Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 958: Earth's Sacrifice

This is the priestess who is responsible for praying to God at the ceremony!

Although there were two people on the stage together, an older royal female orc and a young girl with furry ears and tail, the saints recognized the crowd surrounded by the priestess at a glance. The girl who came to the ceremonial stage is the chief priest of the priest this time. In terms of appearance, even a human eye is a very cute child, wearing a luxurious and exquisite sacrifice robe with that delicate and beautiful expression. A lovely dead feeling. (???.? R? A? N ?? e? N`

Tokney also promptly told everyone that the older one was the patriarch of the Mother Earth tribe, which was his aunt.

"The girl next to the patriarch is your cousin?"

"Hey ~ Keke ~ She's not my cousin, it should be the elder's daughter in the clan."

Tokney almost didn't spray out directly. It would be nice if his aunt really had such a daughter, so that it would not be so miserable that he was trained by his aunt as a half son when he was a kid. The days of childhood are now In retrospect, it is simply a history of blood and tears.

The little **** the ceremonial stage was actually not the daughter of the patriarch. Originally, Kaludia thought that the children who could participate in such a major ceremony should have any blood relationship with the patriarch, but think about it, too. How could the five thick orcs have such a petite and cute sister? Standing together is almost like a beauty and a beast ~ No! It's Xiaolioli standing with the beast, full of disobedience that makes people feel that the three views are upside down.

But El Cid didn't know, and the magic device he was putting in his pocket was shining the brightest light at the ceremonial platform at this moment.

Whether this little girl is Tolkney's cousin does not affect everyone's interest in observing the ceremony.

On the ceremonial stage, the girls also sang prayers to the gods, and several orc priestesses holding pots and bowls around the stage also came to the stage.

The crowd on the ceremonial table became silent, including the two big voices of Carudia and Tokney. It seemed that everyone was silent in the girl's prayers, even the saints were no exception. With a peculiar sense of piety, the listener feels as if he is feeling the same.

This feeling is ┉┉

Olympus, the silver saint in Kasama, was awakened from that wonderful feeling. Olofi, who has used music as a weapon, was keenly aware that a delicate wave melody was hidden in the girl's voice, which can be slightly The mind that affected the listener was inadvertently silent in the atmosphere she created. [Super many good-looking novels] This kind of abnormal fluctuations are clever and will specially cater to everyone ’s mental thoughts. It will not make people feel that there is any contradiction, if it is not because they are sensitive to the subtle fluctuations of different sounds. Maybe Difficult to find!

Oluffy couldn't help but look at the four companions next to him, including the two golden saints, and even the paladin of the **** of the earth, who were still infected by the girl's voice and did not notice any strange res ;.


I do n’t know why Oluffy was silent. As a silver saint, she should remind her companions that the power of the mind can interfere with the mind, but she could n’t say anything, because a strong voice was revealed from the girl ’s voice. Thoughts, except for that little interference with the mind, the girl singing at the ceremony was sincerely expressing her strongest desire.

Thanks for the upbringing of the earth ~ craving for the upbringing of the earth!

Thanks for the protection of the gods ~ I long for the protection of the gods!

Thanks for the peaceful life today ~ longing for a peaceful life!

Thank you for the kindness that the world brings to mortals ~ I long for myself to be an ordinary person┉┉

The strong will revealed in the words of the girl deeply stabbed Oluffy. He has never seen a person with such a strong will, and he is still a child who seems to be an underage. What kind of life, in the end what God of destiny has arranged for her, will allow her to give birth to such a strong obsession.

Oluffy didn't understand, but Ruminas on the ceremonial table seemed to understand a bit. Kumana didn't want to have the power of miracles from the beginning, but she was most desperately adopted by others as an adoptive woman in the eyes of others Be an ordinary mortal.

A most ordinary mortal!

Luminas couldn't help but secretly regret that she could understand the mind of the adopted daughter, but could not agree with her mind. Perhaps the magical power brought her an unexpected disaster when she brought her extraordinary status, but as a The transcendent Kumana should also understand that this world is not a world that is gentle enough to allow the weak to live as they please. This is an unfair world. Weakness and strong food are still the essence of this world. Even if it has extraordinary power, it may be affected by others. It may bring disaster, but having extraordinary powers will give you the opportunity to fight against fate from beginning to end. As a mortal, you may not have so much trouble, but the mortal world is also not peaceful, sometimes natural disasters are even It is another mortal who arrives and can only be slaughtered and enslaved like a captive animal.

Luminas, who has faced the transcendental, knows this better than anyone.

Kumana should not abandon the power she has, or even have such a weak thought. Whether as an adoptive mother or a patriarch, she must make her adoptive daughter understand that no one in this world is willing to give up her power. Even in the face of such a powerful enemy, you should not choose to hold on to it, because praying for the mercy of the enemy is simply a way of giving hope to others, and there is no hope for those who place their hope on others!

However, the ritual was still going on. Luminas came to the center of the ceremonial table and picked up a handful of earth from the pots raised by the priestess. At the moment, the little girl who followed also finished speaking to the gods. A eulogy, gently inserting the emerald green branch held in his hand into a small hole dug in advance, Luminas gently holding the soil to cover the branch, and chanting the old jerky words gently The luminous green streamer centered on Luminas is like the essence exuding the essence. It converges and flows toward the branches. The moistened branches quickly begin to sprout as if the magic of time has been cast, almost in the blink of an eye. Growing from a branch to a sapling res ;.

The emerald shimmer not only allowed the branches to grow, but also made Luminas' whole body feel pleasantly relaxed.

Orcs do n’t understand that magic is a fact, but orcs who are close to nature are inherently able to use a small amount of natural power and believe in all beings. For thousands of years, no one has led the orcs to use the power of nature. Only now with the help of the Holy Capital and the faith in the God of the Earth have gradually gained some miracle power.

The patriarch of each tribe is a priest. The patriarch of each tribe should know how to respect and respect the earth, and the earth will also give corresponding feedback to the people who love it. Pray for the gods at the thanksgiving sacrifice and plant the holy tree to grow. The holy tree that has risen will be transplanted to the prairie to become a member of those big trees that seem to cover the sky. Another important step in this ritual is that the patriarch transfers power to the next priest, so that he can master it from The power of the earth, and the priest who successfully inherited this power will gain an extraordinary position in the tribe even if he does not become the next patriarch in the future.

The person Luminas will be transmitting this time is Tiffa!

"Come ~ Kumana, hold my hand to feel this power." Luminas gently extended his hand to Tiffa.

Without any hesitation, Tiffa held the palm of the adoptive mother much larger than herself, even if you knew the power to face, and what the real owner behind this power might do after realizing her identity, But no matter how big the risk, Tiffany doesn't want to let the adoptive mother down today.

The element of earth is mixed with the essence of life and has been coordinated by divine power, so that the existence touched by this power is reshaped like the cycle of life and death. Some ills that are not easy to detect, and some small wounds that are not known will slow down under this power. Slow self-healing!

It was only a moment that Tiffa understood the nature of this power. As the child of the star, he has thousands of information about the world. No matter when and where he faces any kind of power, he can transfer it in the shortest time. It is analyzed, and this power should be a small gift given to believers by the **** Uznok.

Although it can repair some minor injuries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, this strength is still too weak to treat those major injuries, such as the wounds on the belly of an adoptive mother!

Is Uznok, the **** of the earth, too rampant?

Tiffa doesn't think that the **** of the earth is a **** who is so unwilling to pay divine power, but the **** of the earth does not want his followers to be puppets who have no thought and obedience to themselves, and believe in this **** for each other. In the era of desperate competition, Uznok is still pursuing ancient traditions just like its title 'Earth', just like letting the saplings grow from small to large rather than forcibly catalyzing them. The **** of the earth does not want his followers to Before they understood the earth, they gained the power that even they did not understand the principles. Uznok chose to slowly observe the believers' progress day by day, so that they can develop themselves in the study first and gain controllable power. Only The **** of the earth will show its miracles in the world when the power to disrupt this natural balance rule appears!

In this case, I can guide this force better than my adoptive mother! !!

After quickly exploring the principle of strength, Tiffa took a breath. It was slightly rougher than the adoptive mother's instructions and instructions. There are dozens of ways to be more perfect and efficient without increasing this strength. Method of using this power. (To be continued.)

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