appearing on the battlefield now are not only rat swarms, but also large-scale undead legions.

This is why the war has not ended yet.

"The more you come, the better!"

"If you don't come to die, how can my territory develop rapidly?"

Lin Yi took out a small bottle of high-level elf spring water from his space belt and drank it in one gulp. The rapidly consumed magic power in his body was quickly restored.

He waved the scepter of the Sun Elf King in his hand repeatedly.

Throwing powerful magic skills at the rat swarm and undead creatures on the battlefield.

Suddenly, a large area was cleared.

So far, at least tens of thousands of swamp rats and undead creatures have died in his hands.

In terms of personal performance alone, no elf in the territory can compare to him.

After a long battle, a series of painful roars suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

The sound was deafening and heartbreaking.

Lin Yi looked up and saw that there were more than a dozen swamp rats of relatively high level standing up like humans in the rat group, and their bodies swelled rapidly.

All of these swamp rats were emitting red light.

It was similar to the light of a blood moon.

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