The water was too hot to be burned.

"Be careful, it's hot." The horse-faced man quickly held the kettle.

Some of the water spilled, but fortunately it didn't hurt Mosha's hand.

"Sorry, Uncle Rad."

Mosha glanced at the horse-faced man apologetically, and quickly took a piece of cloth next to her to wipe the table.

The "Mediterranean" man took the rag and gently reminded:

"It's okay, I'll do it. But pay attention next time, don't lose your mind when holding the hot water."

"I'll pay attention, Uncle Ji Ci."

Mosha nodded obediently, and then saw Mark took out 2 silver Fair Silver and 2 familiar Fair Coppers and put them in her hands.

"Give us two loaves of bread each."

"Okay, Uncle Mark." Mosha put the money into the front pocket of her clothes and turned to prepare bread.

The bread in the restaurant is 2 fil copper per loaf, the same price as outside. Vegetables are 5 fil copper per plate. Cooking is the main way for her and her mother to make money. Because bread can be bought directly from the night watchers, few people use bread to make money.

Vegetables are different. If they are not grown by themselves, they need to go a long way to purchase them elsewhere. Most people will not spend so much effort to eat a dish. Some people even only eat bread and don't even have a stove at home, let alone salt and seasonings.

So, this is why Mark and his friends came to the restaurant to eat.

Mosha put the bread in three small woven plates, and then sent them to the front of several people, and continued to stand aside and listen secretly.

"Do you know what the criminal looks like?" Ji Ci asked very attentively.

Mark shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"I don't know about that. Knowing his name in advance is the most my cousin can tell me. However, I know that among the escaped prisoners, there is a tall and strong one, and you can tell at a glance that he is not easy to mess with. There is also a thin one, just like..."

"Like a child?"

"Yes, this metaphor is very appropriate." Mark looked at Mosha who interrupted and nodded in response.

"It's really interesting." Mosha stuck out her tongue and ran away. But her pale face revealed her inner unrest.

Mosha walked towards the inner room with difficulty, and her heart seemed to be pressed by a big stone.

The surname is Ye, and the name is two characters, child. Isn't this that guy? No wonder he didn't want me to tell anyone.

What should I do next?

That guy is so dangerous? Logically, I should report it to the Night Watcher. But I accidentally fell into that guy's trap. If I tell anyone, my nose will become gone.

Although Mosha was worried about her safety, her nose was equally important. Without a nose, wouldn't she be ugly?

Mosha walked hesitantly and didn't notice it until she reached the inner room.

"Mosha, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Moyi saw Mosha's dull eyes and asked worriedly.

"Ah? No, I'm not sick."

Mosha was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be fine.

"Okay. If you're hungry, you can go eat some bread first."

Moyi gently touched Mosha's head, then got busy again.

Mosha looked at the cabinet door, pursed her lips, and made up her mind.

No, that guy is so dangerous, he must not stay in my house. Moreover, if the night watcher finds out, won't my mother and I become accomplices?

But I can't tell others actively, so how can I make the night watcher believe me?


I seemed to have promised not to tell others, but I didn't say I couldn't use other ways to make others notice him.

Mosha's eyes gradually lit up, and an idea came to her mind.

"Mom, I'm going out for a while."

Moyi looked at Mosha strangely, but she didn't suspect anything. She just told her not to run too far and let her go.

It's normal for children to have childish (shen) thoughts (jing) from time to time.

Mosha quickly went out and ran along the street.

Not long after, she came to a villa.

This villa has three floors, and it is also yellow and white, but it is obviously different from other houses. Its structure is very delicate, and the whole looks like a work of art. There are also some beautiful flowers and plants around the villa.

"I remember that the night watchman

The night watcher sister lives here. "

Mosha was secretly excited and went to knock on the door.

She actually wanted to talk to this sister for a long time, but she had no suitable reason.

But this time it was different. There was a bad guy in her house. If she brought the night watcher sister to the bad guy, this sister would probably reward her.

"I'm coming."

A voice came from inside, a little sweet.

Mosha was wondering why the voice didn't sound like an adult's, and the door was opened.

Then, a girl with short brown hair came out and looked at her curiously.

The brown-haired girl was holding a fluffy little rabbit in her arms. The rabbit's eyes were slightly narrowed, and it was comfortably enjoying the unique warmth.

"What do you want? "

Erin smiled at the little girl who was only half a head shorter than her and asked softly.

The little girl's clothes were covered with pudding, but they were very clean. She should be a child from a nearby resident's home. Does she need help?


Mosha thought it was the red-haired big sister who came, and she had prepared her words, but she didn't expect that it was a girl she didn't know who opened the door. She suddenly felt a little embarrassed and even her voice was a little hoarse.

"Are you hungry? Wait, I'll get you something to eat."

Erin looked at Mosha's flushed face and thought she was hungry, but she was embarrassed to speak, so she took the initiative to speak with understanding.

Mosha didn't have to wait for long. Erin came out almost as soon as she closed the door. Miraculously, a bag of bread appeared in her hand.

"Here, take it. I have a lot of bread at home. If you are hungry again, you can come to me again. "

Irene stuffed the bread into Mosha's hand and said with concern.

"I, no... I just have a family..."

Mosha looked at the girl who misunderstood her and her face turned redder.

"Someone in your family is sick and needs money, right? It's okay, wait for me, I'll get some for you."

Irene looked at Mosha, quickly organized her words and said.

"No, no..."

Before Mosha finished speaking, the door was closed again.

Within 1 second, the door was opened again, and Irene stuffed a few coins into Mosha's pocket. Then, she patted Mosha on the shoulder and said:

"If you have any difficulties, you can come to me again. Don't be embarrassed. Difficulties will always pass."

Irene encouraged Mosha, and then noticed that Mosha's face turned red again, thinking that she was thin-skinned.

So Irene retreated back to the room with understanding and closed the door.

"Now, this little girl shouldn't be embarrassed, right? "

Irene leaned against the door and thought, then silently praised herself in her heart:

"Irene, you are so smart, and you did a good thing silently. "

Outside the door.

Mosha looked at the closed door and murmured:

"I...I have a thief in my house."

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