The door was closed, but the door was closed.

Mosha was silent for a few seconds, bit her lip, and then knocked on the door again.

As expected, Irene came out again, and looked at Mosha with some confusion, not knowing what else she had to say.

Mosha, who had already organized her words, asked directly without waiting for Irene to speak:

"Well, I remember there was a big sister with red hair here, she..."

"Ah? You are looking for Sister Yue, she is not here now." Irene replied politely.

Mosha said "Oh" and fell silent again.

Irene looked at Mosha who was silent, and said half jokingly and half puzzledly:

"Do you have anything to say to Sister Yue? You can tell me, I will tell her when she comes back."

"Ah? No. Sorry to bother you." Mosha opened her mouth, but chose not to say it.

If it was the sister of the Night Watcher, she could still tell the seriousness of the matter as much as possible. But the other party is also a little girl, so don't tell her, which will only make her worry about herself.

Without letting Irene speak again, Mosha turned and ran away.

On the way.

Mosha carefully thought about what to do next.

You know, that guy is a dangerous existence who has killed several Night Watchers. And he is also insidious and cunning. If it weren't for Uncle Mark and the others, she would have been completely deceived by him.

After walking through two streets, Mosha suddenly stopped.

"By the way, that girl thought someone in my family was sick, and gave me money. I can't take this money, I have to return it."

Mosha suddenly remembered that she still had other people's money in her pocket, and subconsciously took it out. She took a quick glance, and a few strands of golden light almost blinded her eyes.

"This is... Fergold???"

Mosha's eyes widened. In her hand, she not only had 2 Fergold and 2 Fergold that Uncle Mark paid her, but also 5 more golden coins.

Without thinking too much, you can know that this is what the girl stuffed into her.

1 Fergold is equal to 10 Fergold, which is equal to 100 Fergold. This sentence kept playing in Mosha's mind. She grew up in a small place, where had she seen such a large amount of money, and she was a little stunned.

But she immediately shook her head and threw away all the thoughts.

It's not her own money, so she can't take it. Not to mention that this is given by others to help her. She and her mother are not sick, why should she take other people's money?

Mosha clenched the coins in her hand and was about to return them to the girl, but the light in front of her suddenly dimmed.

When she looked up, she found several young men in dirty and ragged clothes surrounding her.

"Hey, what did I see just now? Ferkin!"

A young man with yellow hair and side bangs raised the corner of his mouth and said strangely.

"Hehe, I saw it too. It's a big harvest." A brown-haired man who looked a little fat said, patting his big belly.


There were three people who didn't speak, just standing by and laughing.

Mosha looked at the yellow-haired man in front of her with disgust and said sternly:

"Huang Shan, it's you again, get out of here. You guys who don't do your job all day and just rely on the subsidies from the king's district to eat and wait for death are simply the cancer of the village."

"Hehe, let's talk about whether it's a cancer or not, let me see what you have in your hand first."

Huang Shan smiled and reached out to grab the hand that Mosha took the money from.

"What are you doing? I don't have anything in my hand. Besides, even if there is something, what does it have to do with you?" Mosha took a step back, trying to avoid Huang Shan, but was caught by a crooked-mouthed young man behind her.

"Hehe, I caught you." The crooked-mouthed young man laughed and then tried to grab the money in Mosha's hand.

"Go away! You bastard, this is my money." Mosha was caught by the arm, anxious in her heart, and resisted with her fists randomly.

But she was obviously no match for the young man, and her hand was forcibly pried open, and the coins fell all over the floor. Even the bread in her other hand fell to the ground.

Huang Shan squatted down and picked up the Fer gold and Fer silver, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, then said to Mosha with a low smile:

"It's wrong for children to lie."

"You bastard! This is the money given to me by the Night Watcher, do you dare to take it?"

Mosha gritted her teeth secretly, knowing that she couldn't stop Huang Shan, so she had to move the tiger skin of the Night Watcher.


What night watcher's money? Have you seen the night watcher?" Huang Shan spread his palm, held the money and turned it around, and asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, where did the night watcher come from? Do you think we are stupid?"

"That's right, hahaha, only children can come up with such a trick."

Huang Shan waited until they laughed enough, turned to Mo Sha and smiled: "Did you hear it? No one believes you."

After a pause, Huang Shan put his face close to Mo Sha and said softly:

"But, I am a very generous person. Since you said that the night watcher gave it to you, I will give you a chance. Take us to see him. As long as you let us see the night watcher, I will not only return the money to you, but also apologize to you in person. How about it? "

Mosha pursed her lips and fell silent.

She knew that Huang Shan was definitely not so kind, he was just testing whether she had a backer.

If he did, he would just apologize, if not, he would definitely take the money unscrupulously.

If the night watchman sister was there, Mosha would definitely take them there without hesitation. But now, there was only one girl there, and she was a very rich girl.

If they were taken there, they might be scared away before the door opened, or they might stay with the courage. If it was the latter...Mosha didn't dare to gamble, didn't dare to drag a kind girl into trouble.

So, she could only choose to be patient.

Huang Shan looked at Mosha, whose head was getting lower and lower, and the corners of his mouth were getting bigger and bigger, and finally he laughed:

"Hey, hey, you're not going to cry now, are you? Hahahaha, you are really a child, no matter how strong you pretend, it's just like this. "

Others also laughed, and in their opinion, this was a good joke.

After laughing for a while, Huang Shan's voice became lower and lower, and finally calmed down. Then, he gave each person one Fel Gold, and finally put the remaining 1 Fel Gold and 2 Fel Silver into his trouser pocket.

"Okay, now these are our money. Donglai, let her go."

Huang Shan said calmly, and the young man who grabbed Mosha did not hesitate to loosen Mosha's arm.

Mosha did not look at Huang Shan, but rubbed her arm that was scratched with red marks. She was very angry, but she was rational, so she would not do anything beyond her ability.

"You return my money to me, and I will give you a tip of 2 Fel Coppers, plus a bag of bread. This is fair. Right, Mosha?"

Mosha did not look up, but whispered back:

"Yes, it's fair. "

Huang Shan grinned and smiled brightly after hearing the answer.

"Mosha is indeed a sensible child. Okay, let's go."

Mosha stood there until the figures of the few people completely faded out of sight, then she moved her body.

She silently put the two Fer coppers into her pocket, patted the bread covered with dirt, put it into the bag, and then walked back with it.

On the wide dirt road, Mosha was like a back cut out of paper, slowly fading out in the same posture.

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