After being delayed at Rayleigh's place for two days, Rogge returned to Shampoo and contacted Sengoku, hoping to apply for the navy's special channel to enter the 'New World'.

But the result was not satisfactory, because the navy's special channel to the New World can only go through Marijoa, where the Celestial Dragons live!

This requires a long application period, and because it is a land route, ships cannot be brought. Of course, this has no effect on Rogge.

But in short, the application time is too long, it is better to go through the Fish-man Island route.

Rogge had no choice but to find the most famous film coating craftsman and ask him to coat the film within five days.

Six days after Rogge and Rayleigh ended the battle...

Rogge dived into the seabed on the 'throne' that had been coated with a film, and headed towards the record guide pointer of Fish-man Island

"I didn't expect that the navy would have to pass through Fishman Island to enter the New World. No wonder the World Government is willing to recognize the status of the Fishman Government as a member country. In addition to the efforts of Princess Otohime, this reason is also indispensable."

In the dark underwater world, Rogge muttered to himself.

It takes several hours to cross the seabed to reach Fishman Island. This period of time is long. Rogge imitated the sullen literati in the previous world, drinking a little wine, criticizing the real government, and complaining.

Suddenly, two bright and scary balls of light appeared in Rogge's eyes.

"How could there be such a thing in the sea?"

Before Rogge could figure it out, two balls of light approached Rogge's ship at an astonishing speed!

"A moving ball of light?"

Rogge subconsciously wanted to draw his sword and chop it down, but he remembered that his membrane was blocking it. If he chopped it, the membrane would break.

"Well, what should I do?"

While Rogge was thinking about countermeasures, two balls of light finally approached. Rogge took a closer look and found that the two balls of light were actually the eyes of a sea king!

"Now I know what to do!"

After seeing that the light ball was a living creature, Rogge frowned decisively, and then a domineering color ability passed through the ship's membrane and entered the head of the sea king.

The sea king looked nervous, and then sweated all over! Although fish don't seem to sweat.

Finally, the fish opened its mouth wide under the influence of fear and fainted.

"It looks like a powerful sea king."

Seeing that the sea king held on for a few seconds before fainting, Rogge looked at the sea king curiously. It was estimated to be several hundred meters long, with a brown-black body, and looked like a pufferfish. The interesting thing was that its two golden eyes were crossed because it fainted from fear, which was a very pleasing picture.

"I wonder what a sea king tastes like?"Rogge pinched his chin and thought.

The journey from Shampoo to Fishman Island is very dangerous. It's good that the Peanut Pirates were lucky enough not to encounter a powerful sea beast.

If Rogge encountered a powerful sea beast like this, and it was a sea king, then he would basically say goodbye to his journey to the New World.

"Well, let's go out and collect some."

After thinking about it, Roger finally decided to collect some sea king meat.

After using his observation Haki to sense that there were no other pirates nearby, Roger swam directly through the ship's membrane towards the sea king.

The ship's membrane is not impenetrable after it is installed. As long as the force is not too strong and the object is not too sharp, you can pass through the ship model and get out.

"Double Blade Style Secret. Gourmet Captive!"

I saw Rogge continuously cutting the snow meat from the sea king. After a few minutes, the whole sea king was cut into pieces.

"Very good, collect it!"

Rogge raised his hand and put the meat into the storage space.

But in the process of collecting it, Rogge found that there seemed to be two strange little things floating in it!

A mermaid and a starfish?!!

After collecting the meat, Rogge brought the mermaid and the starfish onto the boat and tied them up.

As for why they were tied up, the reason was that the two little guys were awake! They saw the secret of Rogge's ability to use it freely in the water without fear of sea water!

""Hey, tell me who you are." Roger pointed a knife at the mermaid and said.

Roger didn't take the little starfish seriously. What can a starfish do? Can it talk?

"Her name is Kemi and my name is Papagu."The starfish said


"You can speak human language?!!!"Rogge looked at the starfish Papagu in surprise.

"Well, when Mr. Papagu was very young, he thought he was a human. By the time he realized he was a starfish, it was too late.……"


By the time you reacted, it was already too late? You are really Patrick Star!

"Wait... Master? Kami? Sounds so familiar, it seems... That's right! It's the mermaid that appeared in the original novel!" Roger's mind suddenly became clear,"But they know some secrets that cannot be revealed now, should we kill them?"

Roger thought so and stared at Kami and Papagu with a dangerous look.


""Don't eat Kemi, Kemi is very obedient, Kemi will do anything!!"Kemi said in horror.

The rumors about humans in Fishman Island are terrible, such as eating small fishmen and abusing young female fishmen. These are household horror stories.

"Starfish are very unpalatable. Don't eat starfish, don't eat starfish!!"

As Kami's master and pet, Papagu's words were very insignificant. This seemed to be his special attribute. Even Rogge was not immune.

"Can you do anything?"

Rogge looked at Kami up and down. Well, what could he think of the fishmen?

But from what Kami and Papagu said, it can be known that these two guys don't know that they have discovered a secret that can kill them.

So it's not impossible to spare their lives, but if you let them go like this, it seems that there is no way to rest assured.……

"I remember that Kami seemed to be a confused person and was easy to deceive... It would be better to trick them to stay by my side for a few years, and then let them go when I am strong enough to not worry about these problems."

Rogge thought and did it, turned around and smiled and asked Kami:"Kami, do you have any dreams?"

"Dream?" Kami didn't react to Roger's sudden change of attitude, her expression was a little dazed, but she soon fell into Roger's conversation,"Yes, I want to be an excellent fashion designer!"

Papagu is the designer and president of the Fishman Island fashion brand company"Prisoner Brand". Maybe it was influenced by it that Kami had this idea. After all, in the end, Kami worked as a waiter and did not continue to work hard on fashion design.

"How about you follow me? I will introduce you to the best fashion designers and use the best design materials."

Ask what is the most attractive condition for people to join the pirate world?

The answer is: help him realize his dream! ps: The last chapter of today... I'm going to write another book

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