(The front row thanks"Yakumo Kage" for his master certification!! Thank you very much!

Thanks to"Luo Guang who loves to eat homemade soup" for the role summon!!

Thanks to other audience members for their gifts and company!)

Yingyi shook his head. This incident was indeed caused by Ichinose, but getting rid of Nanyun had already been put on the agenda. Ichinose's role was actually more of a catalyst.

"Maybe Roadhog and I are the same kind of people. We both take human life lightly, which is really a heinous crime."

Arisu held Yingyi's hand tightly:"At least you have the witch accompanying you on your way to hell, while he has only the wailing of wild ghosts around him."

Yingyi suddenly laughed:"Hahaha, maybe there is also the laughter of his son"

"Can he really laugh? At least I have never seen him laugh since I met him when I was very young."

"I don't know, but if his father goes to hell, I will laugh out loud."

"You really have bad taste."

"Only in this aspect, you have no right to criticize me!!!"

Because they had to take care of Arisu's pace, they were the last to arrive at the gathering place. Mashima Tomoya was relieved to see that the last two were safe.

As a teacher, he didn't want to lose any of his students. The incident with Totsuka Yahiko gave him great sadness. It would be great if the 39 students in Class A could graduate smoothly.

Yingyi and Arisu apologized slightly to the teachers and classmates, and everyone expressed their understanding. It is an indisputable fact that Arisu couldn't do it faster at all.

Everyone is here, get on the bus and return home immediately!

After all the teachers and students left, the teachers and police officers who stayed here to investigate nodded to each other and left separately.

Because at the same time, they received orders from their superiors. Regarding Yingyi's actions, he must first say hello to Chairman Sakayanagi, and then he doesn't have to worry about it whether it is inside or outside the school.

Although Chairman Sakayanagi also felt that it was a pity that a talent like Nanyun passed away like this, there was nothing he could do. If the Touhou family doesn't want this person to exist in society, he can't exist in society. Talents who fail to grow up are ultimately just bubbles.

Moreover, counting the days, the action over there should be coming soon. This is the last thing I can do for Yingyi and Arisu at the moment. From now on, you two little ones will have to rely on you two for school.

Arisu is not as worried as her father. She only has one hour for lunch and dinner every day. Excluding the time for walking, she only gets to meet her boyfriend for one hour a day! How cruel is this?

So, she is lying on Yingyi's chest like a little bird, absorbing her boyfriend's energy to her heart's content. I hope this energy can make her grow taller.....More grown.

The students around were not surprised at first, and then they dared not look at it any more. Because even if they looked at it any more, they would not explode, but it would really bring bad luck.

After a three-hour long journey, the students saw a very familiar scene in front of them. Yes, this is high-level cultivation!!

"Ah! I’m finally back!"

"It still feels warm like home!"

"I don't want to go to this forest school anymore. It's more dangerous than surviving on an uninhabited island!"

Since there was no teaching task today, the students dispersed after getting off the bus. The students couldn't wait to go shopping, drink coffee, and have a real luxurious meal! Some wanted to go back to the dormitory and lie on the soft big bed to have a good sleep.

Even the teachers couldn't wait. Under the leadership of the big drunkard Xing Zhigong, the first-year class teacher F4 headed towards the bar.

"So, what should we do?"

Yingyi lowered his head and asked Arisu. He could actually do anything, so he should listen to the princess's opinion.

"Of course, eat deliciously.....Although I really want to say this, my father asked us to go find him first."

Arisu pouted, and it was obvious that she was even more dissatisfied with her old father. She really wanted her father to be transferred as soon as possible. Anyway, with the protection of the Dongfang family, nothing would happen. In that case, she could play at school without restraint!

Yingyi also saw that Arisu was unhappy, and whispered to comfort her:"Don't be angry, we will go earlier and come back earlier. Don't you want to eat Okonomiyaki?"


"How was it? I went to the supermarket to buy food on the way back."

"Can...Can you do what I asked?".....Even the experienced Ying Yi was stunned by the sudden cuteness in front of him.....I nodded stupidly, and was dragged to the administration building amid the other party's sweet laughter.

Damn! I fell into the trap!

Arisu Ideal Custom Okonomiyaki, only 30 simple steps are required....................

"Boom boom boom"

"Chairman, the eldest lady and Master Dongfang are here."

Since there was no one else, Uncle Sakayanagi's secretary also called Yingyi and the others as usual.

"Please come in."

Led by the secretary, Arisu and Yingyi came to Uncle Sakayanagi. The former was angry and deliberately didn't give her father face, and sat directly on the sofa to enjoy the secretary's tea pouring service.

Uncle Sakayanagi's smile was gone again. In fact, his Qi cultivation skills were extremely advanced. Whether he was meeting foreign guests or Prime Minister Sakurajima, he would not have any rude reactions or behaviors.

But at this moment, he was very angry at the performance of his own leaky little cotton jacket.

"Arisu.....Although I don't want to disturb you two."

He said this while biting his back teeth, and Ying Yi even heard a slight cracking sound.....

"Although this is the case, I have something important to say this time. I may be investigated in two days, so...."

Arisu seemed to have heard something from heaven, and suddenly a satisfied smile appeared on his face, but he realized that he had overreacted halfway through his smile, and quickly changed his expression to one of worry:

""Father, are you okay?"

Of course, the change in Arisu's expression could not escape the eyes of everyone present. Uncle Sakayanagi's hands were clenched white. Is this the legendary 'kind father and filial daughter'?

Even her blood pressure suddenly rose and she staggered, but fortunately she held on to the table behind her in time.

Arisu seemed to think that it was not enough, and used her own voice of a filial daughter:"Ah! Father, it seems that you really need to rest! Why don't you hand over the work to others as soon as possible, and take care of your health!"


Uncle Sakayanagi could no longer speak, his chest was rising and falling violently, and he waved his hand while panting, signaling Arisu and the secretary to leave first.

Arisu nodded and followed the secretary's steps, but suddenly made a face at the door, and it was unknown who she was showing it to.

Arisu could do this, but Yingyi couldn't. After pouring a glass of water for Uncle Sakayanagi, he gently patted his back to calm him down.

"Phew~ I'm fine. Sorry to have embarrassed you, Yingyi. Arisu is becoming more and more rude to me as her father."

"I think it's cute"

Uncle Sakayanagi pinched his brows. Why did he complain to this guy about his daughter's unfilial behavior? Now they were of one mind, and he was obviously an outsider.

"Forget it, what I want to say is that Arisu and this school are now in your hands. I don't know what means the other party will use, but be careful, Mr. Ayanokouji will definitely not send any trash."

Yingyi nodded solemnly:"Yes, I know."

After that, he gave Yingyi a thousand instructions, but most of them were related to Arisu. It can be seen that between Highly Cultivated and Arisu, Uncle Sakayanagi can naturally handle the heavy things. No matter what it is, it can't be compared with his precious daughter!

When Yingyi came out, an hour had passed. Arisu couldn't wait and sent a message and went back first.

Only Yingyi walked out of the administrative building and walked towards the convenience store. He agreed to eat Okonomiyaki today......

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