Orc Tyrant

Chapter 192: Shadow of Fear (8)

Batka appeared next to Gu Ke with a flash of light. He raised his arm to the sky, holding a shining, small bone statue in his hand, and then pressed the statue against Za Lasha Na. On the first level of pus and blood.

Suddenly, the tumbling evil force hovered and disappeared into the statue as if receiving an order, leaving only a dead silence.

The surging Hanan vortex farther away finally dissipated like a burst of light smoke, only a few imperceptible red mist drifted into the open iron box, and Hannibal's palm that landed lightly brushed over the iron. The cassette is closed again.

"I'm exhausted!"

Seeing the corpse of the formidable enemy tumbling into a mass of ashes and dissipating in the wind, Guke took a few steps back and sat down on the ground without strength, gasping for breath.

He shed no less blood than Zha Rasha, and he was dead end in the end.

"the Lord……!"

Liya flapped her wings and came to him. When she saw the wounds deep into his bones, she immediately covered her mouth.

"Can't die!"

With a low growl, Guke turned his head and spit out a mouthful of blood foam, only to find it was filthy purple, as if his internal organs were also damaged by the evil power of the devil.

The lungs, heart, and stomach were all burning with pain, like a sharp knife turning inside. Although Gu Ke didn't want to show it, the twitching muscles on his face exposed some of his problems at this time.

"Master! Are you okay!"


Just as Guk was about to speak, his throat suddenly blocked, and then he spit out something on the ground.

The people around looked intently and found that it was a rolling red worm. It had no eyes, only disgusting eel mouthparts.

Guk twitched the corner of his eyes, then smashed the thing with a punch.

At this time, Mogdrogen finally came up from the bottom of the mountain. Holding a bowl of green mucus, he involuntarily pinched Guk's chin and poured it into his mouth.


The thing smelled really weird. As soon as it entered Guk's stomach, it began to surging violently. After a few seconds, he turned his head and started vomiting.

Many strange things came out of his mouth, tentacles that were still twisting, fingers with claws, bloodshot eyes... and even small living demons. During the battle, too much Hanan's evil force invaded his body, and he was the only one who carried it down abruptly, and he had been corrupted into a monster when he replaced it with a normal creature.

After vomiting for more than a minute, Guk finally stopped. I have to say that Mogdrogen is very good at dealing with these demons. With this bowl of medicine, Guk no longer feels so uncomfortable, even the wounds. Both began to heal slowly.

"Bah, these things have so many crooked ideas!"

Seeing that Gu Ke's situation improved, the nervous expression on Liya's face eased, Mogdrogen took a look at him, nodded, and began to hang those strange accessories on him again.

"My lord is mighty."

At this time, Hannibal, who hadn't shown much of his face, came to Guk. He still maintained the image of his body, with a faint smile on his horrified face.

He also carried a head in his hand, a head with springs and wires, and Guk recognized the owner of that head, a fellow named Edward.

"Human, tell your purpose."

Guke didn't ask why this guy killed the monster. He didn't care about this at all, he only cared about the real purpose of this human being.

Because it was him, he told himself the location of the seven towns, and he also confessed the place and time of the devil’s appearance. Guke didn’t know his identity on the human side, but there was no doubt that he was a traitor. , As for what he betrayed, only he knows.

Hannibal threw the head off the cliff, then knelt on one knee, speaking in an excited tone.

"Because I have been waiting for you!"


"I will give you all my loyalty and life."

"I don't believe in a traitor."

Liya on the side was also full of doubts about this human being who was covered in secrets. She had heard of Hannibal.

"Master, he is the actual leader of the Wendigo Church."


Guke took a breath, his eyes became more curious, this guy is equivalent to a boss, but he threw all the little brothers into the fire? What is this operation?

Hannibal shook his head and replied in a low voice:

"The Wendigo Church has never had any real leaders, they are just a bunch of sad lambs."

"Hannibal, what do you want? What is your purpose!"

Facing Liya's scolding, Hannibal stood up, took a step forward, and looked straight into Guk's eyes.

"I will offer you another gift."

"tell me the story."

"Wendigo's first level!"

Guk's eyes lit up suddenly, and then a sly smile appeared on his face.

"You hate it."

Hannibal shook his head again.

"It's meaningless for mortals to hate gods. This is the end of it. I saw it a long time ago."

"It's some nonsense, meaningless words, but..."

Guk's gaze crossed Hannibal, to the burning mountain.

"...I can't guarantee the life and death of your little brothers."

"All mortals are mortal, and the Wendigo Church is doomed to perish."

"Then I can..."

Just as Guke set out to go down the mountain, his eyes suddenly caught more than a dozen figures passing by in the night.

"What the hell!"

With his violent drink, everyone became alert at the same time, and Dawn jumped over the blood flowing like magma on the mountain with the thrust of the backpack, and then rolled over to avoid the bullet.

A green lightning shot at him, but he easily avoided it. The lightning just created an explosion on the ground.

The members of the team landed on the top of the mountain one by one with their silent jetpacks. Alexey stood still. He noticed a dimly lit fragment on the ground, and felt the rolling energy surging with his heart gradually.

A voice started to ring in his mind, and his helmet couldn't block the voice out.

"Who are you!"

Hannibal was also stunned. He had never seen such a group of people, but when he noticed the signs on the shoulders of these people, his eyes suddenly narrowed. Stalled.


The captain's voice came, but that voice continued to pressure his soul, making him distressed.

Everyone started to cover him with shooting. The plasma ablated the air, but was stopped by a series of green lightning by Ouke carrying a Guge device on his back.


At the urging of everyone, Alexei jumped over a gully, bent down and grabbed the dark red metal fragment in his hand.


Seeing the Oak Guards from the brigade rushing from the stairs, Dawn immediately shouted.

The squad began to withdraw to the edge of the cliff alternately, and the guards also began to fight back at this time. A dense rain of bombs washed the top of the mountain that had just gone through the war, cutting off pieces of mud from the ground.

Alexei held the shard tightly, it seemed to melt in his grip.

In just over ten seconds, his body seemed to collapse. Every step he took, the fragments became heavier, and his whispers never stopped. Alexei’s brain was full of countless people who did not belong to him. The voice of endless controversy.

But one voice was exceptionally clear, a voice full of temptation.

"Humans, do you want eternal power..."

He shook his trance head vigorously, and suddenly felt that the people around him were holding his arms, and then the whole person rose into the air.

These people went as suddenly as they did when they came. When Guk stood up with the pain of his whole body, they had completely disappeared into the night sky.

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