Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 64: return (top)

Three days later, Barrett and his party successfully left the foggy forest and arrived at the castle of the foggy castle.

During this period of time, the trip was generally smooth, and nothing special happened. Although there have been several battles, for this team, they are all just a small fight.

Barrett and the others also encountered a group of frost spiders that the "Handsome Jack" team had encountered, about fifteen. It was an encounter that started and ended quickly. The spider killed nine of its companions and retreated to the depths of the jungle. Among Barrett's group, only the dwarf was cut on his shoulder by the sharp legs of the frost spider. This battle can be regarded as a small revenge for what happened to the 'Handsome Jack' team.

The dwarf was injured as a consequence of an unforeseen accident.

At that time, Barrett had just cut down one of the frost spiders that came forward, and he was in a hurry to parry the sneak attack of the other frost spider. This ice-blue spider stabbed Barritt alternately with its two sharp-blade-like front legs. Its movements were agile and swift, somewhat like the fighting style of a half-elf.

But Barrett was still in the gap between the parry, and he slashed at the joint of one of the front legs of the frost spider with a sword. The front leg snapped off at the sound, and the broken part flew out at a very fast speed, and happened to hit the dwarf who was in a stealth state.

Fortunately, after being blocked by the leather armor, the wound on the dwarf's shoulder was not too big, only a shallow one like a thin line, with a little blood oozing out. But the dwarf Mapra had a black face all the time on the way, and seemed to be very depressed about this way of injury.

This is no wonder Barrett, although he still has extra energy to pay attention to other people in the battle, but he really has no way to notice the dwarf in the invisible state. Accidentally, it also indirectly shows that stealth is still more afraid of chaos.

In addition, there are some strange little things. One of the most special is that they found a chicken in the foggy forest, yes, that's right, an ordinary hen that can't be ordinary.

When Barrett found it, the hen was digging something with her paws at the root of a fir tree. It sometimes lowered its head to peck, sometimes looked up and looked around. The head of the chicken was little by little, and it was no different from those domestic hens.

This scene is very common, but in the big environment of the foggy forest, it looks extra absurd.

Barrett guessed that this hen should have been brought in by a team of adventurers who had just entered the foggy forest (otherwise it would not have survived until now), and then for some unknown reason, maybe there was an accident, maybe there was a battle , or simply forgetting. In short, the chicken escaped from its owner and became a free radical, no, a free chicken.

Walking alone in the foggy forest is undoubtedly a very dangerous and reckless move. Even Barret can't survive alone in the forest, let alone a free chicken.

So, Barrett and the others freed this free chicken from worrying about it all day. They let mushrooms and turnips accompany it, comfort it with warm flames and sweet water, embrace it with themselves, and never be alone again.

Old Will also chanted the classic saying of the first king of the Griffon Kingdom, Ogusger I, "I hope that all my people can eat at least one pot of stewed chicken every week!"

The ogre said that this must be a good king, at least its former patriarch never said that he could eat chicken at least once a week. It can only eat crickets, beetles, and frogs. Frog is good, but still not as good as chicken.

In the chaotic period after the fall of the Magic Empire, the region of the Griffin Kingdom was full of various countries, countless cities became their own kings, and strange people appeared. The miscellaneous kings fought endlessly, and the people were miserable.

The Augsger family stood out among many Chinese kings because of their status as "beast trainers" who kept beasts in captivity for mages, and this classic saying resounded throughout the continent, and slowly ended the chaos in the western part of the continent. situation.

A few slices of rye bread, plus a spoonful of stewed rotten chicken and beans, this is the life that people most yearn for in the chaotic period.

In today's era, although this goal is extremely easy to achieve, there are still many people in slums who live a life without a meal. However, the entire continent is still relatively calm. Although there are constant small frictions, there has been no war for a long time.


Under the walls of the Mist Castle.

Barrett beckoned to the patrolmen of the Golden Clover Knights on the city wall, and the small door called "Toe Crack" was opened from the inside, revealing a dim passage.

Barrett walked in first, followed by the others. At this time, it is not the regular opening time of the small door every day, so the doors on both sides of the passage will not be opened at the same time. When the small door behind him was closed again, the entire passage was pitch-black.

But Barrett has walked here countless times, so even if there is no light, he can walk through it with ease. Moreover, the entire passage is not long, and the width is quite narrow. People in it only need to touch the wall and walk forward to reach another small door.

Although the barbarian is very adaptable, the other members of the team are not. Old Will took out a copper coin, cast light on it, and lifted it up. The copper coins emitted a bright and soft light, reflecting the figures of several people on the walls of the passage, like monsters with claws and claws.

"It's really too dark here, even darker than the night in the foggy forest! The people of the fog castle should at least put a few stones with constant brightness here." Old Will suggested, "This kind of small magic needs The magic power is very small, even if it is a constant spell, its value is not too high, and it can be used for several years after charging a magic, which is very convenient."

"It used to be. You can look at the diamond-shaped grooves left on the walls on both sides, where there used to be enchanted, glowing diamond-shaped iron blocks." Barrett explained for the Mist Castle, "but No matter how many times they are inlaid, these diamond-shaped iron blocks will be chiseled and taken away by some adventurers who are not very clean."

But then again, most of the adventurers have bad hands and feet, not to mention the adventurers who come out of a messy place like the Bay of Pigs. Even Barrett has done some shameful deeds within his own bottom line when he was poor.

"I see." Old Will nodded and said nothing.

Of course, the torch is even more unacceptable. The passage is too narrow, and it is semi-closed, and the air inside is not enough to support the torch to burn for a long time.

Walking to the door of the other door, Barret raised his hand and knocked on the door. After three heartbeats, the door was opened, revealing two people holding spears, wearing chain armor and wearing griffon helmets on their heads. 's guard.

The knight guard of the Golden Clover Knights glanced at Barrett through the helmet, and then gave up the position of the door for Barrett and others to pass through.

Walking out of the small door, a large area of ​​colorful tents and dilapidated wooden houses came into view of Barrett in the distance. Bay of Pigs, every time he sees it as he comes out of the wicket, it gives Barrett a visceral joy and relief.

Barbarian let out a long sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Old Will and the others behind him, and said in a pretended plain tone, "We're back."

Everyone in the "Dirty Novel" smiled at the barbarian, including the dwarf who had a dark face all the way.

"Thank you for your help." Old Will said sincerely, "otherwise, this adventure will not be so smooth. If it's just a few of us, let alone complete the task, maybe we won't even be able to survive."

This is not an exaggeration. The foggy forest is a strange and unpredictable Many dangers are hidden in inadvertent places. If people who do not understand it rashly enter, there is no possibility of them coming out.

Throughout the adventure, Barrett does a lot of unseen work, cutting down a blade of grass, piercing a flower, dodging a tree, turning around and taking a detour, and so on. These seemingly random actions have actually eliminated many undetectable dangers.

Many actions Barrett didn't explain why he did it. He didn't want to use it to repeatedly show his role, but as an elite team of adventurers, the members of the "Dirty Novel" could see it.

"This is what I should do." Barrett lowered his head and stroked his chest. "Not to mention, I also received a lot of money."

Old Will patted his head, "By the way, about the reward, it's today..."

"Tomorrow." Barrett said, feeling a little tired, and he believed that the same was true of the people in the "dirty novels".

"Then tomorrow morning, at the tavern called 'Fortune, Fortune', let's discuss the follow-up." Old Will suggested.

"Listen to you, Master Mage." Barrett replied, "Then, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Old Will led the half-elf and others towards the main gate of the Mist Castle. Barrett forgot that Old Will could enter the Mist Castle with his identity as a fourth-level mage. He heard that there are also taverns, inns, blacksmith shops, tailor shops in the fortress, like a small militarized village, but he never entered.

Barrett watched Old Will and the others gradually walk away, reached out and touched the 'Iron Bride' around his waist, got up and walked towards that dirty, messy, yet intimate place.


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