Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 259: completed tasks

After the arrival of the night guards in a hurry, this high-level mage with a pointed beard, who likes to be handsome but didn't say his name, turned his body into a piece of paper under the surprised eyes of everyone. The dazzling silver-white lightning bolted directly into the sky.

The thunder and lightning flashed violently a few times in the dark clouds, and then disappeared into the sky with a "swoosh".

Before the high-level mage left, he told Barrett and the night guards in the town that another mage would come to take over this matter tomorrow. The mage who takes over will check the whole town, including the residents of the town.

As for the comatose magic apprentice Xavier, he was directly hit in the head by the high-level mage with an extremely small lightning bolt, and then was carried into the dungeon by several night guards and locked up.

The high-level mage said that this young man will be in a coma for two days, or three days, maybe five days. Anyway, the mage who took over should know how to wake him up...

At this point, Barrett's mission is basically over. However, when he called out the [task log], he found that the task of [investigating suspicious neighbors] had not been shown as "completed".

It seems that he still needs to report to Old Phil, he thought to himself.

Leaving from the building that was knocked out with several holes (one window and two roofs), there were already many town residents wearing pajamas coming to join in the fun outside, and many surrounding houses also lit up. A dim candlelight.

Barrett was under the doubtful eyes of these residents, Shi Shiran walked across the street and came to the back door of Old Phil's castle again.

He raised his left hand to knock on the back door habitually, but suddenly remembered something, paused in mid-air, and then lightly knocked three times on the iron door.

After several heartbeats, Old Phil's loud voice sounded inside the door, "Who are you?"

"Ba...," Barbarian coughed, "Strong cat," he replied.

"Are there bees following you?" Old Phil asked inside the house.

"No." After Barrett finished speaking, he turned his head and looked around.

"What about the butterfly?" the voice asked again.


"Where's the nightingale?"

"No! Mantises, bed bugs, crows..., nothing, I'm alone outside." Or, a creature.

There was silence in the room for a while, and then there was the familiar sound of unlocking the door. After half a cup of tea, the tightly closed iron door was opened with a crack.

Barrett opened the door wider with his hand, and after entering sideways, he closed the door.

Inside the house, Old Phil stood where they met for the first time, still holding the blue-eyed black cat-'Hourglass' in his hand. Barrett didn't know when the psychic cat came back. He had completely forgotten about the black cat before.

At least you weren't affected by the high-level wizard who pierced through the roof like a thunderbolt, Barrett thought to himself.

"Don't forget to lock the door!" Phil Parker said, watching Barrett lock the locks and bolts one by one, before turning his head and walking towards the kitchen.

Barrett followed. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw the black cat squatting on the dining table again, looking at himself with those deep, green eyes.

"Where's the devil?" Old Phil had already made a pot of hot cactus water for Barrett and poured a full glass for him.

"I killed him," Barrett replied. He briefly explained the whole thing that happened before to Old Phil, and emphasized that there will be a mage coming to investigate tomorrow, so that the old man should not worry.

The barbarian had no idea at this time whether the old man in front of him was really mentally abnormal, or whether he was just pretending. Because the owner of the building mentioned by the old man actually colluded with the devil. And from the conversation between the magic apprentice and the little devil, it seems that this town, which is mainly engaged in winemaking, does have some problems because of some actions of the magic apprentice.

These things were all said by old Phil!

Or, this old man has this weird ability because he is not mentally normal? Barrett thought to himself.

"Where's the devil's corpse?" Old Phil asked again.

Corpse? The corpse turned into ooze and finally disappeared. Oh yes, there is still a little ooze left. Barrett took out the alchemy test tube filled with ooze from the space ring, and handed it to Old Phil, "Be careful, this thing doesn't feel very good."

"That's it? That's no better than that." Old Phil took the alchemy test tube and shook it in his hand. "Well, well done, strong cat. You hunt like a ballet at night."

"Isn't it ballroom dancing?"

"Ballroom dancing? Why do you want to dance?" Old Phil asked with a puzzled face, "I said it before? Impossible, I never said that, because that kind of dance requires two cats to dance, and here only You are the only one."

Barrett glanced at the black cat in front of him. If you want to dance, you need to take me with you. Manzi said to the black cat in his heart, no matter what, I can't do it at all...

After that, Barbarian opened the [Task Log] and found that the task was finally successfully displayed as "completed", and turned into a piece of fluorescent light, which landed on the number representing the soul energy in the lower right corner of the quaint parchment——[140 /300]

It is estimated that the next three or four tasks can be upgraded again, Barrett is thinking in his heart. If it is similar to this mission, only one and a half are needed. But this kind of task that empowers a lot of souls, no matter how simple it may seem, seems quite dangerous when done.

"Here, your reward!" Old Phil put a dinner plate in front of Barrett, which contained two golden squid tentacles.

Each tentacle is as long as an ordinary eggplant, fried in flour, and slathered with diced onion and hot sauce, giving off a tantalizing aroma as the heat rises. The tentacles are also cut with multiple cuts to ensure better frying and flavor.

"I didn't expect your cooking skills to be pretty good." Barrett picked up the knife and fork, and ate. Well, the taste is really good, and after the previous infiltration and battle, he is indeed a little hungry.

"No, these are actually made for you by 'Hourglass'." Old Phil patted the black cat on the dining table, "Seeing that the situation in the house has stabilized, he came back first and made these two fried squid for you. tentacles."

"Thank you." Barrett looked up and said to the black cat, he was used to this kind of conversation.

Immediately afterwards, Old Phil unscrewed the alchemy test tube in his hand, and poured the uncomfortable pool of ooze into a porcelain and this is yours. "He put the porcelain bowl in front of the black cat.

"Hey, this thing is..." Barret hurriedly stopped, but just halfway through his words, the black cat ate happily. In just a moment of stupefaction, the strange ooze in the porcelain bowl was eaten up by the black cat.

The barbarian stared at the black cat dumbfounded, and didn't speak for a long time.


After night, dawn comes.

Barrett, who rested until noon at Old Phil's castle, said goodbye to the old man, and then walked towards his nephew, Steven Pike's shop. He had another reward that he did not receive-gold coins.

Although Steven Pike is old Phil's nephew, he should be around sixty or seventy years old. Age spots have covered his arms and cheeks, and he looks much older than old Phil.

When Barrett arrived, some of the clerks around Steven Pike were talking and seemed a little busy. After the barbarian explained his purpose, Steven simply understood a few words, and then generously paid Barrett the mission gold coins.

The barbarian received the gold coins into the space ring, and was about to leave the town and return to the city-state of Muya. But before he left, he still curiously asked Steven about the weird black cat.

At the time, Steven Peck replied.

"Black cat? What black cat?" He looked at Barrett with a strange expression. "I go to my uncle's place every month to give him some living supplies. I can say with certainty that Uncle Phil has never Have any cat."


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