February 14th. What day is it? This is what a certain white-haired lady who does not want to reveal her name said.:

"I don't think this day has any special meaning. To me, it's just like any other day."

That's what a white-haired young master who doesn't want to show his face said.:

"I think this day is different. To me, my little ancestor is more willful than usual."

So what exactly is February 14th?

That's right, on this day, girls give their chocolates to boys, and it's also the day when couples go crazy.

Girls will give chocolates of different shapes and forms according to the different targets.

Generally speaking, chocolate balls represent"righteousness" and can be given to friends or people you don't know very well.

They are usually given in front of everyone to express the meaning of"please take care of me.

" Chocolates that are made into the shape of a heart and carefully packaged, which can strongly represent one's own feelings, especially when given when two people are alone, are generally"birth".

Of course, the specific situation depends on the development of the relationship between the two people and Judging from the surrounding environment, it is possible that it was a prank or something like that.

The boy who received the chocolate needs to return the gift to the girl on March 14.

The return gift is also quite particular. If it is a biscuit such as cookies, it means that the other party is only regarded as a friend. If it is candy, it represents a sweet love, which means"I like you."

And snacks such as macarons will express one's feelings for the other party in a particularly grand manner, meaning that they want to go further.

However, there are no such rules between Yingyi and Arisu. After all, neither of them is a single person without a partner.

White Valentine's Day and the like are, after all, a later story. Let's discuss the story of Valentine's Day for now.

On Sakurajima, it is very common for high school students to form couples. It is common, and businesses have launched a series of couple packages to promote consumption.

Of course, even if they are not in a romantic relationship. There are also options that do not seem too ambiguous, changing the passionate pursuit into close friends on the surface.

There are not many couples in the school, and we have to count the types like Karuizawa who are pretending to be in a relationship for the sake of profit. But after her status has gradually improved, she no longer needs such means.

With the hard work and persistence of Hirata Yosuke, Karuizawa announced in public that she had dumped her boyfriend. Now there is a sunny and handsome high-quality boy and a pure and lovely high-quality girl, and the minds of the students in Class D have become active.

But Karuizawa can even dump Hirata, so where do they get the chance? Although verbally not. She must admit it, but in her heart she also thinks that she is not as good as Hirata Yosuke.

Girls don’t have so many thoughts. A Chinese student from Class D has long been secretly in love with the gentle and excellent Hirata Yosuke, but he announced that he had a girlfriend just after the school started, so she has kept her feelings hidden. But now may be an opportunity.

But on such a day, Yingyi had to get up early because he had some work to do and went to the student union room to get busy.

In order not to delay the little princess’s schedule for the day, he had to finish all the work at hand before ten o’clock in the morning, and wear a butler’s outfit to wait at the door of the eldest lady’s room.

As Yingyi was typing quickly on the keyboard, the door of the student union room was knocked.

"Boom boom boom"

"Please come in."

A girl with two buns came out of the door, followed by Ichinose.

"Hey? What's up with you two?"

Akane Tachibana pulled Ichinose, who was hesitating, over and took out a very ordinary box from her pocket:"Here. This is for you. Thank you for not letting Horikita's hard work go to waste. This is a little reward."

Three black lines appeared on Yingyi's forehead:"I say, can't you be a little more frank?"

"Hum, of course, I heard about it from Horikita-san, you saved me without knowing it, and you have been taking care of me as a senior in the past period of time, anyway, thank you."

Yingyi nodded and took the giri chocolate from Akane Tachibana, and looked at Ichinose again.

The latter seemed to be thinking about something, and did not say anything or make any movements, which made Akane Tachibana a little anxious, and secretly pulled the corner of Ichinose's clothes:

"Hello....Wake up"

""Ah wow wow wow!"

Ichinose seemed to wake up from a dream, checked the surroundings, looked at Yingyi in front of him, and then shyly took out a carefully wrapped chocolate from his pocket.


This chocolate is a favor but it seems too much, with a pink ribbon.....It's hard not to wonder what kind of destiny it is.....

Ichinose seemed a little hesitant, but then shook his head. Since he had decided to do it, how could he back down now?

"President....No, Dongfang Jun, please accept this....This chocolate is mine.....My destiny....."

After the mixed training, Ichinose was determined to explore the other side of the world and not be a flower in a greenhouse.

But she often wondered what kind of person Yingyi was.

Did she really understand this boy? After thinking about it, she was still stuck in the good impression he left on her.

Even she herself didn't know why she had to prepare such a chocolate, why she had to wrap it up after preparing it, and why she had to give it to this person after wrapping it up.....

Why did he send it to this person, and why did he bring a senior with him?

Everything was done unconsciously.

Tachibana Akane also felt that this environment was not suitable for her, so she made up an excuse and left. Only Yingyi and Ichinose were left.

"Ichinose, I said before...I can not accept....."

"I know!"


At this moment, Ichinose was unusually determined, as if he had suddenly awakened a second personality.

"I know that Dongfangjun has a girlfriend. So I can't accept a girl's kindness anymore."

"If you know, then why.....?"

"Because I also want to give my first love a cool ending! Even if it never started......"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Yingyi looked at Ichinose's eyes, which were about to burst into tears, and then stared at the chocolate for a long time.

Yingyi shook his head and said,"I'm sorry, Ichinose. Even so, I can't accept this."


Ying Yi did not hear any crying or questioning, but instead heard the other party laughing through tears.


"Hahahahaha, you are worthy of being Dongfang-kun. Actually, this is just a test. The chocolate I want to give you is actually this one."

Ichinose took out a very ordinary chocolate from his bag. It looked similar to the one given by Tachibana Akane. Yingyi breathed a sigh of relief and took it.

"Well, thank you, Ichinose."

"Remember to return the favor! I remember that Leblanc's cookies were delicious!"

"Ah, I'll remember it."

"Well, bye then!"

Ichinose casually picked up the chocolate on the table, walked out of the student union room happily, and returned to her dormitory.

At this moment, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She opened the beautifully wrapped chocolate and looked at the cute patterns and fonts on it. It was obvious that this was a rare edition made by her.

After biting off a piece, she murmured to herself:"It's really strange. I put so much sugar in it, why is it not sweet at all?"

For half an hour, Ichinose ate the chocolate mechanically, looking at the ceiling, as if thinking about something, but only she knew that Ichinose was offline during this period. Not thinking about anything, not wanting to think about anything. Slowly, as she finished the last bite, she was connected to the Internet. Looking at the hairpin that she had treasured well, she smiled gently:

"Maybe this is the perfect ending of first love. There are sweet expectations and sad memories. But now......Everything is over. Dongfang-kun, I hope you and Sakayanagi-san can be together happily. I will bless you well."

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