Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 255: suspicious neighbor (below)

The next day in the middle of the night, before the time of the wolf (10:00-00:00 pm), Barrett the 'Strong Cat', carrying the blue-eyed black cat 'Hourglass', started their journey of investigating the 'suspicious neighbor' again.

After the barbarian reported the situation in the building on the right to Old Phil, the thin old man was silent for a long time, and then said an inexplicable sentence, "Hmph, it turns out that not only the wings of the butterfly can cover my eyes, Even the feathered snake has this ability."

Hey, don't you listen with your ears? Why are you pulling your eyes again?

Although Barrett didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, he still understood what the old man said later, "Your work is half done, cat. Now, only the Isa in front of you is left. The house where Xavier lives, grandson of K. After the investigation, I will reward you with fried squid tentacles, and I will reward you with two!"

"Then, what about the gold coins after the task is completed?" Barbarian asked tentatively at the time.

"Go to Steven and ask for it."

It doesn't matter who you ask for it, as long as you don't use the pan-fried squid tentacles to deny it.

The building in front was a little far from Old Phil's castle, and there was a street in the middle that could parallel two carriages. It would be unwise to climb over with a rope from the air, so Barrett prepared to approach from the ground.

He used the magic rope to descend from the watchtower in Old Phil's attic (the eccentric old man did not allow him to open the back door), but unfortunately fell directly into the thorns. The barbarian who had no choice could only rely on the three layers of cooked cowhide leather armor, which was relatively strong (compared to the thorns of thorns), and directly pierced through the thorns.

The black cat stood on his shoulders, licking his front paws lightly, looking quite calm.

After coming out of the thorns, the 'hourglass' rushed to the center of the street according to Barrett's instructions, and looked left and right, then it meowed softly at the barbarian, and strolled to the other side of the street.

Immediately afterwards, Barrett looked to both sides with his head, and tumbled one by one, following the black cat in the moonlight, leaping lightly across this dangerous street. He quickly hid in the shadow of the building, then listened intently to the sounds around him.

Fortunately, no one seems to have found it. The barbarian heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He has been a robber, but he has never been a thief, so he is a little uncomfortable with the current situation.

During this period, Barrett also saw several black shadows flying at high speed in the sky. Judging from the size and wings, it seemed to be a group of griffins, but he didn't know whether there were riders on the griffins.

After approaching Xavier's residence, Barrett threw the magic rope to the roof and climbed up quietly. His movements were quick and gentle, and the whole process didn't make a single sound.

After reaching the roof, Barrett followed the old pattern, found a suitable position, fastened the rope firmly, and swung down the rope, ready to look in through the window.

However, it was a pity that the curtains in Xavier's master bedroom were tightly drawn, leaving only a narrow gap from the far right side of the window.

Barrett peered in along the only remaining gap. Because of the problem of light, the bedroom is quite dark, and many furnishings are not very real. However, he still found a young man who seemed to be sleeping soundly from the wooden double bed.

If nothing else, this guy should be Xavier.

The barbarian tried his best to widen his eyes, but he still didn't find anything suspicious. This young man has a good habit of blocking the curtains when he sleeps, which undoubtedly caused a great problem for our barbarian adventurer.

It seems that there is no other way. If you can't do it, you can just make up a reason to prevaricate it, Barrett thought to himself.

Just as he was hanging in the air, thinking about what reason he could use to deceive the sometimes shrewd and sometimes confused old man, the pendulum clock next to the young man's wardrobe suddenly rang.

The hammer of the pendulum clock seemed to be covered with a thick cloth, and the sound it made was rather obscure and low, but the young man on the bed still followed the sound and sat up straight from the bed.

Barritt hurriedly hid his figure behind the wall. After calming down a little, he turned his head slightly, continued to use the gap, and looked inward cautiously.

After the young man sat up, he slowly got out of bed and stood on the ground looking at the pendulum clock without moving for a long time.

Are you sleepwalking? Barrett could vaguely see that the other party's eyes were open, but this did not confirm that the other party was not sleepwalking. Because he had encountered a team member who had the habit of sleepwalking with his eyes open when he was on an adventure in the foggy forest before. If you don't identify carefully, you can't tell whether the guy is awake or sleepwalking.

The team member suddenly got up one night and said vaguely "go to pee" with the person on duty, then disappeared into the fog and never came back...

After an unknown amount of time, Barret faintly heard the young man lower his head and sigh softly, UU reading www. Then he raised his head again as if he had made up his mind.

At this moment, the young man suddenly frowned and turned his head to look in the direction of the window.

When Barrett was just wrinkled, he hid his figure behind the wall again in time. He heard the footsteps of the young man getting closer and closer, as if coming towards the window. The barbarian hurriedly pressed his body against the wall like a gecko, and silently prayed for the other party not to find him.

The young man walked to the center of the window, suddenly pulled the curtains from the middle to both sides, and glanced out of the window suspiciously. Just as he subconsciously turned his head. When I was about to look to both sides of the window, the 'hourglass' on the roof suddenly meowed.

The young man suspected of Xavier looked up at the roof, cursed again, and pulled the curtains tight again.

Barrett had calmed down at this time, and habitually put his left hand on the 'touch of tyranny', and he also planned to break through the window once he was discovered. After he was about to enter, he knocked the young man unconscious, and then fled in a random direction.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

The young man's footsteps came out of the bedroom, into the corridor, and spread in another direction. It was followed by the sound of the door being opened, and he seemed to have entered another room.

In the middle of the night, what is this guy doing? Do you still have the habit of sleeping in different rooms in the first and second nights? Barrett's heart was full of doubts, and found that the young man's behavior seemed really suspicious.

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