Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 919: Focus on the Holy See

Bold enough!

The attack in the Kingdom of Carut was not only spread in the secular kingdom, but Yalin, far north, also received relevant information from the Kingdom of Saxony. For this attack planned by believers of Hercules Anna, Yalin The only idea is that the courage is too big, first did a big vote in the kingdom of Belama, and then continued to slap the goddess face while the **** was angry. It seems that these demons dominate It is true that it has been too long in the abyss to forget the horror of the gods.

As the goddess who dominates the element of overhead light, Yalin knows that this goddess with a lot of self-proclaimed titles is not a soft persimmon. As the goddess of light, Ishtar naturally also represents hope, love and healing, but It is also because of light that any defect called filth makes Ishtar intolerable. Since Juliana and Areguso have already played the big cards, they must be replaced by Ishtar. Hands up.

But this is not the point!

For Yalin, after signing the real name contract with the Emerald Dragon, he can temporarily stabilize the holy capital, and also stabilize the existence of the Dragon Alliance, which has the greatest threat to himself, as long as the Dragon Queen is in the Capital City and the Dragon The coalition forces still have power in one day, so the dragon coalition will not come to invade Ulduar. Although he also paid a great price, the temporary resolution of Ulduar's biggest crisis allowed Yalin to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The threat of the Holy City is gone, and the Holy See is next!

For the Holy See, Yalin, the goddess of Ishtar, is a bit confused, the main reason is that I know too little about Ishtar. During the Dragon War, the White Dragon and the Black Dragon Clan joined forces to deal with the Dragon Alliance and the six pillar gods at that time. Considering the mutual strength of each other, Yalin's opponents, besides the Emerald Dragon, also had Atinai representing the dark element gods. Belshes, the **** of the storm, and Alma, the goddess of the snow, and the first opponents of the black dragon king, Victor, are the Golden Dragon King Savi, and Ishutar, who represents the element of light. The next opponents include the gods of fire, Parsimmon and Blue. Dragon King Isoregos.

To be honest, the King of the White Dragon back then did not talk to Ishtar, both of them killed very little on the battlefield, and the memory of the King of the White Dragon was only to know that there was such an overhead in the six pillar **** Elemental light is a **** born of faith. At the same time, unlike the other four gods who are in charge of real elements, Ishtar and the dark element **** Atinai have a special form of interdependence to jointly control a **** domain.

The two gods jointly control a **** domain with each other. Yalin does not know whether this is a special **** domain jointly constructed by the two gods or is passively formed by two overhead elements. However, the goddess representing the dark element is now the holy capital. After the beautified Atinai, the goddess of the moon, was killed by herself, Ishtar has taken charge of the entire god's realm of overhead elements, and after monopolizing the belief of half a continent in one breath, she has grown to even the holy capital. To the extent that the five Supreme Gods and several Dragon Kings had to be daunted.

Yalin always felt that although there was a confrontation between each other, Ishtar and her Holy See seemed to have the upper hand, both in terms of influence and their own strength, especially those angels under Hercyl's strength. The aspect may still be above the dragon.

"As things stand now, the possibility of Ishtar's war on our side is very high. In the case of confrontation with the holy capital, she must also consider the loss after the war with Ulduar if we lose It's too big and it ends up being a big deal for the Saints. "

"Similarly to me, I think, I did not have any deep hatred between Ishtar and I in the Dragon War 10,000 years ago, but there is a little but better relationship with the emerald dragon, Dragon Now that you can let go of your prejudices, Ishtal may be able to do so. "

Study Rialin said that he was half silent: "Maybe she can't let go! In fact, if you think about it carefully, I will know that Ishtar will not see other peoples other than human beings in the teachings, and the dragons will certainly not. Popular, the Jinlong clan can take refuge in Ishtar, but I have to agree to extremely harsh conditions, and the hatred of the emerald dragon is only for me, while Ishtar's paranoia and discrimination are for a whole race. . "

"It is also good to use the enemy ’s strength to compete against the enemy. Now Ulduar can make good use of it in a three-legged situation, Yalin 陛

under! "

"Yes, but what I worry about is that if the Sacred Capital decides to work with the Holy See to solve us first, then it's over." Yalin sighed: "Although they face each other, the Sacred Capital and the Holy See can also have The tacit understanding does not interfere with each other, and they may reach a common contract against me. "

In the real-name contract signed with the emerald dragon Queen, the dragon Queen simply represents himself and does not incite others to invade Ulduar, even if there are no five emperor gods and dragons in the Holy Capital without the emerald dragon. It's enough to make Ulduar a city, let alone add a Holy See. If the two sides work together, they can really fight directly. This is also the case that Yalin dare not use the theory that the enemy is the ally. Fight, because the same theory applies to each other.

"So how about assisting the devil to add more trouble to that goddess? Sr!"

The third participant in the room, the ancient Assyrian emperor Semiramis, who has come to the rank of ssssn, said: "This city is located in the remote and far north mountains, and it is obvious that the goddess is entangled with the devil. We haven't noticed us yet. Since someone has already played for us, we should naturally push one behind to make each other play harder. "

As the ancient Assyrian empress, she is not only good at poisoning, but Semiramis, who has made the Assyrian Empire strong, is naturally a person with outstanding leadership. If only for the sake of the garden in the sky, Mies regarded it as a weapon and a sharp blade. Yalin felt that it was overkill. After temporarily mitigating the threat of the alliance between the Holy Capital and the dragon, Yalin naturally transferred Semiramis to the administrative side, hoping to give full play to it. Her leadership and administrative skills, of course, are still slightly oversight at this stage

Trial period.

"Good idea Semiramis! But ordinary material support does not make any sense in the war between the transcendents." Yalin rubbed his forehead: "Like the Holy Grail War, there were suddenly several companies in the battle between the spirits and the spirits. The ordinary people who are not magicians are involved. Do you think it has an impact on the battle? "

Looking at Semiramis mutely, Yalin also smiled helplessly. This year, it is not just anyone who can be a cannon fodder.

"Although as a mortal cult, it is still raging, but when Ishtar is moving, the level of battle between the two sides will instantly rise to the level of the transcendent, and the power of mortals in the battle between angels and demons is extremely limited. At that time, the demon master in the void will definitely sacrifice some believers as sacrifices to expand the size of the junction. In our current situation, if we want to help the devil add more chaos to Ishtar, then the only The solution is to send tens of thousands of people as a sacrifice to the demon master, and in one breath create a large meeting point to let the demon of the warlord, the grand duke and the lord level burst into the main material plane in one breath, otherwise the assistance in other aspects is fundamental There's no point."

Speaking here, Yalin took a meaningful look at the two present: "There are still many undigested slaves in Ulduar, and then a new batch of slaves will be sent over, if you think it is OK I don't mind helping Areguso. "



For a while, Schneizel and Semiramis were silent, of course, it was definitely not that they were not good at exporting such inhumane topics, no matter how much they had seized in conspiracy and trickery. The Assyrian Empress, who was still alive, was a prince who had been stained with blood in her hands during the numerous battles of the Britannia Empire. It was clear to each other that the use of extraordinary means in extraordinary times was sometimes necessary to make the necessary sacrifices.

"Humming himself has no opinion. He only cares about one thing: victory, and the loser is meaningless once he is noble and righteous." Eventually, Semiramis first expressed his opinion, and after he finished speaking, I set my eyes on Schunezell, and wanted to see how this wise man, who was not inferior to anyone in the long history of human beings, would answer.

一次 This time, Schneizel seemed to think about it for a long time, and finally decided to sit up straight and said lightly, "I don't think it is necessary for this, His Majesty."


回答 This answer was unexpected and somewhat unexpected by Yalin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yalin knew that Schneizel himself was also eager to successfully establish a mind in a different world

The ideal country in his eyes, he has wisdom and courage, and can be said to be a model of Ming Jun who is not inferior to any emperor, even Lelouch. But at the same time, Yalin also knows that repairing Nazaire is not a woman. The people of Zhiren should know that the original book, Zhong Xiu Naiser, was like Lulu Xiu in order to suppress the mastery of the entire Britanian empire, but he did not hesitate to bomb the british emperor in the capital All the siblings and all their subjects were killed.

Although the emperor had been controlled by Lu Luxiu with ss power before this, it was not decisively severe that ordinary people could do!

Schneizel thought for a while and then smiled gracefully: "Fix it, it should not be necessary for the time being, after all, the overall situation is not bad enough to do so now. After we temporarily lifted the threat of the Holy Capital, we have a lot of room for maneuver. Large, and with so many pawns buried outside these days, it also allows us to confuse the water without assisting the devil. It may be worthwhile to assist the devil now, after all, to the devil through these days Observation of signs of action is completely lacking in rational existence. Such people usually inadvertently cause a lot of trouble. "

"I originally only proposed it, and I didn't want to take it seriously!" Yalin waved his hand: "To be honest with demons, I can try not to cooperate as much as possible without cooperating with them, but the Holy See needs to pay attention to it, In particular, we are really lacking in this regard. "To be continued.

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