"It was only a few years since Luo Jie and I went to sea. During that time, we encountered a tsunami. We were all separated by this natural disaster. Some people were lucky enough to drift on the sea and reach land in a few days, but some people were unlucky and could only stay in the water and wait for death. I was one of the unlucky ones."

Roger guessed that the lucky one should be Luo Jie.

"Without fresh water, food, and my strength not as strong as it is now, I can only drift in the boundless ocean, waiting to die of thirst, starvation, or be swallowed by a passing big fish to quench its hunger. Hahahaha, it's funny to think about it now, a starving person may save a starving fish."

Rogge didn't say anything, just listened to Rayleigh's story quietly.

"Just like that, I don’t know how long it took, I lost consciousness and passed out. When I thought everything was over, I felt my body being dragged by something. I thought it was a big fish or a sea king that wanted to eat me, but guess what? The fish that I thought was going to eat me actually spoke human language! Hahahaha……"Rayleigh laughed as if he had thought of something funny.

"Do you know what it said? He said, don't die, Princess Otohime said that as long as we treat humans sincerely, humans will treat us sincerely. You are my first experimental subject. When I save you, you must repay me. Don't hurt me. Our boss Tiger is very powerful. If you let him know that you are ungrateful, you will be dead! Hahahaha... He was still a child at that time, and he said this viciously. Don't mention how funny it was."

After laughing, it seemed that everything would turn into the opposite extreme, and Rayleigh's eyes dimmed again. He said in a low voice:"But this innocence was maintained in his childhood. He also tried to rescue other humans later, but most of them did not thank him. Some were only afraid and hurt. In the end, Princess Otohime died, and he chose to believe Tiger and Arlong. From then on, he became a fish-man pirate."

"That's why I don't seek revenge on you, because it is your navy's innate duty to catch pirates, and it is also our pirates' innate duty to fight against the navy. But this doesn't mean that Xiaoba's death was in vain, I still hate you in my heart, hahahaha……"

Rayleigh laughed when he said this, but his disgust for Rogge was real.

"Huh? Why is it snowing all of a sudden?!!"Rayleigh said in surprise as he caught the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Rayleigh."After listening to the story for so long, Roger finally spoke up.

"What's wrong?" Rayleigh asked in confusion.

"I was originally looking for you to coat the film, but I forgot that I killed a very important friend of yours, so I'm sorry to bother you without thinking."

Rogge stood up, took out his ship from the space, sat on it, and didn't give Rayleigh a seat.

"And since you said so, I won't force you to help my enemy with the coating, but there is one thing you need to remind Xia Qi of."

At this point, the snow on the island started to fall even harder, and the momentum seemed to bury the entire island.

"There are some people he cannot touch or threaten, or the consequences will be……"

Secret. Avalanche!

At some point in the sky, snow piled up into a mountain, and it fell with the sound of Rogge. Waves of rolling and rushing sounds rushed down with gravity. Ten minutes later... the island that was originally lush with trees was completely buried in snow, and a new snow island was born.

"Goodbye, Rayleigh."Rogge's cold voice came from the boat and reached Rayleigh's ears on the island, and then he drove the boat away.

Rogge actually considered taking Rayleigh down here, after all, the bounty of 30 to 40 billion was a great temptation for Rogge.

But considering Xia Qi's situation, and the fact that Rayleigh seemed to have some strength left, he might not be able to stay if he really ran away, so Rogge gave up this plan.

"Maybe this old guy said he wanted to fight me in one move because he was worried about this. Humph, what an old fox."

Rogge smiled faintly, and then gradually disappeared from Rayleigh's sight.

Three days later... Rayleigh returned to Island No. 13 in Shampoo Land.


The doorbell rang, and Xia Qi glanced over subconsciously.

"I thought you were dead outside." Xia Qi said calmly, her eyes showing a hint of worry.

"Hahahaha, it was just a little bit short. This navy guy is really amazing. He defeated me with a shock wave, and then an avalanche from the sky buried the entire island."

Rayleigh smiled and walked into the counter, picked up a bottle of wine, opened it and drank it.

Xia Qi was shocked by the fact that Rogge defeated Rayleigh, and forgot about keeping accounts.

""You were defeated by him?" Xia Qi looked at Rayleigh in surprise and asked.

Gulp gulp~

Rayleigh drank the wine as fast as ordinary people drink water, and seemed to swallow it whole, not caring at all that he would not be able to taste the wine.

"Yes, I was defeated. Rayleigh said with a very happy look.

"Take it here!" Seeing that Rayleigh didn't care, Xia Qi snatched the wine from Rayleigh and said,"Have you paid? You just drink it?""

"Don't be so stingy, Xia Qi, if you don't give me a drink, I'll have to sell myself again."Rayleigh said with a smile

"Humph! You've already lost to that guy, and you still want to drink?!"Xia Qi said dissatisfiedly

"Hey, the waves behind push the waves ahead. We are old and can no longer participate in these disputes."Rayleigh laughed.

"Dispute? You won't avenge Xiao Ba? Or are you really too old to be heartless?" Xia Qi said angrily.

After Xiao Ba followed Tiger, he had frequent exchanges with Rayleigh and Xia Qi, but later Tiger died and followed A Long to the East.���The contact was lost.

"Xia Qi, look at it more positively. Even if pirates are not killed by the navy, they will be killed by other pirates. This is the awareness that every pirate should have. Rayleigh advised

""But! He obviously didn't have to kill Xiaoba! He could have captured Xiaoba and pushed him into the city. Isn't that what the navy should do?" Xia Qi roared.

Rayleigh was silent for a while, then laughed and said,"As a pirate, don't you think it's funny to restrict the navy from being kind to pirates? Xia Qi."

Xia Qi didn't say anything, just smoked silently

"There are always conflicts on the sea. Today, one person dies or another dies. Pirates have the freedom to avenge their companions, but we have retired. We should just be civilians. Besides... I, an old man, can't beat this enemy anymore."

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