Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 268: mission target

As soon as the door opened, Barrett felt the presence of the target.

The guy was in a stealth state, not too far from the door, and seemed to be hiding near a tall potted fiddle-leaf banyan. Although the more precise position Barbarian is not too sure, but there is definitely nothing wrong in the general direction.

Especially after the door was opened, there was a sudden burst of strong killing intent in that spot that was nothing special to the naked eye, which made Barritt even more convinced of this.

The opponent's strength is no more than that, Barbarian thought in his heart. A seasoned assassin wouldn't make such a serious mistake - he couldn't even curb his own killing intent.

Barrett is not an assassin, but as far as he knows, when an elite assassin uses a dagger to smear the opponent's neck, it is more like cutting a piece of hot freshly baked bread with a dining knife, and there will be no emotional fluctuations. That guy seems to be far from this realm.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" the man who opened the door asked sleepily, "Did you knock on the wrong door, I don't know you. Wait, are you looking for my wife, Noviya?" The man suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked suspiciously at Barritt up and down.

"No, I'm not looking for you, or your wife, or anyone else." Barrett explained patiently, "The person I'm looking for doesn't actually belong to this room, he's an uninvited guest like me. , I want to take him away." He looked in the direction where the target was hiding, "I advise him not to do unnecessary actions, I will give him a fair chance to fight, which is good for everyone."

"Hey! What do you mean by these words, eh? What is a fair fight? Are you Noviya's old lover?" the man said angrily, "I tell you, Ajwa is not a vegetarian! You know, I have to eat meat every meal, you listen, it is every meal!" He clenched his fists and waved his two hemp-like arms incessantly, "See? This trick, and this Trick! Don't think that you can do whatever you want, I have learned to fight! Hey, what are your eyes looking at?"

The man stopped those ridiculous movements, and followed Barrett's gaze towards the Qin Yerong potted plant, but found nothing unusual, "Hey, what are you trying to do? I tell you, if you don't leave, I will punish you. You're welcome." He clenched his fists again, with the backs of his hands facing out, flat in front of his chest.

"Don't get excited, I won't do anything against you and your family. Besides, I'll go and take him away." Barrett smiled apologetically to the man in the house, and stepped back to let him go. out the door.

He could sense that the target followed his movements and silently walked out of the room, and when he was leaving, he accidentally touched the shoulder of the host.

The male host looked around subconsciously and frowned suspiciously, but still found nothing unusual. After that, he stood inside the door and shook his fist at Barrett, then slammed the door shut.

"Hey, Noviya, wife!" Barret heard the host shouting from inside the house, "Just now, a strange big guy came out of the door. He wanted to take you away, but I beat him away! You said I was harsh. Isn't it great?" The voice drifted away, and suddenly it sounded faintly in a window on the second floor, "I'm like the knight who rescued the princess from the dragon's mouth! But, Your Royal Highness, the knight wants to eat fried veal tonight. sausage……"

Barrett withdrew his attention and threw himself into the air in front of him.

The target person gradually emerged from the air. It was an ordinary zerg, no more than a barbarian's shoulder, not any different from any other zerg that Barrett had ever seen (he couldn't tell the difference between individuals of this species).

He has killed at least hundreds of such creatures, and now, he just adds 'one' to this number.

"Hmph, the adventurer who took the bounty quest? You came faster than I thought." The war lizard in front of him said indifferently. He wears the uniquely shaped long dagger around his waist, and the scales on his body reflect the rays of the rising sun.

"I'm busy, and I still have a lot of things to do, so I want to get rid of you quickly." Barrett turned around and beckoned to the target, "If you don't mind, let's go out of town to solve it? After the attention of the guards, it is quite troublesome to explain." He glanced at the war lizard and walked out of the town first.

"Are you sure you can get rid of me? Arrogant guy." The cold voice of the war lizard came from behind, "I just need to step forward and stab lightly, and those guys in the city-state will have to come over again."

"No, it's self-confidence." Barrett corrected, "In fact, my attention is now all on you, so even if it is a sneak attack, you can't hurt me. What's more, I have another helper here. staring at you."

The 'Carrot' lingered in the shadow plane beside Barret. As long as the war lizard dared to move, it would burst out of the fog carrying smoke and flames, and stomped on the war lizard's chest.

"Is that the construct crow on your shoulder?"

"No, another guy."

"Raven!" The 'Corn' on Barrett's shoulder retorted loudly, "Raven!!"

It can understand words and speak them, which is great. Barrett had tried to chat with it, as the Vindicator had said, to relieve the loneliness. But most of the time it just tilted its head, stared at those obsidian eyes, said nothing, or responded with 'corn, corn'. It does eat that thing, in fact, it can eat a lot of things besides magic spar.

Mages create creatures whose characters are as elusive as their creators.

The noise of 'Corn' attracted the attention of the pedestrians around. They looked sideways at Barrett and the War Lizard, but they didn't pay much attention. They just chatted a few words and then they were all busy with their own affairs.

There are many alien gathering places around the Muya, so most of the human residents here are not surprised by these aliens.

Out of the village, Barrett found a wheat field that had been harvested not long ago. The bird on his shoulder flew up, flapped its wings and landed in the fields, pecking at the scattered seeds like a real bird, and occasionally raised his head to look at Barrett and the War Lizard.

"Well, it's not bad here. Presumably, after nourishing with blood, next year's harvest will be better." Barrett said. He turned to look at the war lizard behind him, and took out the double sword 'Unoyun's fangs' from the space ring.

This pair of double knives obtained by accident has very good properties. Whether it's 'Double Knife Resonance', 'Hate of the Living', or 'Severe Pain Attack', they are all very good attack effects. Although it is slightly lighter for Barrett in terms of weight, he has mastered it after repeated practice and exploration. Also, the reduction in weight brings a slight increase in attack speed, which is also very useful in a duel with assassins.

"Don't you want to say something?" Barrett asked casually, waving his knives.

"I've said everything that needs to be said." The War Lizard pulled the dagger from his waist. "Maybe I should have died a few years ago, but this day is a little late. If the soul can really be reincarnated ..." he said, pausing for a moment.

"Do you want to be a human?" The barbarian moved his shoulders and raised his combat status to the highest level.

"No, I want to be a half-goat man." After the war lizard finished speaking, he charged towards Barrit with a dagger.


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