The construction is in progress, but the construction is still in progress.

Shi Changsong gritted his teeth and agreed: "In this case, we really need to rush the work. If it doesn't work, Bramo and I won't go back tonight. We will definitely get there if we dig all night."

According to the original construction schedule, they will need two or three days to dig through the pipeline, so he can't help but be anxious.

Bramo also agreed: "There is no problem here. The guards in the rest area usually don't come to see us. At most, we can try our luck."

Ye Tian shook his head and interrupted: "Kosovo is just suspicious of me now. If you also disappear together, it will definitely attract his attention. So, let's finish the work within these two hours."

He looked at his palm and sighed silently in his heart.

It seems that he still has to do it himself.

He has the bonus of the night elves, and his physical fitness is much stronger than theirs. Digging is definitely much faster if he does it himself.

However, Bramo can still use a knife, but I can only use my hands.

He silently encouraged himself and told himself that this was for a sacred cause. Then he signaled Shi Changsong to break up the soil and rocks, and he raised his hand to prepare to dig.

At this moment, Genban suddenly said: "Um, are you going to dig a hole forward?"

Hu Dou smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, because of time, I can't explain it to you in detail. However, we do have to dig the tunnel to a place. Because our abilities are not suitable for digging, the progress is slow."

"If I dig a hole, I might be faster." Genban scratched his bald head and said in a muffled voice.

"Ah? Is your ability to dig the soil?" Ye Tian said with some surprise. He had seen Genban take action before, and it didn't look like it was related to soil.

"That's not the case, but I can achieve a similar effect." Genban whispered, and then came to the front.

Ye Tian saw him press his right palm diagonally against the earth wall, then stroked the bracelet with his left hand and patted it lightly with his right hand.

With a bang, dust flew up.

Ye Tian looked up and found that there was a pile of earth under Genban, and more than half of the original earth wall disappeared out of thin air.

He stared at this scene blankly, a little dumbfounded. Although the other people couldn't see clearly, they had mental power and could roughly guess what Genban did, and they all stood there blankly.

Genban turned around and said a little embarrassedly: "My ability is to knock away the objects I touch, so my ability to use these earths is equivalent to digging holes."

Good guy, your skills are really amazing.

Ye Tian said jokingly: "I didn't expect that Genban is also a good digger. If we escape, we won't starve to death if we find a job as a miner."

Shi Changsong's mouth twitched when he heard this.

This guy is still so unreliable. You are the leader of the Death Worship Cult, and you actually said you want to go mining. Who dares to use you?

Hu Dou said with some surprise: "I didn't expect that you, Genban, can do this. It's great. Then it depends on you next."

Genban said "hmm" and moved forward quickly with the cooperation of Shi Changsong.

Ye Tian was not idle either. He and Bramo loaded the soil onto the blood python knife and then transported it to the back. If the excavated soil was piled here, it would be very troublesome.

The speed of digging soil was not fast before, and Shi Changsong was free to deal with it. Now with Genban, the killer, Shi Changsong has no time to compress and solidify them.

So Ye Tian and Bramo acted as temporary porters.

"Your knife is good. Can it become as big as a house?"

Ye Tian asked with amusement while lifting one end of the blood python.

He didn't expect that this thing could actually change size. This knife was originally a slender one, but now it is like a door panel.

Bramo explained with a wry smile:

"It can't change. Although the blood python looks special, it is still made of mental power. Theoretically, as long as the mental power injected is enough, it can become bigger. But as it grows, it is a burden on my mental power. Therefore, I can't maintain such a big blood python with my mental power."

"Oh, what a pity. If you can be stronger, we can lift it less." Ye Tian said helplessly.

Bramo's eyes twitched a few times, and he decided not to answer him.

Ye Tian felt very boring when he saw Bramo didn't speak. Just thinking about how to kill time, he suddenly thought of the abilities he had gained.

Although the Insighter

Although he got it late, he has basically experienced all those abilities. As for the night elves, he has only used the first two, which are the enhancement of the body and the enhancement of vision and hearing. As for the other two, one is to reduce the sense of presence in the dark, and the other is to communicate with friendly animals in the dark.

There is no way to try to communicate with animals in this place where even flies can't be seen. As for the other ability to reduce the sense of presence, he has not found the opportunity to use it before.

Why not try this ability now?

There are only him and Bramo here, and Bramo and him are in a cooperative relationship, so it is more appropriate to use him as a test subject.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately turned on the ability to reduce the sense of presence. Although he himself could not perceive the effect, he still had a sense of which abilities were turned on. After confirming that this skill was turned on, he carefully observed Bramo's expression.

Unfortunately, Bramo has been shrugging his head and not speaking since just now. Although Ye Tian wanted to know the effect quickly, it was not easy to actively call Bramo and ask him to come and see him, which might have a counterproductive effect.

Soon they reached the other end of the tunnel, and just dumped the soil here.

They just needed to leave the space in front, and as for the soil, they would leave it to Shi Changsong to deal with.

Ye Tian was about to remind Bramo to stop. But he felt the blade in his hand suddenly move, and he quickly retracted his hand in fear.

Bramo really moved first. He held the handle of the knife with both hands and smashed it down hard, and all the soil on it poured onto the ground.

Ye Tian looked at his hand carefully, and found that there was no missing finger, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then a burst of anger rose to the ground. Bramo actually started to dump the soil without discussing it with him. If he didn't pull his hand out in time, wouldn't his fingers be cut off?


Before Ye Tian could curse, Bramo put the blade on his shoulder, and then walked back, and said to himself blankly, "Did I forget something?"

This, is it my ability that is working?

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows, stopped talking, and began to follow Bramo and observe him.

Bramo's expression was very natural, as if he had indeed ignored him. But from time to time, he looked confused, as if he was thinking about something.

Ye Tian looked at his expression carefully, and thought to himself: "It seems that he really ignored my existence. Even if I was right next to him, he would subconsciously not look at me."

After walking a short distance, Bramo suddenly noticed the knife on his shoulder, and said to himself in some confusion: "Why do I carry the knife on my shoulder? Oh, it seems that I am digging a tunnel and I want to move the soil."

"But I remember that I was carrying it. How did I carry it alone?" Bramo looked at the blood python knife and slowly sorted out the logic.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and turned his head sharply.

Ye Tian could clearly hear Bramo's mumbling, so he was not surprised by his reaction.

Seeing him turn his head, Ye Tian smiled and asked: "Why are you so startled? Do you want to see my handsome face?"

After seeing Ye Tian, ​​Bramo asked hesitantly: "You, have you been following me?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Ye Tian pretended to be at a loss.

"No, no problem. Maybe I have insomnia recently and my memory has regressed a little." Bramo turned back awkwardly.

But from the fact that he turned his head from time to time, it can be seen that he still has a lot of doubts.

Ye Tian pretended to be indifferent and said "Oh". Seeing him so suspicious, he couldn't help but smirked.

Sure enough, this ability is similar to what he guessed.

It doesn't really make people unaware of their existence, but a deception of the subconscious. If you want to crack it, you only need to grasp the logical contradiction to find the problem.

Judging from Bramo's reaction, after cracking it, he will pay more attention to himself. This is not a side effect of the ability, but his incomprehension of why he was ignored during that period.

Reducing the sense of existence should be the literal meaning, reducing the sense of existence in the eyes of others. The nature of this ability determines that it will not be too strong. The reason why it was used so successfully is that Bramo's attention was not on him at that time. If it is used again now, it may not work at all.

Moreover, he did not forget that Bramo's mental power was imprisoned. If it is used on a normal person, the effect may be worse.

After initially exploring the role of this skill, Ye Tian nodded secretly. Although this ability cannot be used directly, it may be effective in some cases.

Next, he did not use Bramo to experiment with the ability,

The two of them moved the soil much more efficiently.

Not long after, Hu Dou ran over and said excitedly:

"Ye Tian, ​​come quickly! We have dug there."

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