Chapter 326-Tucks

The trash mountain in the depths of the clearing became a flesh-and-blood mill.

Every time a fist is thrown, the coming magic wolf will explode like a water polo.

Every kick will bring a series of dull bones.

Heather’s Zangan style fighting style is neither as powerful as Zangan nor as thunderous and windy as Tifa. His style is purely killer with both viciousness and rage.

Shots must be aimed at the enemy’s vital points and dead spots. There is no pity or retention. It is not so much a fighting skill as a thorough killing skill.

Zangan once said that the ultimate goal of the Zankanliu fighting technique he created is to allow practitioners to evolve this fighting technique into their own style of fighting skills.

Regarding this, both Tifa and Heather did it.

Now what Heather is playing is no longer ‘Zan Gan Liu’, but ‘Heather Current Fighting Skill’.

The brawny man covered in blood lay down not far from Heather, surrounded by the corpses of the demon wolf killed by Heather. He was lucky and was rescued by Heather without being injured to the point of death, but at this time he also fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.


Another demon wolf was directly smashed by Heather’s fist volleyed, and even the fur and the flesh and blood splashed around, but not a drop was splashed on Heather.

At least forty demon wolves died in Heather’s hands, and the wolves kept roaring and howling menacingly, even if the wolf king kept roaring and issuing orders, he flinched.

Heather leaped lightly on the spot with a light face, which was not even a warm-up exercise for him.

Noting the jealous look of the Demon Wolf King in the distance, Heather hooked him: “It’s boring to just let the little brother rush up. Come on, let’s practice.”

The Demon Wolf King stepped out, blue veins appeared on the surface of his muscles, black mane roots and roots, four eyeballs lined up on both sides of his cheeks staring at Heather.

Heather moved his knuckles, ready to fight.

Just as the Demon Wolf King was about to pounce on Heather, there was a gunshot, and the Demon Wolf King also fell to the ground, with a blood hole in the shoulder blade. But this shot did not cause fatal injuries to it, and then it climbed up to its feet, and retreated into the pack of magic wolves in surprise.

Heather looked in the direction where the gunfire sounded, with an unhappy expression: “…Interfering with other people’s entertainment activities is not a good habit.”

Following his line of sight, there were four figures standing on top of the ruined tall building in the distance. The four people were uniformly dressed in black suits and uniforms with different styles of weapons in their hands. The gunshot just now was caused by a woman with blond hair and a ponytail, with white smoke from the muzzle of the peculiar long gun in her hand.

Beside the woman, a man with red hair and goggles carried a metal short stick on his shoulders, and looked at Heather in a foolish manner:

“Should we say-[No thanks]?”

“Renault, these magic wolves were all killed by him.” said the black-haired man with black hair and glasses back, with a samurai sword in his hand.

“It’s quite powerful, as a folk.” The red-haired man called Renault shrugged his shoulders: “Freya, is this gun crooked?”

The blond ponytail woman holding a rifle raised her muzzle and smiled slightly: “No, it’s the skin and muscles of this demon wolf king that got stuck in the bullet. It really is ‘upgraded’. In addition, the gun needs to be adjusted and upgraded.”

“Upgrading firearms is a matter of [Weapon Development Department]. It has nothing to do with us.” Renault shook his head and snapped his fingers to the back: “Sithner, call Zeng.”

Standing at the back is a girl with long brown-red hair. She holds a huge cross shuriken in her right hand and takes out her mobile phone to dial the number in her left hand.

[…What’s the situation? 】

“The magic wolves did not have an impact on the Xiacheng District, and they were stopped by a powerful civilian.”

[Civilians? 】

“It seems to be a martial artist with Grandmaster fighting skills. At least forty magic wolves died in his hands.”

[…Don’t worry about him, just bring the sample back. 】


【be careful. 】


Click, the phone hangs up.

Cisner looked at the others: “You all heard it too?”

Renault stretched his waist: “I heard that, as long as the Demon Wolf King is brought back, it’s OK, right? After all, it’s what the bastard Baotiao ordered. If you don’t follow that person’s request, things will happen. It’s getting very troublesome. Barto, are we together?”

The man called Barto was the black-haired spectacled man holding a samurai sword. There was an obvious scar on the left side of his cheek. He pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose: “I’m afraid this folk will not cooperate.”

“[TURKS] (TURKS) works, if you don’t cooperate, you are against Shinra, and we will be dead if you die.”

Renault moved his shoulders with a smile but a smile: “Freya, you are here to cover. Sisne, you protect Freya. Go on, Barto!”

“Yeah.” Balto held the katana in his hand.

The two of them exerted strength under their feet, and jumped down from upstairs one after another, and ran towards the Demon Wolf King.

Downstairs, Heather put his hands in Kabuto and watched the two men in suits rush into the magic wolves to start killing. He also understood their identities.

TURKS (TURKS), the Investigation Division of the General Affairs Department of Shinra Corporation, is an elite unit of the Public Security Maintenance Department. The job on the surface is intelligence collection and selection of special forces personnel, while secretly it is the secret agent organization that woos abductions, assassinations, and other secret operations of enterprises.

The redhead should be Renault. In the original work, teaming up with the bald Luther caused a lot of trouble for the protagonist and the group.

The members of Tucks are different from the special forces. They have not been immersed in magic or undergoing human body modification surgery. They are simply ordinary humans with powerful strength.

Because of this, everyone who can be selected for Tucks is a representative of human physical limits.

Both Renault and Balto’s weapons were equipped with powerful magic spar, and they carried out a frenzied killing of the magic wolves as if they were in no one’s land, and the target was directed at the magic wolf king hiding in the back of the wolves. This guy is the leader of the science department [Bao Tiao] named the experimental samples to be recovered. If you violate the order of Treasure Tiao, even Tux will be very embarrassed.

Demon wolves have been trying to sneak attacks on Renault and Barto from the rear, but the sound of gunshots can always accurately take away the lives of the devil wolves without any bullets.

Under the command of the Demon Wolf King, several demon wolves leaped along the ruins towards the top of the ruins of the building, trying to attack the sniper. If you are not close, you will be shaved off your limbs or head by the high-speed rotating cross shuriken.

Heather found a place to sit down like a bystander and watched the battle while commenting. Although there were few members of Tucks, each of them was the elite of the elite, and the cooperation was also very tacit. If divided by strength, these Takster workers should have 3rd combat effectiveness, and some individuals can even be as good as 2nd.

While he was watching the battle, Renault and Balto also smashed in front of the Demon Wolf King.

The two officially started a confrontation with the giant wolf.

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