Boom boom boom boom...

Suddenly, on the outskirts of the central square, huge pillars of flames soared into the sky.

A powerful impact burst out in an instant, carrying a large number of giant swamp rats into the sky. All the giant swamp rats burned with flames and turned into fireballs one after another.

The temperature of the flame is extremely high.

In an instant, those giant swamp rats were burned to charcoal.

When they fell to the ground, they all turned into countless black charcoal residues.

There are no intact bodies.

At the same time, hundreds of flame pillars appeared in other directions, with the square as the center, forming a flame defense line to block the progress of the rat tide.

These pillars of flame are magic traps set by the elven huntresses.

Lin Yi asked them to start preparations two days ago.

The purpose is to give the monsters that attack his territory a head-on blow on the night of the blood moon.

If some accidents had not occurred, causing a large number of magic traps to be triggered in advance, the losses to the rats would have been even more serious, and several times more swamp giant rats would have been burned to death in this wave of traps.

Screams and roars resounded throughout the night.

Near those pillars of flame, there were burning fireballs everywhere.

The appearance of each fireball means that a giant swamp rat will soon be burned to ashes.

In less than half a minute, tens of thousands of giant swamp rats were killed.

But such heavy casualties did not scare away the rats.

Instead, it made the giant swamp rats behind become even crazier.

Normally, this kind of low-level monster living in the dark world will definitely be afraid of flames. This is natural. But the rats were rushing forward at the moment, with no intention of retreating. Some even rushed directly into the pillar of flame.

Visible to the naked eye…

The light of all flame pillars quickly dimmed.

This is a phenomenon where magic power is rapidly consumed.

The elemental magic contained in the magic trap is fixed and cannot be replenished. Once the magic power is exhausted, the magic trap will also disintegrate.

That's what the Rat Pack had in mind.

But this is not guided by their subjective consciousness.

The consciousness of these giant swamp rats is already in an extremely chaotic and violent state, and there is no magic trap in their eyes. They have only one purpose, and that is to rush into Lin Yi's territory and tear everything that can be torn into pieces.

"This is the terrifying thing about the power of the abyss!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw the group of rats rushing forward and rushing into the pillar of flame.

This is just a 'mild patient' under the influence of the power of the abyss.

If it is a severe patient and mutates into a demonic creature, it will be even more terrifying.

Because demonized creatures are not only extremely powerful in combat, but also obey the devil's orders.

A conscious and organized violent plus army is not comparable to this kind of ordinary violent group without organization and discipline.

Lin Yi turned to look at Anna, the elf priest, who was standing beside him.

"Did anything abnormal happen to your body when the blood moon appeared?"

Anna shook her head and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is nothing unusual. Our faith is extremely firm, and even the power of the abyss cannot affect us."

Suddenly, Lin Yi understood.

His troops are supported by the system and can withstand the erosion from the power of the abyss.

The reason why he wanted to ask specifically was because he would definitely fight the demons in the future. The troops under his command will also be directly exposed to the power of the abyss, and are more likely to be contaminated.

Now that he knows there is system support, he can rest assured.

"Not being affected by the power of the abyss is equivalent to me slashing the demon twice first."

"After all, if countless native races hadn't been eroded by the power of the abyss and turned into demonized creatures, it would not have been so easy for the demons to win the war."

"This is great news!"

Under the desperate charge of the rats, the pillar of flame finally couldn't hold on.

The magic power is exhausted and the runes disintegrate.

Almost at the same time, the pillars of flame began to disappear one after another.

After a few minutes, all the flame pillars were extinguished.

Without the obstruction of the pillar of flame, the rats poured into the square like a tide.

In all directions, there are giant swamp rats everywhere, and the dense scene makes people feel chills standing on end.

"It's our turn!"

Lin Yi took the lead in waving the magic wand in his hand.

Suddenly, a flaming dragon tens of meters long appeared in the sky.

Then it swooped down and fell into the rat swarm, directly setting off an explosion with a diameter of at least three hundred meters. In an instant, countless swamp giant rats were killed.

Now, Lin Yi's level has been promoted to the intermediate king level.

The power of the fire dragon's roar is also stronger.

"This is just king-level magic."

"It is conceivable how terrifying the power of extraordinary, holy, and even forbidden spell-level magic can be. It seems that it is not impossible for a forbidden spell to destroy an entire city as the old tree said!"

On the other side, after Lin Yi gave the signal.

The elf army also took action.

The first is the overwhelming rain of arrows.

Fully 5,500 elven archers drew their bows and shot arrows at the same time.

The dense arrows drew perfect arcs in mid-air, directly pinning thousands of giant swamp rats to the ground.

It was clearly visible that the swamp rats at the front fell like wheat blown by the wind, and the blood soon dyed the square red.

And this was just the beginning.

Before the first wave of arrows fell, the elf archers started the second round of shooting.

Rapid shooting, almost one arrow per second.

This is the basic operation of the elf archers.

There is no fancy, only the basic shooting skills that are extremely skilled, and there is no need to deliberately aim, because all you can see is the enemy.

Round after round of arrows fell from the sky with a sound of breaking through the air.

In just a moment, the area about 200 meters away from the wall was covered with the corpses of swamp rats, and some places even formed piles of corpses.

It is roughly estimated that no less than 30,000 swamp rats were shot.

But the number of swamp rats is still too many after all.

Soon, swamp rats passed through the area covered by arrows and continued to rush towards Lin Yi's territory.

But the next moment.

They were immediately bombarded with various advanced magics.

Five hundred elven magicians stood on the wall, waving their magic wands, and smashed one advanced magic skill after another into the rats.

Suddenly, a blazing sea of ​​fire, icicles, howling winds, dense spikes, and other magical scenes appeared on the battlefield.

For the rats, this was another large-scale land washing.

The violent rats suffered heavy losses again.

Just when Lin Yi's territory was "struggling to resist" the siege of the rats.

Wars broke out everywhere in the outer city ruins.

Almost all forces participated in the war.

There was a lizard tribe under siege by monsters.

There was an army of undead fighting against the rat tide.

In the sky, there were countless flying monsters fighting each other.

The scene was extremely lively, as if the whole world was at war...

[PS: I'm asking for a wave of investment, please! ]

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