Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 258: Uncovered History 1 Corner

The condensed Mage turned his back to Barret, and the tiny and shiny Razer continued to appear on the silver robe, hitting the ground, walls, and air from time to time, as if the Mage was The incarnation of thunder and lightning is general.

Then, this situation continued for a long time...

Yes, the other party really carried thunder and lightning like this, standing motionless for a long time. And Barrett was a little unpredictable about the current situation. He didn't know whether the mage was still fighting against the evil will of the devil duke, so he didn't dare to disturb it.

Until a hair-like little Razer bounced off the mage's body too high, and was attracted by the weapon in Barrett's hand, turned his head and "bite" on the tip of the 'Tyrical Touch', and transmitted it along the blade. to Barrett's palm.

The pain and numbness caused the barbarian to cry out involuntarily, "Ahh!" He jumped up from the ground clutching his palms.

After the mage turned around and saw Barrett's situation, all the small thunder and lightning around him were restrained in an instant, and he returned to the appearance of an ordinary human being.

The mage looked quite young, with a small pointed beard on his chin, which made him look a little flamboyant. He doesn't look much older than the magic apprentices on the ground, but Barrett knows that the appearance of the mages is actually not very related to their age.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" He walked up to Barrett and asked apologetically, "Are you seriously injured?"

Barrett looked at his left hand and found a deep red in the shape of a tree vein on the palm of his hand. He tentatively moved a few times, and found that the feeling of paralysis gradually subsided, but the feeling of pain was getting stronger and stronger.

"'s fine." The barbarian said against his will.

It's not like it's all right, but what else can I say? The other party is a high-level mage, and he has never dealt with a high-level mage. Coupled with the opponent's unparalleled way of appearing, the barbarian was subconsciously a little cautious.

The mage pulled Manzi's left hand in front of him, "Hey, boy, is your body's magic resistance good?" He said happily, "After choosing the elemental incarnation, although the effects of the other spells I have released are basically folded in half, but It has a great bonus in terms of lightning." He said proudly, "Even if it is a trace of dissipated energy, if it hits an ordinary person, it is likely to turn the entire palm or even the arm into a piece of coke."

I am also a normal person! If it weren't for the bonuses of a few pieces of equipment and skills, my hand would have become coke!

"This is for you." The high-level mage put a bottle of lavender potion on the palm of Manzi's palm, "Drink it directly, and by dawn, your palm should be almost fine."

The heavy bottle of potion in the palm of his hand made the vein-like scar even more painful. Barrit hurriedly picked up the potion with his right hand, "This is..."

"Healing potion, specially made by me, has a miraculous effect on the healing of lightning damage." The mage said triumphantly.

Do you often hurt others unconsciously like this? Barrett muttered to himself. He unscrewed the cork and drank all the medicine with a "dong dong dong".

The potion tasted like the juice of a rotten, moldy apple with a pinch of salt and pepper.

This strange and special smell alone has relieved the pain in Barrett's palm a lot - his brain has no longer cared about the pain.

"Cough," he grinned and coughed twice, asking the question he had always wanted to ask just now, "Excuse me, Your Excellency Mage, how is that Devil Duke Alother?"

"Is that Alother? No wonder it feels so familiar. In fact, if it wasn't for that guy's evil aura being too strong and alarming the Magic Association's alarm, I wouldn't have come here." The mage said while touching his chin.

"Don't worry, I already injured it when I fell, and then the guy left directly, or it's more appropriate to call it 'escape'." The high-level mage raised his eyebrows proudly, "After all, this is the master The material plane, it is quite stupid to invade its own consciousness through the magic circle. However, for a devil duke like Aroth, it is only some minor injuries that are not serious, just like your palm Same. Um..., maybe a little bit worse than your palm, but it'll take a few days to fully recover."

"Then you have been standing on the magic circle since then..." Barrett was a little puzzled.

"Hey, Nords, don't you feel that I looked very handsome just now?" The mage said dignifiedly, "I chose thunder and lightning as the incarnation of the element, just for the current situation."

With such words, thunder and lightning instantly filled the eyes of the high-level mage. Barrett took a step back subconsciously, and the thunderbolt disappeared again.

"Sorry." The mage smiled, "In fact, I used to be better at water element magic. And, you know, the area of ​​the ocean is much larger than our land, if I choose the incarnation of the water element, almost in the ocean It can be said to be invincible. But..." The high-level mage pouted, "When the water element incarnation is flying, it is not as fast as lightning, and the way of appearance is much worse. How can I say that every time I appear, It can't be wrapped in a large raging flood."

"..." Are you handsome? Barrett was silent. But he was relieved in a second. Mage, this is normal.

Nine out of ten mages are more or less insane. The one who is not crazy, you have to be extra careful, because he may do something appalling with a calm face.

Taking this opportunity, Barrett repeated what he had heard from the window to the high-level mage in front of him without any speculation.

"Oh, plan..." The high-level mage looked calmly at the unconscious magic apprentice on the ground, "The devil's plan, most of the time, is actually to get more souls. In fact, such a thing does not Not uncommon, and it happens every day. It just varies.”

"Every day? Are you sure?" Barrett was a little surprised. He had not heard many tragedies related to the devil, but it was only a few years together.

"Yes." The mage nodded, "but most of the plans were killed by the association in the early and middle stages of implementation. To be honest, these devils have been quite active for nearly a hundred years."

Barrett felt like he had heard similar words more than once.

"You know, in the past, the souls of people after death, the good will enter the upper planes, and the evil will be assigned to the lower planes like Baator. This is the 'primitive agreement', or also It is called the content stipulated in the 'Covenant of the Beginning'. Even now, when people curse each other, sometimes they will curse each other 'go to hell'!" The high-level mage said, "However, after the 'Battle of Faith', the 'primitive' The content of the agreement' was rewritten, don't ask me how to rewrite it, how to do it, in fact I don't know, after all, I was not born at that time."

"and then?"

"Then a large part of the souls that were originally going to enter the upper or lower planes were trapped in our main material plane and dissipated directly into the space to reinforce the crystal wall, or to play other roles. I don't really know much about it, because I don't care about these things at all."

The high-level mage spread his hands and said, "Some of my colleagues like to bury themselves in ancient scrolls and study those unknown histories and mysteries, but I am not one of them. I prefer to fight and let the world Seeing my heroic and handsome figure. I'm only three hundred and sixty years old, and after choosing the elemental incarnation, if there is no accident, I will be immortal." The high-level mage said showing off.

Barrett was slightly but that was all.

"Since then, the devils have obtained a lot less souls from the 'agreement' than before. They can only use other methods to try their best to tempt and persuade them to obtain more souls." The high-level mage explained, "However, It is also much more difficult for them to respond to the call of our main material plane than before. Even if the little devil like you said, if ordinary people want to call, they need a lot of sacrifices to do it, magic apprentice No exception. Of course, if the 'Key of Hell' is used, the sacrifice required will be greatly reduced."

He didn't say what would happen if he was a full-fledged mage, and Barrett wisely didn't ask, "But the devils need souls, don't they?" The barbarian changed his question.

"Need? We can actually use another word to describe it-desire, which would be more appropriate." The mage said with a smile, "So, the devils have used many methods to put a lot of money in the main material plane. Something called the 'Key of Hell' to enhance the communication between ordinary people and hell."

"Those 'keys of hell' belong to different lords of the Nine Hells, Dukes of the Devil, or other generals. Most of the 'keys of hell' look different, some are scrolls, some are bones, and some are horns." The key to hell' is basically difficult to destroy, of course, this is for ordinary people." This high-level mage who likes to show off raised his head proudly.

Barritt turned to look at the long curved horn on the magic formation, and found that the curved horn that he had cut two swords at had turned into a dark cloud of unknown powder.


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