The situation of Class D is roughly the same, and the other three classes also have their own praise and criticism vote winners.

Class A, Grade 1:

First place in praise votes: Arisu Sakayanagi

First place in criticism votes: Hashimoto

Class B, Grade 1:

First place in praise votes: Ichinose Hoba

First place in criticism votes: Ryuji Kanzaki

Class C, Grade

1: First place in praise votes: Ryuen Sho

First place in criticism votes: Shiho Manabe

The situation of Class C is the easiest to understand. Ryuen got the praise votes from Class A from Yingyi. He also took back his leadership by force and expelled Manabe to warn those students who have second thoughts to behave themselves.

The tactic of Class B is to choose one person to concentrate on getting the criticism votes, and then protect them with 20 million points.

However, even though they knew that the person would not be expelled in the end, the students in Class B did not vote for Ichinose according to her wishes.

Instead, she won the first place in praise votes.

This is probably the strong popular support for Ichinose in Class B.

When she learned the result, she was the only one who looked confused, because it was clearly agreed at the beginning.……

"Everyone, didn't you agree to vote for me?"

Ichinose's tone was filled with helplessness.

"We originally thought so too... But, if we really want to criticize Xiao Fanbo... it turns out that we can't do it."

"That is absolutely impossible!"

" idiots!"

The atmosphere in Class B was as harmonious and happy as ever. Is this how it feels to spend 20 million at one time?

Using it to save your companions is as natural as drinking water when you are thirsty!

But looking at Class A, there is nothing to say about the first place in the praise vote, but the first place in the criticism vote... is a bit intriguing.

Unlike Yamauchi, Hashimoto already knew this result, and he also knew that these were inevitable.

He just sighed slightly, thinking that he was too greedy...

He silently stood up and walked to Arisu, still saluting Arisu with his poor gentleman's etiquette.

"Princess, it seems that I can only assist you up to this point."

"Yes, I think I will remember that there was such a person as you."

Arisu nodded with a smile, as if he and the other party were just friends who had just met.

Mashima Tomoya had a blank expression on his face, and no one knew what he was thinking. Just like that, Hashimoto walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his back.

Hashimoto walked to the door of the classroom, suddenly turned around and bowed to Ying.:

"Sir Knight... Thank you for your advice... I wish you and the princess can stay together forever~"

Ying Yiya slowly stood up and nodded to Hashimoto:"I recognize your ability and talent. Maybe we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

Hashimoto also patted his chest to indicate that he heard it.

The story started three days ago

"Sure enough, this time it's that guy who has to drop out of school."

Ying Yi yawned boredly. In his opinion, although there are many hidden dangers in Class A, they are also guys who can't turn the tables. But there is only one person who has such ability, such scheming, such motivation, and such a trump card.

Arisu leaned lazily on the sofa and said in a light tone:"Actually, I didn't plan to throw him away now, but since you think it's better to do so, then let's do it."

This is the difference between Arisu and Ying Yi.

The former likes to cultivate opponents, and then wait until the opponent becomes stronger, and then defeat him with her own abilities. She enjoys the pleasure of defeating a strong enemy.

But Ying Yi is different. Although he also likes to compete with powerful opponents, this can only be a competition next year. If it is a competition of conspiracy or something like that, Ying Yi is not afraid, but he feels that there is no need to add any risks to himself. It is absolutely unwise to leave a guy who may stab you in the back at any time.

"If it were you, who would you want to drop out of school this time?"

"Of course it's Katsuragi-san……"

Arisu's face showed a familiar mischievous expression. In response, Yingyi rolled his eyes.

"Well... Actually, I plan to choose the most useless people in the class, and this exam is a great opportunity to eliminate them."

There will be some laggards in every class, although this laggard is relative.

"But even if those students are not excluded, there won't be any bad consequences."

The two of them didn't dwell on this aspect. This exam is more beneficial than harmful to them.

Thinking of the protection points, Arisu showed a thoughtful expression.:

"It doesn't matter which of us gets the protection points... Why not just consider it as a gift from me to the young master?……"

"Thank you so much, Miss! But, don't do it this time, you should keep the protection points yourself."

Yusu frowned slightly:"Is there any news?"

"Well, this is what I got from Yuecheng. News about the next special exam"

"Although the specific details have not been decided. But what we know is that the four classes will compete against each other in pairs, and there is one person in each class who is the key. The penalty for losing the game is naturally expulsion."

Arisu suddenly showed an extremely excited expression:"In other words... I can finally have a suitable stage?" Yingyi curled his lips a little unhappy when he saw this:"Ah... almost."

Arisu naturally knew what this strange smell that suddenly floated out was, and laughed out loud.

"Why did I smell something sour just now? Oh, that's weird."

"Tsk...what am I jealous of?"

Arisu stopped teasing this boyfriend who confessed himself, and who says women are born drama queens? This young master is also very dramatic.

After comforting the other party a few words, he began to discuss the main topic:"It is easy to expel Hashimoto. The only thing to worry about is that I will expel my confidant myself, and the classmates may be scared about it. This is not good for our future rule."

Yingyi was swept away by Arisu's previous unhappy mood after a few nice words like coaxing a child:"So this matter cannot be brought up by us. Since Hashimoto has mastered a lot of secrets, let him continue to master more."

"Oh, you are really mean."

"You really make me sad when you say that. Obviously, I am also helping the young lady to solve her problems."

The two drama queens once again used Yingyi's dormitory room as the Garden of Eden for their performance.

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