"The results are as above. The results of other classes have also been counted. The first place in our class's praise vote is Hirata Yosuke. You will receive one protection point."

"And... the number one person who received the criticism vote, Haruki Yamauchi, you must come with me right now to complete the formalities, then return to your dormitory to pack up your personal belongings and prepare to drop out of school."

Chabashira Sae's voice was devoid of mercy and compassion. Yamauchi was undoubtedly a stumbling block for her promotion to Class A. If it weren't for the fact that dropping out of school would result in a loss of 200 class points, she would have dropped him long ago.

Now there was a chance to eliminate a useless person for nothing. And to get through this special exam safely, it was really killing two birds with one stone.

Even though this result was caused by them, and even though they had thought of this consequence long ago.

But... when they were about to see with their own eyes that there was one less person in the class, the students in Class D still felt a little sad.

However, this might be the true side of Highly Developed Junior High School.……

"Hehehe, hahahahahaha! So it is… As expected, huh."

Chabashira Sae now also thinks that Yamauchi has gone crazy, driving a student crazy just to get promoted to Class A… Such behavior may be a bit excessive…

But, you asked for it!

"Yamauchi, it's useless for you to say anything now. Don't waste everyone's time."

"Chabashira-sensei, maybe even you don't know it! You are driving away the hope of the entire class! Without me, you can't do anything! I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but now... I'm going to reveal my cards. I am the chairman's favorite student!"



The whole class was silent. No one believed Yamauchi's nonsense.

The chairman's favorite student? Let's not talk about why the favorite student was in the last class.

Even if he was selected from Class D, you, Haruki Yamauchi, would definitely not be ranked!


I don't know which classmate started to laugh first, and then the whole class started laughing wildly.

"I… I am the chairman's favorite student! Hahahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Yamauchi, why don't you drop out of school and become a clown in a circus!"

"Hahahahahahaha, that's right, let's not mention anything else, at least when it comes to bragging without thinking, you're definitely the best I've ever seen."

"Yamauchi, if you are insane, it would be better for you to drop out of school and see a doctor."

Sarcastic expressions and voices came from all directions towards Yamauchi, and his expression became more gloomy.

"Laugh? What are you laughing at! Shut up! I am the hero of Class D, I am the savior! I am your only hope to be promoted to Class A! I am the chairman's man!"

Yamauchi's furious look may have a sense of oppression, and many classmates have restrained themselves.

However, they are more afraid that this mad guy will do something desperate, and if they really give them a hard time... it's not worth it.

Ayanokouji analyzed something from Yamauchi's roar.

‘Chairman... As expected, Yuecheng also secretly contacted Yamauchi, and I don't know what he said to make this guy think he is so great’

‘However, does he really think that Yamauchi's tricks can have any effect on me? This plan itself was planned by me. That man couldn't send a loser to carry out the mission.’

‘But what else does he have?……’

On the other hand, Yamauchi also remembered the business card that the chairman gave to his assistant.

"Haha, just laugh! I will prove it to you now, but this also means that I am done with you! From now on, I will never save you again!"

Yamauchi has not figured out one thing here. Even if Tsukishiro really saves him, he still needs to drop out of Ayanokouji, otherwise he will have no value at all.

Why would Tsukishiro save a worthless person?

However, this is fundamentally impossible. Tsukishiro never thought that he was a valuable person from the beginning. He just wanted to use his hand to test Ayanokouji again, as well as Ayanokouji's plan.

So not only will Tsukishiro not save him at all, but because of his previous disgust, he will get rid of him directly after Yamauchi leaves school. Yamauchi took out the business card, entered the number and dialed the number.……


At this moment, Chabashira Sae's cell phone rang, and this sound naturally attracted the attention of all the classmates, including Yamauchi.

Chabashira picked up the phone and saw the name of the contact on it, and the corners of his mouth rose wantonly.:

"Yamauchi, you're not going to ask me to help you contact the chairman, are you?"

"Phew~ Hahahaha, I thought this guy Yamauchi really had some background!"

"After all this time, the chairman you are talking about can't be Chabashira Sensei!"

The ridicule of the crowd made Yamauchi's face change drastically... Why? Why is it like this?

Chabashira Sensei? Why is the chairman's assistant Chabashira Sensei? Why are you the chairman's assistant but have never heard of me?

No... Chabashira Sae... It should be you, a woman, who is pretending to obey!

Yamauchi looked at Chabashira with a very gloomy face:"I say, the jokes should stop here, Chabashira?"

"Yamauchi, please be careful about your words and actions! Before you go through the procedures for dropping out of school, I am still your teacher!"

Chabashira Sae looked at Yamauchi coldly.

She also didn't understand why this call came to her. Could it be that someone really gave him a contact number, saying that this was the person who could save his life at a critical moment?

It was understandable that Yamauchi didn't have her contact number before. Because Chabashira himself didn't take the initiative to give the contact number to anyone, the source of information for Class D was���The channel is the student's own. She has basically never sent any text messages to students.

But... who gave it to him? The purpose of that person brainwashing Yamauchi was to target Ayanokouji...

Suddenly, Chabashira had an idea. He wanted to crush her hope of climbing up by any means. He was also a person with a certain credibility who had his own contact information...

It could only be you... Hoshinomiya!!

As for the possibility that Tsukishiro came to him personally, Chabashira directly ruled it out.

How could a chairman who was busy with all kinds of things have the time to coax a useless waste?


Yamauchi didn't know what to do now. All his confidence came from Yuecheng, and his trump card was the business card Yuecheng gave him.

But now...

So, Yamauchi simply used the strategy of procrastination.

"I won't leave! I don't want to drop out of school, what a joke! I'll wait, I'll just sit here, and that adult will definitely come to find me! Definitely!"

Chabashira has seen a lot of students like this. There should have been several dropouts in Class D in previous years, and they were also the type who would immediately throw a tantrum.

She picked up her phone and seemed to have entered some information. After a while, two tall and strong security guards came in.

Yamauchi knew what this posture was about, and hugged her desk tightly, but everything was in vain. The two security guards separated Yamauchi from the desk and carried him out of the class.

Yamauchi kept shouting:"You can't do this! I'm the chairman's man! He will definitely come to help me! If you let him know that you dare to expel his favorite student privately, you can forget it!"

The two security guards ignored Yamauchi's hysteria. After all, he was a student who was expelled from school, so it was normal for him to be a little crazy and talk nonsense.

Chabashira Sae casually said a few words about the summary after the exam, then directly announced the end of the class and walked towards the office.

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