Orc Tyrant

Chapter 193: Force crossing

Golden Tooth stepped on the bow like a victorious general, holding the thick-backed machete hanging from his waist with one hand, and the black captain’s cap was funnyly buttoned on his huge green square head. I don’t know where to do it. The coming red ragged military tuxedo swayed slightly in the wind.

Behind him, on both sides, are two rows of awkwardly paddling boys. Originally, they did it by a scumbag, but Jinya didn’t like to have a scumbag on his boat, and the boat itself had a limited load. , If you want to install more boys, you can't stuff too much ass.

There are so many complaints from the kids, and the nickname "Smelly Show Off" has become synonymous with Golden Teeth, although he himself has no opinion on it.

"Hey! Whoop! Hey! Whoop!"

The boys yelled at untidy chants, struggling to stir the small pieces of wood in their hands into the turbid river. Although they worked hard, the speed of the boat could not be raised.

Jin Ya is used to it. He knows that qualified sailors will not be able to practice for a while. He didn't expect too much for those fools who thought they were complicated operations by winding the ropes in a circle.

It was an early morning as usual, but the difference was that thick mist filled the wide river surface, which was a time conducive to raids.

Jin Ya knows that brute force on the water is useless, and head-on is currently not applicable to his "inland river fleet". He waited for a long, long time in order to plan this attack, and even carried out several feint attacks on the upper and lower reaches of the river. Mobilized a considerable part of the garrison of the stinky guy.

Due to the insufficient load of the small wooden boat, this raid will be a light offensive. The first wave of troops that can rush to the river bank will not be too much, so speed is very important. The thin troops and firepower require him to be The big team got a foothold before they reacted.

"I hope the smelly guy can go slower..."

Jin Fang rubbed his nose, and his little red eyes were full of anxiety. The whole offensive started a lot slower than expected. He was not sure if the stinky guy had reacted. The thick fog was their cover, but it was also the same. Blocked their sight.

Although they had already placed an order with the workshop in the abandoned city to get them some small iron hull ships for themselves, those guys have already invested most of their resources on repairing the giant machinery. That is what Guk called to do. There is no way for Jinya to do anything.

"Get that thing off my feet!"

The noise from the side attracted Jin Fang's attention. He turned his gaze to the right and saw a boat that was overturning and a kid struggling in the river like a clumsy rooster. Many attracted water predators were attacking. They, blood-made scars continue to spread on the surface of the water, but there is no boat to save them, because every piece of wood on every sampan has reached its load limit.

Such scenes have been common since leaving the river bank. Maybe it was improper operation, maybe the wooden boat had some flaws when it was made, or maybe it was just because of bad luck, and the boys had no confidence in these things.

It is estimated that about two-thirds of the boats can reach the other side of the river, and the kid who can finally set foot on the shore may be less than 10,000. This is not a very ideal number, but Jin Ya feels that he can still do a good job.


The sound of the first cannon broke the calm on the other side, and the lycanthrope seemed to have finally spotted Ok's attack.

The hot shells smashed into the water, causing a burst of hydration, and the river water splashed on Jinya's face, which made him recall the scene of his past crisscrossing the ocean.

"Weak chicken."

There was a grin on his mouth. The smelly guy has learned well this time, knowing how to arrange some big guys by the river, but they are too few in number to pose any threat at all, and firing at such a distance is simply a waste. Valuable shelling time.

If you change to him, you will definitely wait until the enemy is close to the nose before firing, and that will have some effect.

The smoke made the fog thicker, and amid the sparse sound of cannons, the long ship where the golden tooth was located first broke through the fog barrier and appeared in front of the beastly defenders.

There is no large-scale army, only a lonely outpost and hundreds of panicked stinks. Jinya's face extruded with a hint of joy, and then he took off the machete on his waist and raised it high in the air.


His roar seemed to be a signal, and the strange wooden boats rushed out of the fog one after another, and the boys responded to their boss with the same voice.


When the enemy appeared in sight, the enthusiasm of the boys was mobilized. Even the slow ship seemed to have an additional engine, and it started to move forward with a swish.

On the other side, the lycanthrope defenders who were stunned by Ok's piercing post-war were in chaos. Some guys began to flee into the jungle, others were going to insist on deduction, and some were still looking blankly at the river. , I didn't seem to realize what was happening.


It was the Golden Tooth boat that was the first to rush to the river bank. When his feet stepped on the slippery mud, several bullets hit him.

After shaking his body, he felt a slight tingling pain from his skin, and Jin Fang suddenly became angry.

He immediately sprinted to the outpost of the beastly man. For him who has been fighting on the water for many years, the mud under his feet that is enough to make other boys slip and fall is not a trouble. He has stepped on the deck countless times. Slippery internal organs fight against flesh and blood.

Seeing a fierce giant Ouke rushing forward, the lycanthrope defenders panicked. Some brave men greeted the beast with short spears, trying to stop the giant beast, but the golden teeth only used a few simple blows. Cut them into warm pieces of meat.


As soon as an outdated field artillery aimed at the golden tooth, a few smoking grenades sent it and the lycanthrope manipulating it all up to the sky. More and more boys rushed to the river bank. They used fierce firepower to send it to the sky. The towering wooden guard tower was faltering, and any enemy hit would turn into a mutilated corpse.

Thick smoke soon covered the sky over this small outpost, and the final resistance also collapsed.


All the living lycanthropes held their heads and began to evacuate into the jungle, and the first time Jinya rushed into the outpost, he used a machete to chop off the wooden pole that was hanging the flag of the stinky guy, and then let the kid stand higher. The bigger one belongs to the flag of the Ouke Kingdom!


The cheers of the boys resounded through the early morning sky. At the same time, the fog on the river was quickly dissipating with the increase of sunlight. The transporting vessel had returned to the opposite bank and was loading the second batch of boys.

咚咚咚~! ! !

But deep in the jungle, a burst of intensive drum beats told Jin Ya that the matter was not over yet.

"Come here to me! All! Come here to me!!"

Jinya waved the machete on his hand and quickly gathered the boys crossing the river.

In the direction of the previous flight, a large number of lycanthropes armed with weapons are rushing out of the jungle. At the same time, on the upper and lower ends of the riverbank, there are also a large number of lycanthrope reinforcements rushing towards the location of Ouke's assembly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Come.

They have been ordered to eliminate or drive back to the river at any cost!

With the enemy and the widow, Jin Ya briefly analyzed the situation and made a decision immediately.

First hit the most stinky guy who just came out of the jungle!

Not only because they are still chaotic now, but also because Golden Teeth saw that they had the most conspicuous banner, and that thing only explained one thing-their heads must be there.

As long as it is defeated, the remaining stinky guys will not be more troublesome than the ass.

Jinya slammed the machete covered with minced meat and blood on his hand, pointed at the stinky group that was hurriedly forming the team, and yelled in a loud voice.

"Come with me! Kill them!!!"


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