Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 959: Extraordinary use

Drive this force to coordinate the resonance between the element and life, and use the divine power itself to spread it evenly on each cell of the sapling. Compared to Luminas, when guiding the use of power, a part of the power is unfortunately wasted. Tifa It is perfectly possible to use this power most effectively to maximize its power. [Full text reading]

On the ceremonial stage, the saplings growing from the branches began to grow for the second time, and the emerald green light gathered around Tiffa was far more dazzling than when Luminas guided, and in this dim green light and Lu Under the gentle gaze of Minas, the saplings were growing at an unimaginable level, almost like fertilizer applied with miracles, and quickly grew from a small sapling to a large leafy tree.

The audience suddenly exclaimed, the elders of the various tribes who came to the sacrifice at the VIP table couldn't help whispering, and the elders of the Mother Earth tribe were delighted, because the priests who had always held Thanksgiving It is the first time for the holy tree to grow to a small tree. It is the first time for the holy tree to grow to such a large extent.

Does this mean that the heir nominated by the Mother Earth tribe is also a beloved beloved by the God of the Earth, she has easily reached the age that many older priests could not do, I am afraid that she has not No one would believe it by the favor of the **** of the earth.

Tiffa is still focused on guiding this power. With the source of the power, Tiffa even wants to take a peek at what kind of **** the earth **** is. As for the baptism of the body with that little power, Tifa is confident to establish a line of defense in her body and feed back to the **** of the earth the false message that she is a pure orc!

Uznok ~ One of the five supreme gods worshipped by the orcs, is also a **** formed by the elements of the earth for the godhead!

If we say that many evil gods, demons, and extraordinary people in this world are eager to devour themselves to obtain sublimation, what kind of reason does the **** representing order try to devour himself? Is it just because you want to be ascended to become more powerful, and is such a **** really qualified to be self-righteous in the title of God, such a **** seems to be no different from a demon!

Tiffa concentrated his mind. Time seemed to be slowed down hundreds of times. Weak consciousness was hidden in the divine power and flowed towards the source of the power. Although only a little, Uznok, the **** of the earth, did give divine power. As a reward for believers, then there must be the same passage from the main material plane to the realm of God.

Tiffa does not intend to enter the realm of the **** of the earth directly. That kind of behavior is too arrogant and dangerous. Even if the **** of the earth is slow, you will find yourself. If you stop and watch quietly outside the realm of the gods For a moment, I still have the confidence not to be discovered by the gods.

The special breath of the earth and the spirit are integrated. On the road that leads consciousness to the gods of the earth, Tifa has felt the kind of heavy feeling unique from the earth, which nourishes everything and buryes everything. The four major elements are One side and two sides, they form all the foundations of this world, which can bring grace to all things and can also bring disaster.

But the **** of the earth is different!

The earth elements in Uznok's deities move slowly with a special law, like a conscientious worker has been meticulous in shaping the earth, and is eliminated as an earthquake for the living creatures. Disasters like landslides, landslides, and collapses, and the vast and fascinating power revealed by Uznok, the **** of the earth, also gives a sense of elder vicissitudes. He does not have the swiftness of the **** of storms, and the enthusiasm of the **** of fire. Yang Yi does not have the fierce and decisiveness of the Snow and Ice Goddess. The God of the Earth seems to be slow in both action and thought, but his calm character makes him appear meticulous in omitting any flaws and not making any mistakes!

Probably only with such meticulous personality and attitude can we become the gods who maintain the balance of the earth!

Suddenly, Uznok, who always remained calm, suddenly noticed something. Tiffa struck a stun and immediately withdrew his consciousness from outside the gods of the earth god, and the holy tree in his hands during the ceremony had grown to A leafy tree, Tiffa didn't feel like she was overdoing here!

In fact, I haven't done too much. I just made full use of the little divine power of the earth and the power of earth elements, but I didn't expect that the most effective use would be so good.

Not only the holy tree, even Luminas, who seems to be aside, suddenly seems a lot younger. The earth element and the power of life are re-nourishing the aging body. If Luminas could do it before, The only thing is to repair some small wounds, then what Tiffa does is to repair every aging cell.

Two levels of effect caused by the same power but different application methods!

It was not only Luminas who stood beside Tiffa that benefited a lot. Even the numerous believers and guests on the entire viewing platform also benefited. The spreading power made everyone more or less share a cup. Alas, everyone feels like their body has become a lot easier when the green light shines.

When whispered talk had been heard on the ceremonial table, Tiffa hurriedly ended all of this, with some embarrassment and blushing, his head bowed back to Luminas, and several orc priestesses at the ceremony were also Stunned, according to the previous sacrifice process, the sacred tree that was grown will be carefully excavated and replanted on the grassland, but today this sacred tree has grown a bit too far, it may not be easy to dig!

At the VIP table aside, Marcias, the elder from the Blood-clan tribe, was looking at the girl beside Ruminas with an intriguing expression: "The chief of the Mother Earth tribe has no children, and there should be only one nephew. Where did this cute girl come from? "

"Sorry ~ Your Excellency Marcias, I will investigate the following immediately."

The relatives who came with Marcias immediately asked for instructions. After being told not to cause too much trouble during the investigation, they quickly trot out, and the other elders of the tribe, large and small, seemed to be doing the same. The same thing as Marcias was investigating the young girl who had shown unimaginable power during the ceremony.

The ceremony has not ended, but there are already many people who are not interested in watching it. Compared with the ceremony, the young girl is the focus of their attention.

On the viewing ceremonies, there were also several unconscious guests who were more interested in the next ceremony. At least for the saints, the orc girl was indeed a special force. It was really amazing that the sapling could grow into a big tree. , But that should also be something that the priest who is the **** of the earth should be able to do easily, since the girl can do it easily, then the older priestess, including the patriarch, should be able to do it easily That's it.

"That ... do you need to be so exaggerated?"

After seeing the orc paladin Tokney with a big mouth and a chin falling to the ground, Caludia realized that the orc **** the stage should be the genius of that genius.

"She ... she ... what did she do to make the holy tree grow to this degree, except for the elder Matthias the high priest ... even I can't do that! Where did the aunt find one? Such a gifted girl is still shown by my **** ... "Tokney stammered, completely utterly aggressive.

"Is it amazing?"

"It's more than terrible, it's terrible, don't you feel the feeling of being baptized by divine power just now?"

Divine baptism! ? When Tokney said so, Carudia and El Cid suddenly remembered the kind of ease that suddenly emerged from their bodies, especially Al Cid, who was determined to temper the sword skills to the extreme, and his body was refined. At the time, I felt that some of the priests and healing potions that were originally left in the battle with the devil could not be completely cured, and the small wounds that needed time to repair little by little were restored in a moment. A lot.

It was just that everyone thought that this was the God of the Earth and didn't care much about giving benefits to believers.

As a saint warrior of the earth, and was sent to the holy capital to learn at the age of twelve, Toknic is very clear. He can apply the divine magic given by the **** to the extreme like this little girl. The number of holy capitals is definitely one of the few, and even the five priests of the Most High Gods and His Majesty ’s samurai warriors need to work hard and sweat in order to master the skills skillfully. Even Miss Parami, the youngest priest of the storm **** in the holy capital, no matter how gifted she is by the storm **** Berthes, others have made countless efforts to master the use of divine magic And passed the harsh trials of the gods and won the post of chief priest!

There is no good thing in this world that can be enjoyed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not that a **** gives a little power to an ordinary person and can do nothing to become an extraordinary person, but the demons in the abyss often do this kind of thing, but the result is to get There was a group of people who could not even figure out the principle of their own power. They only knew that they were like a blind man wielding wildly.

Having power and using it skillfully are two different things!

Tokney believes that she has never seen this girl in the sanctuary, but she was able to use the magic so efficiently at one time. Even compared to her, this authentic paladin was as insignificant as a scum. What is the use of palm magic in this girl? Even if her aunt as a patriarch teaches her privately, it is impossible for her age to be more than that of aunts and Sandu who have passed the age of four. Let the priests use their proficiency.

Could it be said that there are really geniuses in this world!

And Tokney has no extra thoughts to think about it at this moment, because the slight fluctuations from the earth have sent a signal to himself, Uznok, representing the power of the earth, is setting his sights on the subject matter. In the face.

His boss will actively observe the situation of the main material plane! (To be continued.)

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