Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 918: God of death

One of the two major events that recently appeared in the Kingdom of Carut is that cults instigated aliens to attack royal members who were hunting and killed many important royal members and nobles. The second thing was from Karlse Princess Celin of the Gate Empire was rescued by a dragon while being chased by cultists. However, compared to the rampant cult attack, the news of the dragon's appearance was sealed by the Holy See and the Kingdom of Carut.

In these two incidents, the serious impact of the cult attack in the eyes of the Kingdom of Carut is far from a dragon that fortunately saved Princess Celin, and in the domain of God, apparently the King of the Dragons, Lesavi, was more concerned about that identity. Unknown dragon.

Cultists! Or to be precise, the movements of the demons in the void, the goddess Ishtar has already made adequate arrangements and countermeasures. Although it seems that the cultists are extremely arrogant during this time, they are all enduring their numbers. One explosion after a hundred years seems to be powerful but the stamina is insufficient. After all, under the restriction of the interface law, the demons can only rely on mortals to accumulate power on the main material plane. The human and material resources accumulated over hundreds of years are astonishing but explosive at one time After that, I am afraid that I will have to wait for hundreds of years to recover. However, it is a pity that the next hundreds of years have not accumulated for the demons!

Although the law of the interface has weakened slightly due to the increase of negative feelings due to some wars and the invasion of the demon recently, the law of the interface has become tough enough under the peace time of 2,000 years after the end of the overlord era. Breaking through the shackles of the interface law even caused the reversal of the interface law, but it required a large-scale melee similar to that of the Dragon War to be achieved.

I ca n’t take that long, perhaps. As long as we wait for the goddess Ishtar ’s aspirations to be achieved in a few decades, then I will always say goodbye to these annoying filths.

"Yes, Her Majesty Resavi! The relevant information about the dragon has been learned from Celin's mouth." Bai Lingsha took out the portraits of Mikael and Jieluo.

The portrait did not spread, and Bai Lingsha waved a wave of gold light across the paper, and then a giant dragon family slightly different from the dragon and a female with silver appeared in the realm. The dragon is roughly twenty meters long from the head to the tail. The strong hind legs support the huge body, and the front claws are fused with the wings to form a white batwing, which is slightly smaller than the dragon's feet. Bai Lingsha's shorter Jielu was standing like a doll, with a white flower on her right eye, and she was wearing a very ordinary casual clothes.

Of course, this is not the real Mikael and Jieluo, but the phantom projected by Beringsha. According to Celin's description, Beringsa basically constructed the true posture of the two people out of thin air, of course, still in details. There are some slight differences due to lack of information. For example, the flower in Jie Luo's eyes does not seem to be the original flower of destruction, and the casual clothes of Jie Luo's lower body are also described because Jie Luo's bust painted by Celine focuses on the appearance. I didn't pay much attention to Jieluo's clothing, which led Bai Lingsha to rely on her brain to shape Jieluo's clothes and body shape.

If Yalin was present, when she saw this copycat version of Jieluo, she would definitely smile and said that the weapon was too small.

Bai Lingsha professionally explained for the Dragon King and the goddess. Although the time in the Kingdom of Carut was short, as a member of the Golden Dragon clan, Bai Lingsha meticulously investigated a suspicious sign, even some of them were The information that Celine, the party, did not know.

Lesawi watched Miquel's projection silent. Miquel's size was only for mortals. In the eyes of a real dragon or a dragon king, Miquel's body should be considered to be relatively small. It is just a little bigger than some sub-species flying dragons. It is not at all comparable to the real dragons. In some characteristics, Mikael and the dragons are too far apart. It is more so than a dragon. It is an alternative subspecies of dragons, but considering that Belinza said that Princess Celin of the Carlsheim Empire personally confirmed that Mikael could speak and that his consciousness was clear and there was no sign of chaos. Is Seoul a descendant of some ancestor dragon that passed down in ancient times.

"His Serenity stated that she did not feel any frost power from the dragon clan named Mikael."

"It really doesn't look like a white dragon." Resavi nodded, listening to Bai Lingsha's remarks.

The goddess next to Lesawi also interested in stopping and fiddled with the pool and walked up to Jero's projection. Looking at Jero, which was like a doll, Isutar looked back at the silver girl in front of her. Compared to the unknown dragon Mikael, he seems to be more interested in the girl in front of him. Occasionally, the goddess seems to be like a naughty girl who occasionally picks up Jiluo's silver with her fingers.

With the projection of virtual reality, the gods themselves are the same creators in the realm of the gods. To do all this is just a simple matter of raising hands. The only difference from the real creator is that the virtual creation in the gods' domain appears on the main material plane China will be erased by the law of the interface. As the goddess Ishtar, it is clear that the law of the interface is not limited to only demons. The gods are also limited by it, but the restriction is not as strong as the demons.

柏 When Bai Lingsha said that Jie Luo was called the chief ceremonial master by the cult but retreated, the goddess finally stopped.

"Belina, are you sure that girl named Jieluo turned back the cultist?" Ishtar stepped back to Bai Lingsha and sat on the bench.

"I'm not sure about this, but considering that the princess of the Carlsheim Empire is safe and sound, it should be right."

"That's right." Ishutar thought for a moment: "The instigator attacked the believer who hated Juliana, the master who hated and blinded her mind. She wasn't a stable demon, sometimes she worshipped her. The mortal will also be killed or deprived of her power innocently because of her hatred. In theory, it should not give mortals who do not worship themselves at all. "

Resavi also nodded but said thoughtfully: "Perhaps it was Juliana who longed for her, no matter who could be mistaken for the admired and hated sinner, her heart must be filled with strong hatred. "

"And there is still the power of the abyss!"

Ischtal murmured, adding: "Hate and killings have been frequent during this time. First, various crimes were committed in the eastern countries, and then a few hundred years later, in the eyes of the public, they moved against the main material plane. The initiative of the attack, followed by inciting aliens to attack the royal family in the Kingdom of Carut, has to say that such acts are too arrogant. "

越 "The more they attack, the more the goddess your influence can spread."

When the Holy See and the Holy Capital confronted each other, it was also the same as the confrontation between the gods. After the end of the overlord Galseric's era, the two major religious organizations whose reputation and strength were seriously damaged due to overlords gradually recovered their vitality. However, in order to maintain a delicate balance called peace and to accumulate divine power, God has not really come to the world for a long time. Although the gods need to maintain a certain mystery to make the world more awe, If it ’s too long, it ’s not awe but it is forgotten. Now the situation of Big 6 is like this because the gods have disappeared for too long. Both the five supreme gods of the holy capital and the goddess of the Holy See, Ishtar, have begun to be remembered by the world again and are out of control.

The king will die old, and the country will rise and fall. This is the common sense concept of mortals, and the **** is eternal and also the concept of mortals!

As LeSavy said, during this time Ishtar can feel that the faith from the material plane is stronger and stronger than ever, and the divine power transformed by the power of faith makes his consciousness The spread is wider. As long as you listen attentively, the voices of those unbelievers in ordinary times will also be heard, and the once blurred areas in the main material plane will become clearer.

This is the power that the divine power brings to the gods, which not only makes it easier for the gods to spread the divine knowledge to the whole world, but also the mortals and messengers who have been given the magic skills become stronger.

"But too much words will make the world lack trust in the gods." Even so, Ishtar is not complacent. The demon attacks really make the world more dependent on the gods, but if they attack in the meantime, It will make the world think that the spirit is not as powerful as the devil.

"Of course! It is time for us to fight back, and I will take care of it myself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We must let those cult worshippers understand one thing, and what they worship on the material plane Object is

Is weak and weak. Liesavy snapped.

Isutar smiled with satisfaction at Le Savage: "Very good Le Savage, I will order to assist you before the trial. Be sure to clean up the hatred and killing before Augusta is baptized. I No demon or cultist is allowed to defile the beginning of that great age at the baptism of the day. "

当然 "Of course Goddess Ishtar, the beginning of this great era should not allow these foolish gophers to defile."

The Dragon King's tone was slightly agitated. After all, after many years, this time it was no longer a member of her clan to assist the angel of the goddess. For the first time, the goddess let her angel to go to help herself. The effort and proof over the years have made Ishtar The goddess of Seoul dropped the alert for the first time, so that the Golden Dragon clan should also be able to leave a place in the future blueprint drawn by the goddess.

Pale Savi's face was indifferent to see everything, so that the Golden Dragon clan could have a place in the future. In order to survive for the entire clan, he must make such a decision.

"There are two other things to remember."

Ishutar extended his finger and signaled: "The legacy of the White Dragon King, which was taken away by the Black Dragon, which was destroyed in the Karselmen Empire, is still unknown, and needs to be found as soon as possible. Second, let a member of your clan go to protect in secret Well Celin, at least for the lifetime of Augusta, I don't want to see Augusta indirectly affected by her accident, understand? "

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