Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 267: Zachary the War Lizard (below)

The boy named 'Lane' was standing outside the kitchen with a stuffed toy in one hand and a white butter candle in the other, staring at him with piercing eyes.

Damn, what's wrong with me? Zachary the War Lizard thought to himself in annoyance. In the past, I would never have made such a fatal flaw, allowing people to approach such a close distance without being aware of it.

The key point is that the other party is still a little boy under ten years old, not those skilled thieves or assassins.

It seems that although my dagger is not rusted, the vigilance is not as good as before. He sighed, stood up from the chair, and let himself enter the stealth state.

If it was before, in order to avoid leaking the news, he would kill everyone in this house. But now, he is only going to leave here quietly.

No matter what, those people in Muya city-state will eventually catch up with them.

"You don't need to hide." The little boy walked into the kitchen. "You're taller than my father, and I'm less than your waist, so I won't do anything to you."

Zachley stopped to reveal his scaly body, and looked at the little boy curiously, "You're not afraid of me."

"Fear, doesn't solve the problem." The little boy put the candle on the dining table, the toys on the chair, and glanced at Zachley's soup bowl again.

Then he moved a short round wooden chair from the corner of the kitchen. "If you wanted to kill me and my parents, there were countless opportunities to do so before," the little boy said.

"You saw me before?" Zachley was a little surprised. Has my stealth skills also regressed?

"I didn't see it, I just felt that something was staring at me." The little boy said, "Now that I think about it, it should be you."

This little guy's perception is quite sharp, not inferior to any seasoned adventurer. In the past, children with such special talents were occasionally born in the tribe. Humans call such a child a genius, while the Lizardmen call such a child the 'Lord's Familiar'.

Zachley was also a 'Lord's Familiar' before, but he didn't feel how much their evil samurai **** took care of their people.

Immediately afterwards, Zachley saw the little boy put the small round chair in front of the kitchen counter and stood on his feet. The little boy grabbed a soup spoon on his feet and scooped himself a small bowl of cold turnip soup. Then, Zachley saw the little boy, like himself, put two slices of rye bread into the soup, and sat opposite his original position with the soup bowl in hand.

"Are you hungry?" Zachary the War Lizard asked the question.

The little boy nodded, "I'm growing." He ate the batter in the bowl with relish, "Sometimes I'll wake up hungry in the middle of the night, and then I'll get up and eat something. My name is Ryan, what's your name?"

"...Zachley." He admired the little boy's maturity and calmness.

"Aren't you going to eat?" The little boy Ryan looked at the bowl in front of Zachary. "This thing doesn't taste very good, but at least it can be eaten. Although it can't last long, it's better than being hungry."

The War Lizard sat back on the chair opposite the little boy, "Thank you." It's enough to have enough to eat.

"Are you a thief? Are you trying to steal something from my house?" the little boy asked curiously while eating.

"No, I won't steal anything from your house." Zachley quickly denied. Immediately afterwards, the tone of voice was a little uncertain, "Well... maybe I will steal some food. I was just a little hungry like you, and then I heard your father say to your companions on the road that your family wants to eat pancakes tonight, so just Follow him in."

"It seems to disappoint you." The little boy shrugged. "Are you a fugitive?"

Zachley was surprised at the sharpness of the little boy's mind, he took a bite of the mash and nodded.


Why be a fugitive? "I killed people, several, including one of my kind," Zachley replied.

After he said these words, he saw the little boy's body trembling slightly, but then he restrained himself calmly. Adults may not have this outstanding courage and determination. Zachley once again expressed his appreciation in his heart.

"Why do you want to kill them?"

Zachley hesitated, "Those people killed my..., wife and children years ago," he said softly. For some reason, he wanted to confide in others, even if the only audience was a child under ten years old, "Although my fellow is not of the same race as me, he understands the living habits of our samurai people. He Found our hidden clan, and led a large group of humans to surround us. Most of the clan were killed, and the rest were captured."

"And you escaped?"

"No, I was also caught. A human nobleman saw that I could sneak, and I was good at martial arts, so he used a net to capture me alive." Zachley recalled, "And then, the nobleman wanted to ask the mage to help me..." He didn't know how to explain to a child, "Help me improve my intelligence and correct some habit problems." Zachley found a suitable way of saying, "But in the end, the mage didn't pay me back. To that human noble, I don't know why, and I don't want to know."

"Oh." The little boy looked puzzled, and he didn't seem to understand much. Even if he lives around the city-state of Muya, at his age, he still can't get in touch with these things. "Do you hate those people?" The little boy asked casually again, "The person who killed your wife, the child, the person who arrested you, and the mage." He glanced at the doll on the chair beside him.

hate it? Zachley frowned, a little confused. He remembered that his former spouse liked to eat human livers the most, and his offspring hatched in eggs knew that they wanted meat every day in addition to fighting.

Although the life in these tribes has only lasted seven or eight years, when I recall it, it seems to be a previous life. Zachley had even forgotten what the mate looked like, and she didn't even have a clear impression of the one he killed.

His union with her is only for reproduction, or in other words, all the activities of the entire tribe are for this sole purpose.

hate it? The War Lizard really hoped that he could give an affirmative answer, but the answer couldn't be said. He didn't think much about it at the time, just walked over silently. The fellow wanted to say hello, but his dagger cut the guy's throat directly.

Zachley has always thought that his purpose in doing is to avenge his dead spouse and descendants, but after so many years, he rarely thinks of them, and has never mourned their deaths.

"I don't know," Zachley murmured. "I just wanted to do it." Like your father's childish behavior. I also like to resist, or give up something.

"I just feel that those people who killed my...wife and children, no matter what their purpose was before, I should kill them, isn't it, right? I don't hate them, yes, I don't hate them at all. , but I should kill them, that's all," Zachley said.

"It's so profound, deeper than the love words my father told my mother," said the little boy. He ate all the mushy food in the bowl, "I'll give you the task of washing the dishes, so you may feel better. Be sure to wash it, otherwise my mother will criticize me tomorrow."

After the little boy finished speaking, he took the candle and the doll and walked up the stairs yawning.

A weird kid, Zachley smiled wryly. After he finished eating the food in his bowl, he began to pack up gently, and was going to find a corner where no one was paying attention to rest for a while.

Early the next morning, the door of the house was knocked hard. The man who was awakened complained and opened the door while asking.

Outside stood a sturdy adventurer with an odd mechanical bird on his shoulder.

"Hello, I'm here to find someone." The adventurer said to the male host, but his eyes turned to where Zackley was sneaking.


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