The girl hesitated for a while, then said: "Then at least send a message?" Kosovo thought about it, nodded and said: "Then send it, just as a safety. Well, still remove Ye Tian." "He is the one who provided the information. If you don't mention him, if the news is false, won't you be miserable?" The girl said with a little surprise. "It's okay, I don't think they dare to trouble me. Sending a message and taking a little ghost to block the knife is not my style." Kosovo waved his hand. The girl nodded and started to operate on the screen, while swiping, she asked: "What about Ye Tian? Are you really letting him go?"

"Don't bother him for the time being. And I roughly guessed that he hid in a mysterious place, just to communicate with the outside world. The words he said at the beginning sounded like mumbling, which should be his way of communication.

You can record this part and send it to them for analysis. Let's talk about Ye Tian. If I lock him up without any evidence, wouldn't it make me look useless?"


In the dark.

"Take it off!"

"Take it off!"

"Take it off!"

"Take this off too!"

"Well, not bad."

Ye Tian looked at the row of white butts in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

He originally planned to fall into the trap first, and then see if he could figure out their purpose. If he couldn't figure it out, he would beat them all down and then interrogate them.

After all, this is not a prison cell, and it is not daytime. Here, he can handle all of them by himself.

However, when he was pretending to be cool with Yao Zhe using Kosovo, he suddenly realized that his behavior might also be under surveillance. Then he thought about the fact that Kosovo provided him with miracle points from time to time, and he didn't see him at all at that time. With this thought, a new plan came to light.

Ye Tian decided not to fully display his abilities. So he treated these people from the Death Worship Cult as thugs, and he just watched from the side. Anyway, there was no harm in trying.

The result was naturally beyond his expectations. He felt something was wrong when he heard the conversation between these people at the beginning. He thought he was not being followed, and they did not send anyone to monitor him.

The person who leaked his whereabouts was self-evident, his number one black fan - Kosovo.

What his purpose was, he didn't need to think about it. It was nothing more than keeping an eye on him, and he found that he had disappeared for two hours, and he noticed something was wrong.

Realizing that it was Kosovo who was playing tricks, Ye Tian had to change his plan again. He first made up some nonsense to divert the topic and test their reactions. Sure enough, there were people from Kosovo mixed in. So, he revealed a little information to Kosovo, which was considered to be the end of the matter.

He did not choose to expose himself in a fit of anger, but chose the most suitable option. First of all, Kosovo asked these people to test him, and he must have discovered something. If he continued to investigate, the tunnel might be exposed.

Therefore, he had to get a more explosive news to divert Kosovo's attention from himself.

Secondly, when he first came, the machine alarm was triggered. And from Kosovo's indifferent treatment of him, Kosovo was not the kind of person who would directly take action when he found something abnormal. Compared with direct arrest, he prefers to let the line go long and catch big fish.

Even if Kosovo guessed that there was something abnormal on his side, he might not care. On the contrary, the information he exposed made him feel that he had earned something.

No, this is not a feeling! From his point of view, Yao Zhe's actions were obviously more important than his own little shrimp. So, in fact, he did earn something.

Putting these aside, telling him the plan he knew would not have much impact. Since Yao Zhe dared to rob the prison, he must have made great preparations. If you want to rob the prison, fighting is inevitable. At that time, Yao Zhe will definitely send a force far beyond the prison. If Yao Zhe's rob is too smooth, it will be bad for him.

It will take a lot of time for him and Hu Dou to escape through the tunnel. Therefore, the longer Yao Zhe can delay, the better. As long as Kosovo is well prepared, it won't be a problem to delay for some time.

When the war starts, who will notice these people?

Ye Tian's mouth curled up slightly.

Do you think I'm on the third floor?

No! Actually, I'm on the fifth floor.

"Are there any more angry people? You can point out each other. Point out a angry person, and I won't take off your underwear. Otherwise

, hum hum..."

Ye Tian snorted coldly, raised his chin high, pretending to be a villain who had achieved success. In fact, he just didn't want to watch this eye-catching scene.

It's a show, after all, you have to do it in full. Since he said it was prepared for Baohuo, then he will target Baohuo to death.

But there is no way, who let them jump the most.

"I, I said. He is Baohuo.", a big man who was about to be stripped of his underwear pointed at a person next to him and said.

"Fuck! I have no sect or school, you are wronging me!"

"He is Baohuo, don't listen to his nonsense."

"You are the one who is Baohuo! Black Throne, it turns out to be a group of black-hearted ghosts."

Ye Tian's face twitched. He really didn't expect them to do this. He laughed angrily: "Okay, since they are all Baohuo, then strip them all. "

Ignoring their screams, he stripped off their underwear.

Seeing that it was almost done, he waved his hand and let them go.

He didn't want to go too far, after all, there were people from Kosovo inside. What if they were actually on duty here and made things difficult for him? It was enough, anyway, his goal was achieved.

"Well, you guys go back too."

He sent away the people from the Death Worship Cult and walked to the other side.

Anyway, he had already put a label on Kosovo, so he simply didn't pretend. I just want to do things secretly, what can you do?

After confirming that there was no such thing as a camera here, he walked directly to Hu Dou.

"Ye Tian, ​​is there any risk in leading them here? ", Hu Dou came over first and asked in a low voice. While speaking, he gestured behind him.

Hu Dou actually wanted to ask about the purpose of those people in the Death Worship Cult, but he didn't dare to ask because of the presence of "outsiders".

He asked this question not because he really wanted Ye Tian to answer him. But Bramo and Shi Changsong might care about these things, so he reminded Ye Tian so that he could prepare in advance.

Ye Tian knew this very well, but now was not the time to worry about these things. So he just waved his hand and didn't speak.

After Shi Changsong and the other two gathered together, he said directly: "Time is tight, let's go directly. "

After saying that, he walked towards the tunnel, ignoring their surprise.

Several people looked at each other and found that each other's eyes were blank, so they had no choice but to follow.

It was still Hu Dou who opened the Ring of Silence, and Shi Changsong came to open the entrance. Several people rushed in quickly, and Genban followed suit.

After entering the tunnel, Ye Tian turned around and looked at them.

"Brother Ye, did something happen?"

Shi Changsong couldn't help but speak first. Everyone was not a fool. Ye Tian's actions were abnormal at first glance. In addition, Baohuo could actually find this place and tried every means to get words from Ye Tian. Several people also roughly guessed something.

"Baohuo and the Black Throne jointly targeted me. It was Kosovo who was behind it. I didn't expect that this prison was full of surveillance. And Kosovo has been monitoring my actions. ", Ye Tian sighed and said.

When he first came, he had just opened the first page of the Book of Miracles and could not detect the existence of the camera. When he had the ability to find the camera, Kosovo had already noticed something wrong.

"Then we will not be discovered, right?" Bramo said hesitantly.

"Don't doubt it, Kosovo is not a fool.", Ye Tian snorted, breaking his fantasy, and then laughed softly: "However, he just knows that I am doing small tricks and doesn't know about the underground. Now, he should be busy with other things and have no time to care about us. "

Hu Dou said thoughtfully: "What you said at the end, is it actually used to ease Kosovo?"

"Naturally, he got the news and will definitely find a way to verify it. When he finds out that it is true, he will naturally have no time to care about other things. ", Ye Tian said proudly.

"Then you tell the news..." Hu Dou murmured, as if he understood Ye Tian's plan, and couldn't help but take a breath. This guy, does he want to beat the dog brains out of both sides?

Bramo frowned and asked hesitantly:

"Those should be your arrangements, right? You must have a purpose for doing this, and I don't want to explore. But, is it really okay for you to send your plan to the prison guards?"

It's not that he can't help it, he really hasn't seen this kind of operation. Brother, you have been arranging for so long, and even put yourself in prison, isn't it for that purpose? As a result, this side is about to start, but you tell the plan to the opponent again. What kind of devil operation is this?

"Even the most careful plan actually has flaws, and the more you do it, the more flaws you will have.

The more marks you leave, the more likely they will be noticed. You have to know that if you want to do big things, doing it secretly is the next best thing. "

Ye Tian pretended to be profound and said, as for the content, naturally he quoted a certain bitch's words.

He felt that this sentence was quite good in this situation.

As expected, Bramo looked surprised, obviously frightened.

...Did he do it on purpose? All kinds of thoughts flashed through Bramo's mind instantly. ... He knew that doing so would make his opponent take it more seriously, but he did it anyway. Then, his purpose may be a deeper existence. His purpose of wanting his opponents to know is just a cloak used to cover up his deeper purpose.

So, is this a game between big guys? It seems that my knowledge is still too shallow.

Bramo took a deep breath and indulged in his own world.

Miracle value from Bramo is +20.

"Huh?" Ye Tian looked at Bramo strangely. He didn't say anything shocking, but Bramo still brought him miracle points, and there were quite a lot of them.

I didn't say you could actually give it? What a weirdo.

Ye Tian shook his head and continued:

"I don't need to say anything else, right? Time is very tight, so I have to work overtime to finish the tunnel."

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