Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 63: Rewards (below)

【Task log activated successfully】

【you can......】

Anyway, after activation it used honorifics, thought Barrett. This allows Barrett to deceive himself into thinking of it as a personal servant rather than something threatening.

[You can open or close the mission log by reciting "Io (L in your heart. You can, and can only undertake, or indirectly undertake quests through the quest boards of the Adventurer's Guild and the Magic Association, and any verbal or private quests will not be registered. 】

[The current task log system is still very basic, with only five task slots, which means that you can only undertake five tasks at the same time. After the task is undertaken, when the subjective desire does not want or cannot complete the task, the task can be deleted. 】

delete? It's a good word, and it seems tactful, but adventurers are more willing to use "give up". The barbarian thought. It's nothing new that you can't finish a mission, but you will lose some mission deposit and prestige.

Compared with the amount of guarantee money, elite adventurers care more about prestige—civil, association, national, and various organizations. Although prestige is intangible and intangible, the effect it can play is often very huge, and sometimes even gold coins are difficult to match.

[Every time a task is deleted, the slot corresponding to the task will be locked, and it can be reopened to undertake new tasks after three days (main material plane), please pay attention! 】

[The "Task Log" system has its own "Identification" function, but because it takes a long time to find a large amount of data and materials, and you need to communicate with the identified items through physical and mental locking, so You have to continue to use the original crude method, please understand. 】

[The soul energy rewarded when the task is completed, you can use it to upgrade the "task log" system (yellow), or you can improve your own strength (purple). When the soul energy is full of purple stripes, the system will randomly assign three skills for you to choose from. If you are not satisfied with the randomly assigned skills, you can use them at the same time in the next upgrade. 】

Barrett saw that at the bottom of the parchment, there were special stripes of two colors, one yellow and one purple, wrapped with ivy on the surface. The right end is printed with the words [0/100]. I think the yellow stripes should represent the so-called "system upgrade", while the purple stripes represent the "distribution skills".

The numbers on the two stripes are all zero. It seems that the 100 soul energy obtained before has been activated by this inexplicable thing. Barrett doesn't have any special thoughts on this, anyway, the reward is also attached to the gold coins, which is optional for him.

What made Barrett a little concerned was the inexplicable sense of incompatibility that the words and sentences on the parchment brought him during the narrative process.

What does that feel like? Barrett lay on the thick wool blanket thinking wildly.

There was a rustling sound in the sky overhead. The sound came from a height of tens of meters, as if something flew past the tops of the fir trees.

But this did not arouse Barrett's vigilance, because this kind of sound often appears, and the veteran in the foggy forest can distinguish which may be dangerous from those strange sounds and fluorescence, and which are just the unconscious murmur of the forest .

I heard that at the top of the fir treetops, where the fog diffuses, there is another special world. That world is more magnificent than this one. The creatures living in it will be like fish jumping out of the water, freely traversing in the hazy sea of ​​fog and bright sunshine. It should be a good experience if you think about it.

If I were a bird, a raven or a chickadee, or even a dead bird, I could do it, Barrett rolled over.

Or maybe a mage...

If I am a mage and have a mage tower of my own, then I must place four tall and terrifying golems at the entrance under the tower, twice as many as those at the entrance of the branch of the Magic Association.

Barrett has been particularly interested in the kind of iron that can move since he was a child (in fact, most golems are not iron), whether it is the roaring magic furnace on the golem's chest or the crystal eyes shining with scarlet rays, it will make him He was inexplicably excited as a child.

Every time Barrett's father led him to the Nord capital, he would spend a whole day looking at the golems outside the tower of the branch of the Magic Association not far from the palace.

When he was a child, Barrett's biggest wish was to have a construct golem of his own. When he told his father about this wish, his father rarely used a serious expression, "Golems are not ordinary people. Can handle it, Barrett, not even a king."

And now, this kind of thought was buried deep in his heart by Barrett, and he found that his father was right.

Golem, yes! Barrett finally thought of what that weird feeling was like, the way the words on the parchment narrated, especially the warnings from the golems outside the tower when you approached the wizard's tower in the branch of the Magic Association.

Although the golems felt stiff and cold, and the words on the parchment were polite and kind, Barrett still felt that there was an indescribable and inexplicable similarity between them.

The barbarian fell asleep just in the midst of this dazed thought.


Silent and quiet all night.

The next day, Barrett led the group of Dirty Novels on their way back. When he was on his way, he also tried to open it several times with the method provided by the "mission log", which proved to be very effective.

Whenever Barrett recited the word "Io" in his heart, the delicately mounted parchment would immediately appear in front of his eyes. The translucent form of the parchment did not obstruct the view too much, and when he focused his attention on the parchment, he could clearly see the content on the paper, and when he distracted his attention to the surrounding environment, Can observe the surrounding environment very well, after getting used to it, there is no trouble.

On the obsidian frame on the left side of the parchment, there are also five recessed hexagonal grooves, of which a sky blue crystal has been inlaid on the top groove.

When Barrett focused his attention on the crystal, the parchment showed such a passage.

[Mission "Homecoming"]

[The female bust carved from fir was returned to Doris in Moya Village, Calandon City, Griffin Kingdom. Mission reward: 50 soul energy.

——I'm here, waiting for me, in the birch forest. 】

[Equipment: When the statue is worn on the body (except in space equipment), it can increase the wearer's perception by 2. - Missing is a very mysterious thing. 】

Barrett remembered this task, the statue was still lying well inside the lining of his leather armor. The perception of 2 points does not seem to be much, but with Barrett's keen perception, he can feel that the improvement of these two points is quite obvious.

But even so, he still decided to return the statue. This is not only because, as a fellow adventurer, Barrett wants to fulfill a little wish for the adventurer who has left nostalgia, but more importantly, it always feels a little inappropriate to carry someone else's lover statue close to him.

Anyway, these tasks seem to have no time limit. As long as there is a chance or a drop in in the future, you can go to the Moya village to complete the task.

Although he said that, in fact, Barrett didn't even know where the village was, and he had never even heard of the larger city around it, the city of Calandon.

Although Barrett has been in the Griffin Kingdom for more than ten years, he has not visited many places. The places he has visited are less than one thousandth of the land area of ​​the Griffin Kingdom. He usually only goes to four places: Galano City - Taron Town - Bay of Pigs - Misty Forest, and he also counts Ogusg, the capital of the Griffin Kingdom, which he has only been to two or three times. As for other places, they just rested while on the road.

It also seems to be a good choice to take various tasks and then go to different places according to the task goals. Barrett thought to himself.


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