Chapter 325 Don’t let me be too disappointed

Heather wore a dark blue windbreaker, and his leather boots creaked on the ground covered with scrap iron.

He glanced at Tifa, and saw that the idiot junior girl hadn’t suffered much injury, so he said indifferently: “…I will teach you again when I go back. I will take that little beanie and run to the slum. This guy will protect you. .”


Tifa was a bit aggrieved while excited, but she remembered the brawny man who rushed into the wolves, and couldn’t help but pleaded: “This child’s father rushed into the wolves to cover our escape. If we join hands, can we… …”

She stopped halfway through the conversation, and she couldn’t force her brother to die for an ‘outsider’.

Heather gave a ‘tsk’ and waved. The juvenile Thunder Wolf Dragon grabbed Tifa and threw her onto his back, running at full speed toward the slum. At the same time, Heather’s lazy voice rang in Tifa’s ears:

“Go home and wait for me.”

Then Tifa understood that Brother actually wanted to stop these hundreds of magic wolves by himself? In an instant, she left everything behind her to save people and slums. She just wanted to jump off the back of Thunder Wolf Dragon and drag her seniors to escape. It’s just that the Thunder Wolf Dragon is extremely fast even in its juvenile form, and in a few strokes it rushes out of the encirclement of the magic wolf with Tifa.

The demon wolves were originally going to pounce on the thunder wolf dragon’s castration, but the demon wolf king’s roar stopped them like a bugle.

The huge five-meter demon wolf was slowly pacing, his eyes fixed on Heather, as if he was thinking of something.

And Heather also recognized the Demon Wolf King in front of him. Four years ago, when he first crossed this world, he encountered the leader of the Demon Wolf in the Wilderness of Midgar, but at that time it was only about four meters long. , The momentum is far worse than it is now.

[This guy is still alive and looks stronger]

This thought flashed through Heather and the Demon Wolf King at the same time.

Today is no better than that. Both the individual strength of the Demon Wolf King and the number of Demon Wolf under his command are several times stronger than that of the time. The incredibly powerful old man in the red coat is not on the scene. The Demon Wolf King thinks he will bring him this time Enchanted wolves venturing through the outer wall to Midgar is simply the right choice-plenty of meat, and old prey eager to devour.

Heather glanced around and glanced around. The number of demon wolves was about one hundred and forty. It should be that at least four demon wolf clans were integrated by the demon wolf king in front of him and then forcibly broke through the outer wall protection zone of Midgar. It seems that the Midgar Wilderness is not easy to mix, and it looks like this bunch of gadgets are skinny and hungry.

He clenched his fist, and Heather could feel [Nian] flowing in his body.

After a year of constant testing, Heather also figured out where the planet’s will is for her [bottom line].

Perhaps after observing for so long, I haven’t found that he has the ability to threaten the planet itself. Heather can now use Nen and Haki to a limited extent, but he still can’t realize mythological weapons. Just try to realize an alien like the mermaid prince of absolute kingship. Mythological weapons will immediately arouse the vigilance of the planet’s will.

Except for Thunder Wolf Dragon, Planet Will seems to regard it as a peculiar species without the ability to reproduce. Of course, this is due to the fact that Heather suppressed the Thunder Wolf Dragon’s ability to a minimum and manifested in the form of a nearly harmless young wolf, which made the planet’s will relax its vigilance.

If the old wolf reveals his true body with a total length of 25 meters… Heather estimates that the planet will immediately launch [Planet Weapon] to annihilate himself.

At the time, the planetary will was only succeeded by the alien creature [Jenovia] two thousand years ago because of no vigilance. If it weren’t for the powerful ancient Saitra people who fought against the extinction of the race to seal Xenovia, wait for the planet’s will After making [Planet Weapon], it is estimated that the entire planet is also completely cold.

All in all, after years of ‘investigation’ of the planet’s will, Heather was finally able to use some of his abilities without arousing his vigilance.

Maybe it’s not enough to deal with the existence of [Planet Weapon] and [Safiroth] outside the specifications, but if the opponent is a mere magic wolf… it is not worth mentioning.

Facing the approaching demon wolf pack and wolf king, Heather moved his shoulders and neck, constantly making dull noises, grinning with white teeth from the corners of his mouth:

“Hold on for so long, don’t let me be too disappointed.”


The surrounding scenery kept passing by, Tifa lay down in the soft white mane of Thunder Wolf Dragon, trying his best to comfort the little girl in his arms. Perhaps it was because of the majestic mountain that felt safe and comfortable, or perhaps because of tiredness of crying, the little girl’s crying gradually became lower, and she fell asleep in Tifa’s arms like this.

Tifa was in a complicated mood holding the girl. She didn’t know the relationship between this cute [wolf] and the senior, so she didn’t dare to entrust the girl to it. What if it eats the little girl as a snack?

But she eagerly wanted to rush back to the brother and fight with him.

No problem, brother is the strongest person he has ever seen, and he must have something to do.

Tifa kept saying this to himself from the bottom of his heart, as if it would give him a little confidence.

Thunder Wolf dragon quickly reached the slum, and there were dots of light shaking on the dark streets. Helmer led several volunteers with flashlights and weapons on the street.

“Then, what is that? Is it a magic wolf?”

Seeing a three-meter-long wolf beast appeared at the end of the distant street, the members of the Volunteer Police Team were startled first and then picked up their weapons to prepare for a battle.

Seeing this, Tifa hurriedly shouted: “Don’t do it, it’s me!”

“Tifa?” The metal short stick in Helmer’s hand hung down, and he saw the wolf beast carrying Tifa and a little girl on its back. How could she appear here, shouldn’t she be with Heather in the seventh heaven?

When Lei Langlong ran to the members of the Volunteer Police Team not far from him, he stopped and allowed Tifa to jump off his back with the girl in his arms, and his big dark blue eyes scanned the other humans fiercely.

Tifa ran up to Helmer, handed the girl to him, and said very quickly: “This is the child Biggs said. She will ask you Mr. Helmer. Brother is still fighting, I want to go. help him!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned to run a few steps and jumped on the back of Thunder Wolf Dragon, anxiously patted its white mane: “Quickly, let’s go find brother!”

Lei Langlong immediately turned and ran towards the open space, leaving only Helmer with a stunned look. He looked at the little girl sleeping in his arms, and then at the figure gradually disappearing into the night, and finally got it. I understand what Tifa’s words mean.

In order to save the tramp father and daughter, Tifa and Heather broke into the depths of the open space alone to fight the magic wolves?

He gritted his teeth and ran towards Seventh Heaven with the child in his arms. As he ran, he shouted to the members of the Volunteer Police Team beside him: “What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and organize the manpower. A large number of magic wolves gathered in the open space, ready to assemble. Troops go to help Heather and Tifa! Let’s set off when I put this child in a safe place!”

“Tifa… Heather… must return safely.”

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